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Another Block Thrown Into The Fray

Takuma Nuva


I've just added a new content block that lists all of my video games for every platform. Hopefully if I look at this every now and then it'll convince me I already have enough games and I'll be able to save some money. :P


A couple notes: First off, these are all games that are owned by me specifically, not shared. I also own all the respective platforms/systems they're played on. As a matter of fact, there's only one game on this entire list that I didn't buy myself and that would be "The Incredibles".


You'll no doubtedly notice I have two copies of LEGO Star Wars. This is because I bought it originally for PC, but by the time I was even able to install and play the thing it was too late to return it, because, you see, the computer we had at the time didn't have the appropriate pixel shader support. So, some time later I purchased an XBox and got it for that. Now that I've got this shnazy laptop it'll work, but I have no reason to install and play it at the moment anyways.


There is one game I own that's not on this list simply because I didn't deem it worthy. It's called "Turbo Math Facts". I got it for my birthday back in '95. It's on a freakin' floppy disc for Allah's sake so shut up. :P


I do have a copy of Spider-Man 3 for PC on hand actually. It's not mine though. It's my cousin's. His computer simply can't handle it so he's just letting me keep it around until he gets a better computer.


Further more, I don't count those lousy games that came bundled with the computer. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about; all those card games and stuff. Though I do enjoy a good round of Hearts every now and then. Also, Vista sucks further for not even coming with pinball.


So, yeah. Enjoy. Start rambling on about how much money I've wasted.


<End Track>


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...I think my games list would beat yours by a mile. :P


Well hey, at least Vista looks nice. I got so sick of XP by the time I got my laptop. Maybe because my PC sucks oh so much.

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Yeah, but XP didn't have all the stupid compatibility issues nor did it suck up so much CPU power just to run the OS. I'm still infinitely mad that I can't even play my favorite game (Rayman 2) on my laptop because it runs Vista.

We just had a computer monitor fry on one of our desktops yesterday. But the computer was an ME so we decided that it'd be better off to just invest in a whole new computer. I'm currently in the process of helping get ready to set up our new "slim-tower" Windows 7. We'll see how this goes.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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You need to get:


Battlefield 2 (PC-CD/Steam).


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii).


Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii).


also SourceMods like Empires.




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Yeah, but XP didn't have all the stupid compatibility issues nor did it suck up so much CPU power just to run the OS. I'm still infinitely mad that I can't even play my favorite game (Rayman 2) on my laptop because it runs Vista.


We just had a computer monitor fry on one of our desktops yesterday. But the computer was an ME so we decided that it'd be better off to just invest in a whole new computer. I'm currently in the process of helping get ready to set up our new "slim-tower" Windows 7. We'll see how this goes.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


Eh, I just use my laptop for spriting, internet, and music, so I wouldn't know about problems like that.

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I see you have LEGO Batman for PC. Do you have a glitch where the game abruptly closes during the Batmobiel level? That always happens on mine, keeping me from getting through the level. And half of the game. >_>
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