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The Tuesday Four 12/5/06



Now that you've seen set pictures, what barakki do you like most?Have you ever entered a BBC contest?How full is your PM box?Why are there only four questions today?______________________


Recommended Comments

  • Hm...still undecided.
  • No, but I did vote in the BBC 38 finals.
  • 96% full, with some dating back to 2001
  • Because Spork-child ran out of questions?
  • Thought-provoking. Gonna have to get back to you on it.


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1. I actually like Carapar as a set better (coz I have him!) but Ehlek's my favorite coz he's green.

2. The me who traveled back from the future says no.

3. 25%.

4. The gnomes. It's always the gnomes. That's why.

5. You have changed my life. I must now contemplate the meaning of this wise line and seek out true enlightenment from its answers.

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1. Set pictures...??

2. Nope. No Moc skills here, nothing to see, move along...

3. Pretty not. I get an average ammount of PMs, but I still have about, oh, say 700 more message space.

4. I'll go with GMan. It's always the gnomes. That's why.

5. No WAY! Exo did THAT?! I don't believe it! ....oh, yes, I wouldn't know either....gosh....


~ :kakamanu: ~

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1. Carapar. Lookit 'im!

2. Never. My MOCing skills are naught.

3. Heh, 16% full. Time to flush.

4. The line below suggests otherwise.

5. The above claims that this question doesn't exist. How rude.

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  • Mantax, because he's the only one I can pronounce.
  • No.
  • 5% full. Or, 95% empty.
  • Because you couldn't think of a fifth one.
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  • Proably Pridak.
  • No.
  • It's not full. It's not 'How full' because full isn't a quantity, it's a quality.


...Actually, I just can't be bothered to check. Yeah. Moo.

Why are you asking that? You made these questions.______________________
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Now that you've seen set pictures, what barakki do you like most?




Have you ever entered a BBC contest?




How full is your PM box?




Why are there only four questions today?






Hello to you too.

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Now that you've seen set pictures, what barakki do you like most?


Ehlek! =D


Have you ever entered a BBC contest?




How full is your PM box?


Completley full.


Why are there only four questions today?


'Cause you Procrastinate. =P




Really?! =O

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Now that you've seen set pictures, what barakki do you like most? Takadox

Have you ever entered a BBC contest? Yes, but never did very well

How full is your PM box? 60%

Why are there only four questions today? Because we are supposed to make our own last question

What does this question ask? This question asks "What does this question ask?"



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Now that you've seen set pictures, what barakki do you like most?

...I haven't...


But I'll go with "The Yellow Guy."


Have you ever entered a BBC contest?

Not since the one where we had to base it off Schizo's drawing. (The number escapes me.) Mine was Cornelius, after the Newsboys song.


How full is your PM box?

Currently at a very low 67%.


Why are there only four questions today?

'Cause I'm the artist, and what I say, goes.




That, or just because you didn't do a different number.



Couldn't agree more.




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  • That one. No, not that one... the other one... yeah, there ya' go.
  • 2 or so... both entries sucked. =D
  • 73%... full of spam from Exo. I'll never delete my love's Exo's PMs. ^__^
  • Four? But I count a KABAJILLIUONN!`!!! =O
  • Wow... you can draw lines really straight. :fear:
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