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Summary Of The Last Two Days

Taka Nuvia


Yesterday I saw The Legend Reborn.

It was totally awesome! :happydance:

I loved the idea behind, Mata Nui was awsum, and Kiina-Berix was something I never thought of, it was plain cute.

I nearly cried three times (and my bro wanted me to state that here ^_^)


Today I had the maths test/exam (call it however you want to)

I did well, I think... well, I hope so. ._.


Yeah... I guess that's it so far. ^^


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I've heard mixed reviews, but I guess considering it's a kid's movie, it looks pretty cool.


I bet you did just fine with those exams, and hey, if you didn't do so well--try not to get too down about it. Just study hard and try your best.

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Yay, that movie was awesome. ^_^


Kiina/Berix was good, too. =D

As for maths, such stuff can´t be worse than bad, and I bet yours turned out a whole lot better than bad (or medium, for that sake). You (and everyone else I know on BZP) give the impression of being very intelligent.


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I've heard mixed reviews, but I guess considering it's a kid's movie, it looks pretty cool.


I bet you did just fine with those exams, and hey, if you didn't do so well--try not to get too down about it. Just study hard and try your best.

Yep... but I'm actually a person who prefers kid's movies (and Star Trek, hee he). Also, I always switch into some kind of 'fangirl-mode' whenever watching a Bionicle movie, so I just can't but find it awesome ^^


I hope so, I'll get it back next week.

Yay, that movie was awesome. ^_^


Kiina/Berix was good, too. =D

As for maths, such stuff can´t be worse than bad, and I bet yours turned out a whole lot better than bad (or medium, for that sake). You (and everyone else I know on BZP) give the impression of being very intelligent.




:blink: hey, thank you.

And all I can do is give that compliment right back to you. ^^

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If you didn't do so well, I can tutor you

Have straight 'A's in Calc II


As for Legend Reborn, I thought it was pretty good myself.

Watched the other 3 just before it, as to compare them

But it just seemed to out shine them in every way

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You're watching it only now?


Where have you been lately?

She lives in Germany.


No, Austria. Not Germany, Austria. ^_^



now i know how you got to italy so fast

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