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It's So Cooold Over Here...

Taka Nuvia


... now I know what is bad about losing weight... and why penguins don't shiver ><


Seriously, it's cold over here.

And my first winter with normal weight (ha haaa as if someone cared xD)... cold cold cold.


and tomoroow I have Italian test. -.-


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Welcome to my world... I'm just skin and bones, so the cold gets to me pretty easily. Sucks that's so cold over there, too; it's been that way everywhere...


But anyways, good luck with that test ^^

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I know exactly how ya feel. :P

Being skinny may be nice...but it still has plenty of cons too.....especially if you're boney.... <.<


Anyway, we're spending our usual awesome Wisconsin winter over here with negative degree (fahrenheit) weather.... :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Oddly enough, it's been sixty-forty degrees during the day here, and at night it's thirty-twenty degrees. :P I don't like the cold a lot, except for when you get hot chocolate and that's it, but otherwise, not a big fan.


Anyway, Taka, I hope it doesn't get any colder for you. :) It'll get really cold probably for me, sooner or later.

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I love the cold, oddly enough XD


So do I, I really can't stand the heat...and by heat...I mean 70 is hot enough...anything more is too hot. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Over here, it snows on avarage three days a year, so I appreciate it when it´s cold enough to be one of those days. But if you don´t like snow, I hope you will find yourself some place of non-coldishness.


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