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So I was staying after school to do stuff and when we finished it was almost time for the "late buses" to get to the school so I went down to the stairwell by the main entrance to sit and two of my friends (well akchully one was more of a friend's friend) were playing Magic and they got into an argument about calling something and whose turn it was that lasted for like five minutes and they called a bunch of people over to ask their opinions on the matter so finally I got up and I was like "WHY SO SERIOUS?" and left.


It felt good. :3


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Really? THAT's the line you used. Tsk. Tsk. They were playing Magic!


"How about a magic trick. I'm going to make this pencil disappear."


Then you take a pencil and... well, you've seen the movie. :evilgrin:

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"How about a magic trick. I'm going to make this pencil disappear."

I may not know the movie significance, but I prefer a trick where you say "I can throw this pencil and it will magically come back to my hand!" Then you throw the pencil upward and catch it. Magic!

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