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Weekly Update - 11/20

Black Six



Back this week with a little bit more time to do this thing. Let's see what I can come up with.



You may or may not have noticed, but with all the staff changes recently, we decided it was time to do an overhaul of the staff forum assignments. I think things are distributed more evenly now, and every forum should have sufficient coverage. I'm hoping we don't have to do that again for a while.


So we are doing stuff, just very slowly. Bear with us.


In other news, LEGO has not made any official announcements as to what Bionicle is doing in 2010. Also, they've yet to say if or when Bionicle will be ending. So let's stop believing any half-baked rumor we hear.


Speaking of 2010, the Stars are here! We don't know exactly how the story is going to play out, but at least we can play with the toys!


Also, check out the teaser for the 2010 Bionicle.com game. Looks like it'll be fun!



1) Which Stars (if any) do you plan on getting?


2) Your transported to Bara Magna for the day, who's the first person you want to meet and why?


3) Ganon, King of Evil, Dark Samus, and Makuta Teridax merge into an unstopable monolith!!! Who stops them?


4) Chocolate cake or Vanilla?

1) I think I'll probably pick up Tahu. I'm almost kind of considering getting a whole set, because of the nostalgia - but if I did that I'd wait for a sale.

2) Mata Nui; I'd want to ask him what it was like to be on the bridge of the Enterprise.

3) All that is good? Master Chief? Dylan Hunt?

4) Chocolate, no question.


1. Ever played Dynasty Warriors?

2. if so, Master Chief or Lu Bu?

3.I have been hearing rumors that you are under attack by SPIRIT. What do you say to this?

1. No.

2. Master Chief.

3. It takes a lot more than he has to take me down.




Act II (Final)




*The storm grows larger... and gets closer...*


*Where is the weather man when we need him most...*



1. Hah! You think counter spies will help?

2. Well, I have a comeback that will stomp your comeback and out-comeback you! Do you believe this building is surounded by 150 armed men?

3. Ok... how 'bout 50?

4. 20?

5. Darth Vader with a BB gun?

6. Ok, so if you didn't kill hundreds of macadamia nuts, than who did?

7. And why is that so?




8. Do like fads?

9. Should I stop obsessing on macadamia nuts?

10. Do you find it offensive that some people make entire blog entries about you using the ":P" emoticon?

11. Halo 2 or 3?

12. Doom or Halo?

13. Halo or Doom?

14. Xbox or PS3?

15. DS or PSP?

16. Windows or Mac?

17. Vista or XP?

18. A V10 or V8 engine?

19. Manual or Automatic gearbox?

20. BMW or Mercedes?

21. Hot or cold?

22. Bacon or Sausage?

23. But where does the meat go?


(If you know what that's from, you are instantaneously awesome. :P)


24. Wait a sec... I'm supposed to be asking questions about that night 12 to 10 days ago. How'd I get so far off track?

25. Can Smeag be admin so I can take his place plzthnks? :]


*Dracula theme plays*


26. *guitar voice* Do you feel like we do-oo!?


(exeunt omnes)

1. I'm not the one tied up in the chair.

2. Yep, the soldiers I hired.

3. Uh huh.

4. Sure.

5. I know Darth Vader, he's a pacifist.

6. My guess would be Emperor Whenua.

7. So he could blame it on me.

8. If they're cool.

9. Probably.

10. They do? Why haven't I seen this?!

11. Halo: Combat Evolved.

12. Halo.

13. Halo.

14. Xbox.

15. GameBoy Color.

16. Mac.

17. OS X.

18. Inline-5 with a turbo.

19. Manual.

20. BMW.

21. Cold.

22. Bacon.

23. You can only imagine.

24. Must've been the truth serum I injected you with.

25. No and no.

26. Guitars have voices?


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Well, that was a fun mailbag, hope the rest of it was enjoyable too. Feedback is always welcome.


Recommended Comments

26. Guitars have voices?




Andrew if you are serious here then I am thoroughly somewhat mildly kinda disappointed in you



Also, I like how Lego hasn't revealed anything for Bionicle 2010. It adds to the mass hysteria and general paranoia. :evilgrin:


ALSO could you tell my local Wal-Mart that the Stars are coming? I don't think they got the memo. :(

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