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Two Places At Once!



That's right, folks, I've been hit with the classic sitcom conundrum of wanting to be two places at the same time. If anyone had a Time Turner or fast car they'd be willing to lend me, that'd be great.


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Sorry, but I let some crazy guy with weird hair borrow my only flux capacitor. Can't remember his name... Dr. Brown, I think?

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Did you know, supposedly in another world there is a group of money-crop plants called reannuals, that, if you plant it this year, it will grow last year. There are several challenges involved in doing so: for one, if you forget to sow the seeds after you harvest them, you risk disturbing the entire fabric of casuality.

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Just clone yourself!

But one event is an exam and the other is somewhere that I want to be. Unless I could give the clone my knowledge of the course or steal its memories of having been at the other event, I don't think that would solve my problem.

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1) Wear your tux underneath the school uniform

2) After doing the exam for several minutes, say you're going to the bathroom for a bit

3) Change clothes, run across town, get to the event.

4) Repeat

5) ???

6) Profit!

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1) Wear your tux underneath the school uniform

2) After doing the exam for several minutes, say you're going to the bathroom for a bit

3) Change clothes, run across town, get to the event.

4) Repeat

5) ???

6) Profit!

Two hour round trip to where I'd like to be. I think they might notice. :P

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