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What I Hate...



What I hate...


-Anyone who thinks "The Walmart" is a cool place to hang out.

-Anyone who thinks they're better than everyone else.

-That feeling in your throat like you're going to puke.

-Girls who just don't and will never understand.

-Girls with a face that makes your heart melt away.

-Not wanting to go to bed because you really don't want to cry yourself to sleep again.



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I'll have you know I love to hang out at Wal-Mart. It's amazing how many things you can do to scare people and not get thrown out.
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...and if you want another potential scapegoat; there's always the possibility of being bi-polar. Not that I'd know, but...


I'm no stranger to depressive highs/lows, either - though, my swings tend to be seasonal. Regardless, my sympathies are with you; hopefully you're not having too much trouble coping. :/

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I'll have you know I love to hang out at Wal-Mart. It's amazing how many things you can do to scare people and not get thrown out.

I said I hate people who think it's cool to hang out in Walmart. Like, the people who go in there, wheel a cart around, laugh like they're the stuff, and walk out. I agree - Walmart's amazingly funny to mess around in. :P


If you have flashes of depression and happiness in alternating cycles, you might have manic depression. Like me.


Just to put that out there.

...and if you want another potential scapegoat; there's always the possibility of being bi-polar. Not that I'd know, but...


I'm no stranger to depressive highs/lows, either - though, my swings tend to be seasonal. Regardless, my sympathies are with you; hopefully you're not having too much trouble coping. :/


I've been unofficially diagnosed with manic depression and bi-polar by other people, too. Considering my family history (my background includes several suicides and a lot of alcoholics), they're both completely possible. At some point, I probably will see a professional - but only if I think it's that bad.


QuarterMaster- Just a question about manic depression - how often are the flashes? Because mine are typically 3-5 days unless something really depressing or really exciting happens.


North- Heh, I think everyone has mood swings from the seasons; just some people have it worse than others, and I'm guessing you're one of them. And I'm not anymore; it's livable. I had one severe depressive period before, but I've been careful to avoid situations that would put me back into that rut.

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QuarterMaster- Just a question about manic depression - how often are the flashes? Because mine are typically 3-5 days unless something really depressing or really exciting happens.

By research, a single episode of either mania or depression can last up to weeks.

But from personal experience, mine last a few days at most. Frequency for me is also affected by stress levels or trigger events.


And to clarify, manic depression is the same as bipolar disorder.

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