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Another Nail In The Coffin



Another nail in the coffin of Bionicle ending next year: when was the last time the comics introduced brand new storyline after the movie within the same story year?




Theme: 2010. Oooo. Or Creed. Heehee.


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Comic 15. "You are not the first Toa."

And Comic 21. Vakama had a vision of the Visorak.


That's hardly convincing evidence; The movies are always released sometime in September or October, do you really expect the story to just stand still for three months?

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Comic 15. "You are not the first Toa."

And Comic 21. Vakama had a vision of the Visorak.


That's hardly convincing evidence; The movies are always released sometime in September or October, do you really expect the story to just stand still for three months?

Comic 5 - Glatorian clean out desert rebellions, Mata Nui travels higher north than many have ever gone, Mata Nui finds a giant maze, Mata Nui fights his way through the maze for days to get to the center, meanwhile on another planet the giant robot Makuta masters control of his body and leaps into space towards Bara Magna to kill Mata Nui.


You have a valid point, but I get the feeling that this comic was rushing the story for some reason.

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Comic 15. "You are not the first Toa."

And Comic 21. Vakama had a vision of the Visorak.


That's hardly convincing evidence; The movies are always released sometime in September or October, do you really expect the story to just stand still for three months?

Comic 5 - Glatorian clean out desert rebellions, Mata Nui travels higher north than many have ever gone, Mata Nui finds a giant maze, Mata Nui fights his way through the maze for days to get to the center, meanwhile on another planet the giant robot Makuta masters control of his body and leaps into space towards Bara Magna to kill Mata Nui.


You have a valid point, but I get the feeling that this comic was rushing the story for some reason.


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And there was the 2006 preview we got of the Piraka landing on Voya Nui at the end of 2005...

That is an epic memory.


At the time I didn't know about leaks or anything so I had no clue what was in the canister... my imagination ran wild for weeks. Oh for the days. =/




Are Creed and Mancat just friends hangin' out in people's banners, or is Creed trying to eat Mancat? Is it... A CHASE?



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In 2010, will Bionicle be replaced by Creed?



Anyway, I see your point. Usually they hint to the next year's storyline, not bury you in information. Also it seems Makuta and Mata Nui are going to fix the Shattering, and once that happens I suppose it's a good ending point for Bionicle.

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Will the world end at 10:10 AM on October 10, 2010 because Creed's Mancat ate a macadamia nut carp in my base, for experimentation's sake, Candleja

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Will the world end at 10:10 AM on October 10, 2010 because Creedx's Macat ate a macadamia nut carp in my base, for experimentation's sake, Candleja


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The '06 comics were just as rushed.


Heck, the '06 story in general was just as rushed.

Ah, but there was no movie in '06.


And there was the 2006 preview we got of the Piraka landing on Voya Nui at the end of 2005...

But the Skrall emblem maze and all that other stuff aren't previews of the 2010 storyline--they're continuations of the 2009 storyline. I believe this is the first time a year's storyline has been so far continued after the point where the movie left off.


Are Creed and Mancat just friends hangin' out in people's banners, or is Creed trying to eat Mancat? Is it... A CHASE?[/font]

Creed meme > Creed + Mancat meme




That said, Mancat does win in general. :P




Why didn't Lego go the extra mile and give Tahu pink eyes?

Why don't they do anything.


In 2010, will Bionicle be replaced by Creed?



Anyway, I see your point. Usually they hint to the next year's storyline, not bury you in information. Also it seems Makuta and Mata Nui are going to fix the Shattering, and once that happens I suppose it's a good ending point for Bionicle.

Yes, Creed is the new theme.


Will the world end at 10:10 AM on October 10, 2010 because Creed's Mancat ate a macadamia nut carp in my base, for experimentation's sake, Candleja



Will the world end at 10:10 AM on October 10, 2010 because Creedx's Macat ate a macadamia nut carp in my base, for experimentation's sake, Candleja


Seriously, you need to understand the Candlejack m


The 2012 movie is in theaters in 2010. Fail much?

It's out this year, not next.




Have you played Assassin's CREED?


(Sorry, couldn't resist. =P)

Haven't. :P BUT LOL PUN

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The last time the comics introduced brand new storyline after the movie within the same story year?


After MoL, the saga moved to Metru Nui.


After WoS, the story shifted to the Inika.

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The last time the comics introduced brand new storyline after the movie within the same story year?


After MoL, the saga moved to Metru Nui.


After WoS, the story shifted to the Inika.

Not sure how the shift to Metru Nui has to do with the 2003 comics, but you remind me of a good point-- in 2003 we got Comic 15 after Mask of Light. You might argue that the case is different here, since the new comic features relevant story rather than a mere flashback. However, keep in mind that it would make no sense for this latest comic's story to be addressed next year-- like Comic 15, it has absolutely no tie-ins with next year's sets, so waiting until 2010 to release those story tidbits would be a silly thing to do.


Also, it's worth noting another similarity between 2003 and 2009-- those were the only years where sections of the movie plot itself were a key feature of the comics. 2004 had the final battle as part of Vakama's "dream sequence", and 2005 made mention that a battle was about to happen at the Coliseum, but only 2003 depicted major movie scenes: namely, Takanuva's appearance and the descent into Mangaia on the Ussanui. Thus these years had reason for movie plot to be released in comic form before the end of the year: it had to coincide roughly with the movie's release date. The others, with their stories so detached from movie plot, did not need any "filler" after the movie's release since they had not yet reached the movie's point in the storyline and could continue along the same stretch of plot they had been treading.

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And there was the 2006 preview we got of the Piraka landing on Voya Nui at the end of 2005...

But the Skrall emblem maze and all that other stuff aren't previews of the 2010 storyline--they're continuations of the 2009 storyline. I believe this is the first time a year's storyline has been so far continued after the point where the movie left off.

Time Trap. AKA, the best BIONICLE book ever written.

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Time Trap. AKA, the best BIONICLE book ever written.

There's not enough :uh: in the world to denote how I feel.


Aside from the guide, Time Trap is my only Metru Nui book. B)

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