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What Is This I Don't Even



So I was procrastinating today.


"Whoa, SPIRIT was procrastinating? Stop the presses!"




So I decided to see what this whole Twitter craze was about and went to check out the site. On the main page, they've got like this search bar, so I thought to myself, hey, why don't I see if people are tweeting about BIONICLE?


So I search for some random BIONICLE words and while I'm sifting through the results when I come upon a series of... just weird tweets. I don't know if this is a prank or some promotion by LEGO... but it's just... weird...


So yeah, here is the guy's profile. There's also a bunch of other accounts he's following that seem to be doing the same sort of thing.


Has anyone else seen this? I don't even know what to say about it...


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Yeah, there's a lot of people who make accounts for fictional characters. :/


It's a little strange, but some of them are pretty entertaining.



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Makuta Teridax tried following me a few weeks back. tehe.png


Also, Tahu couldn't really be that stupid.

Well, he's pretty hot headed... and Takanuva's blog does say he got badly injured.

Yes, but a kraata to heal himself? Seriously? Too much of a risk, methinks, particularly given how lightly he's treating it in the comment.

Well, the Healing Kraata's description says that it can be captured and used as a healing tool. Maybe he's just desperate in all the chaos.


Heck, I don't know. Why are you asking me? :P

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Tren Krom has a picture. Anyone recognise it?


I'm sure this is official, it's just too elaborate and too accurate to be a fan project without us knowing about it. I recall either Greg or Bink asking if people used twitter, This could be a reaction to that

actually I don't know... did you do this spirit?

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From Tahu:


"A Matoran just ran by screaming for his life. Man, those guys are just so short and funny looking."

@Teridax: "I wear your Exo-Toa like pants! Rahkshi, however, I'm not too happy about..."

@Takanuva: "And if it weren't for me, you'd be "lava bones" or whatever now. Let's just call it even and agree that Jaller says lame things."



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I dig me some fictional characters on social networking sites. I haven't really made accounts for Twitter, but yeah. The fictional characters are about 70% of the reason I put up with social networking.

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Tren Krom has a picture. Anyone recognise it?


I'm sure this is official, it's just too elaborate and too accurate to be a fan project without us knowing about it. I recall either Greg or Bink asking if people used twitter, This could be a reaction to that

actually I don't know... did you do this spirit?

:lol: Oh I wish I'd thought of it. Alas, no. I can only claim credit for finding this.

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Makuta Teridax tried following me a few weeks back. tehe.png


Also, Tahu couldn't really be that stupid.

Well, he's pretty hot headed... and Takanuva's blog does say he got badly injured.

Yes, but a kraata to heal himself? Seriously? Too much of a risk, methinks, particularly given how lightly he's treating it in the comment.

Well, the Healing Kraata's description says that it can be captured and used as a healing tool. Maybe he's just desperate in all the chaos.


Heck, I don't know. Why are you asking me? :P

>Senior Staff & Fact Team Member

>Prem Forum Leaders/Ref Keepers


tbh I think you of all people know what you're talking about. :P

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Well, all i can say is, This started up recently....December 8th and 9th are when these accounts started posting


My guess is the people in the BZP topic who theorized this as possible, who are trying to prove us all wrong by their sinister schemes...


My favorites are the following:




We should hide in the coliseum. It's the last place he would expect. *KoS note: Wow, it sounds like a spoof of LotR*

looking for my mask, otherwise I look like some bird.

@_Tahu hey, if it weren't for me you would still be floating in that ocean.



A Matoran just ran by screaming for his life. Man, those guys are just so short and funny looking.

Lit three Rahkshi on fire before going to bed. I'll be thinking of their screams tonight.

@_Kopaka And see, this is why I said buy a map. But no, maps are for losers.

@_Kopaka Oh come on! You remember Hahli's stories, don't you? Carapar was a grade A pain in the neck.


I love it how they act like they're responding to things that the other person hasn't sent....




But I agree, if this was of LEGO, we would have heard something long before four days after it started....and even then, we would get something Official (sorry SPIRIT)

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Tren Krom has a picture. Anyone recognise it?


I'm sure this is official, it's just too elaborate and too accurate to be a fan project without us knowing about it. I recall either Greg or Bink asking if people used twitter, This could be a reaction to that

actually I don't know... did you do this spirit?

:lol: Oh I wish I'd thought of it. Alas, no. I can only claim credit for finding this.

hmm... it seems a bit sloppy to be official


I'm still curious of the origin of Tren Krom's picture, if anyone can track down the source it would give us a bit more evidence maybe

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I reckon this is how theyre keeping contact these days. Like, Takanuva had a blog, so why can't any of the others have a Twitter? I bet that pretty soon Mata Nui will invent the internet on Bara Magna and join.


Oh, how I hope Malum will have a Twitter thing soon. I'll join and stalk him everywhere.


Hey, why doesn't someone ask the Toa how the situation's going? Or have a chat with someone? Won't that be fun! =D


Zippy: TOL'ning

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Sweet. Can't wait to see the humorous takes on story developments. Thanks for finding this!


I'll take what I can get in the absence of RoS updates.

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Thanks for finding this! I enjoyed reading it. I wonder if there will be any more characters added?


Though, if they're on Twitter, I wonder which laptop or smart phone they use to update it...

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