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Orange, Round 3

ToM Dracone


So at this point I'm rather out of the loop when it comes to less-than-major storyline developments (among them anything at all from the serials). I happened to see the other day that the color scheme for Lighting had been revealed – blue and white – to which my response was "wha — when was this decided — why isn't it yellow—". Since lightining had seemed to me one of the simpler Kal elements to assign a color to, given that bright yellow (Jala yellow, if you will) is the color pretty much universally associated with electricity.


Not that white and blue are bad or illogical, they just seemed to be missing the obvious answer, especially since bright yellow has only ever been used as a tertiary color, making it rather unused as far as elemental colors go, thus making it a prime candidate for having its own element. Whereas blue-and-white is a combination of two of the primary colors of Bionicle.


Anyway, that's not the subject of this entry. Well, I guess it is, but we'll get to it later. Basically, having seen this, I saw that there was a poll about the secondary color for Plasma and immediately began dreading finding out what it would be. Something like "oh dear gods what strange colors are they going to chose this time why can't we just leave these in peace rather than assigning weird combinations to things that are never going to have set forms now"


See, a very long time ago, I decided that the color scheme for Plasma in my version of things – if I ever needed a Toa of Plasma – would be orange and white. Since Plasma is obviously white-hot, rather than having a specific color (hence, white), I went for the non-primary Bionicle color that best conveyed heat: orange. Thus, orange would be Plasma's main color, white its secondary.


So you'll imagine my surprise when I clicked on the poll in immense trepidation to find out what the canon color for Plasma was and found out it was, in fact, orange. And then I dared to vote in the poll and, lo and behold, the leading secondary color was white.


Wow. Whoever you are, congratulations on being logical for once.


This led me to look around BS01 a little tonight, seeing what other Kal-and-post elements had been doomed to weird color schemes, upon which I found that Magnetism had indeed been canonized as grey and black (unsurprising given Jovan, but a little disappointing since they're already the dominant colors of Earth) and Sonics' primary color was grey (again unsusprising, given Krakua).


And then I looked at Iron and was utterly flabbergasted to see that its color scheme was – wait for it – iron grey and dark orange. As anyone who read The Iron Ghost will recall, that was exactly the color scheme I assigned Toa Angara. So to see it canonized as the color scheme for Iron was more than a bit incredible. Ladies and gentlefolk who follow these matters, would you be so kind as to tell me when and by whom this was decided?


Anyway. Since I've alluded to these a few times already, I might as well just list the color schemes I've come up with for the Kal and later elements. One thing to be noted is that I did base a lot of them on the Kal's color associations; i.e., Tahnok-Kal, who controlled Lightning, was a Ta-set, so I took Lightning's color from the Fire column.


In order of primary color, secondary color, and tertiary color:


Lightning :: Yellow, white, light blue – Yellow and white are explained above, and also the colors of Toa Ingyé from Hunger. I think the specific origin of light blue was an MOC by Toromaga some time ago of a light blue Turaga of Lightning next to a yellow Toa of Lightning.

Magnetism :: not sure. I'd be okay with dark grey as the primary color if it were specifically dark bluish grey from post-2004 rather than the basic dark grey of 2003 and before. Since then it would have both a blue tint (for Gahlok-Kal) and the association with metal inherent to Magnetism. Maybe dark bluish grey, black, and sand blue...

Plasma :: Orange, white – as explained above.

Gravity :: Purple, black – again both taken from the Onu-column because of Nuhvok-Kal. Though I could never see a Toa of Gravity being solid purple with black joints; it would have to be restricted to smaller amounts of purple over a largely black/some other color body.

Sonics :: Light grey – and that's all I've got. Also taken from the Ko-column. Maybe light grey, dark grey, and lime... For my remake of 2009 I contemplated throwing lime into Krakua's set, and now that I think about it, that would make a nice link between Sonics and Air, the medium they travel in.

The Green :: All shades of green that there are. I don't care if Air has those already; plants are green, my dears.

Iron :: Iron grey, dark orange


I reject the element of Psionics, since that's hardly a force of the natural world.


That was longer than I was planning to write. Oops.

~ ToM


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I reject the element of Psionics, since that's hardly a force of the natural world.

Thank you for being a force for reason in this crazy world.

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I reject the element of Psionics, since that's hardly a force of the natural world.

Thank you for being a force for reason in this crazy world.

Aw, you're welcome. I might say the same to you, in fact.


In its place I would have established the element of Crystal. A rare element, I would say, also female, and distinct from Earth and Stone as Ice is from Water... hmm, I'm getting lots of ideas for this now; I should make a blog entry entirely about it.

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I reject the element of Psionics, since that's hardly a force of the natural world.

Thank you for being a force for reason in this crazy world.




Ladies and gentlefolk who follow these matters, would you be so kind as to tell me when and by whom this was decided?


*Raises hand slowly*


I want to say something here. The very reason I asked for these colours was because of your story ToM. IMO, those colours fit the element perfectly. I should have actually given you some credit when I asked him for the idea. I still can if you want.


EDIT: I've always wanted Crystal as well. Have you by chance read Takatu's current epic, the one about the six Toa (4 of which were made by other members in a contest)? The leader of the group, Hyperion (Blue Diamond's), has the element of crystal. I think it's a really cool element, and that it would be fine on its own, seeing that Stone and Earth are two seperate elements. As always, I would want the tribe to be comprised of both elements, but if I had to choose, it would be female (we need more of them in the MU). You could even recycle Psionics' prefix for it: Ce-. It works IMO, just leave out the reference to cerebrum.


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I reject the element of Psionics, since that's hardly a force of the natural world.

Thank you for being a force for reason in this crazy world.

ToM is now an element.

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*Raises hand slowly*


I want to say something here. The very reason I asked for these colours was because of your story ToM. IMO, those colours fit the element perfectly. I should have actually given you some credit when I asked him for the idea. I still can if you want.

Wow. Really? I ... I don't quite know what to say. Thank you enormously, I guess. Credit is always nice, yes, but nonetheless it's extremely flattering to know that it was based on something I wrote. I'm honored, seriously.


And I haven't read that (though I really should), but I should make it clear that I'm not claiming to have invented Crystal myself or anything. Alsru and I, I think, came up with it in talking one evening and then I saw several other references to it elsewhere...

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I reject the element of Psionics, since that's hardly a force of the natural world.

Thank you for being a force for reason in this crazy world.

Aw, you're welcome. I might say the same to you, in fact.


In its place I would have established the element of Crystal. A rare element, I would say, also female, and distinct from Earth and Stone as Ice is from Water... hmm, I'm getting lots of ideas for this now; I should make a blog entry entirely about it.

YES. Crystal is such a great element (I have a Toa of Crystal in my epics) and it is competely distinct from other elements. Although I don't agree on the female part, since I think all elements should have Toa of each gender, but that's another issue altogether.


So please, make an entry on crystal, okay, ToM?


Hey, this is the 2700th comment. Interesting and unintended.



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YES. Crystal is such a great element (I have a Toa of Crystal in my epics) and it is competely distinct from other elements. Although I don't agree on the female part, since I think all elements should have Toa of each gender, but that's another issue altogether.

Oh, well, duh, if we're talking about genders then of course all the elements have both instead of Lego's ridiculous gender balance. But if Crystal were an official element in canon as it is now it would be female.


I agree on all but Plant Life, which I think should be all greens/teal and all browns.

Browns would be good too. So long as they aren't blue.

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In its place I would have established the element of Crystal. A rare element, I would say, also female, and distinct from Earth and Stone as Ice is from Water... hmm, I'm getting lots of ideas for this now; I should make a blog entry entirely about it.[/color]


I would absolutely love to see that blog entry. I love the element of Crystal, but I don't quite know enough about it to be able to write about it [not that it's an official element, but still].


Psionics is an interesting element, I'll say that much. But, we already have mask powers, etc. that cover that whole element, so I'm not entirely sure why there needed to be a new element. Still, it is nice to have a new element.


I agree with you completely on the rest -- As soon as you mentioned the Toa of Iron, I did automatically think of your short story, to be honest. That and Hunger have to be some of my favorite stories to date. Though, my favorite character is a Toa of Iron, but not those colors -- mostly because it didn't fit him, and I wanted him to have the element of Iron.


I especially agree with you on Plantlife [though I am utterly confused as to why it is called The Green -- I saw that name a few weeks ago, and had no idea that it signified Plantlife]. I guess the blue could be in there 'cause plants need water [blue] to grow, but it still doesn't really make sense. Light greens and dark greens mixed together [kind of like Gresh] would be splendid, and then keep the Mata green and darker greens for Air.



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I especially agree with you on Plantlife [though I am utterly confused as to why it is called The Green -- I saw that name a few weeks ago, and had no idea that it signified Plantlife]. I guess the blue could be in there 'cause plants need water [blue] to grow, but it still doesn't really make sense. Light greens and dark greens mixed together [kind of like Gresh] would be splendid, and then keep the Mata green and darker greens for Air.

It was originally called 'the Green,' then it became 'Plant Life,' and now I guess it's back to 'the Green' again. Not that I really mind either way. The idea is that these Toa control everything comprising the green sphere of things in the Bionicle world, which I guess is a little more poetic than just saying 'Plant Life'?


Nah, Psionics makes sense to me, if you assume that there's a natural telepathic field generated by living creatures.

That's all I can think of to rationalize it, which is a fair explanation, but still...


And what do they even MEAN by Psionics?

Telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, creating tangible illusions (by tricking the minds of those seeing them), mental guarding (of the sort the Order can do), et cetera. Everything in the realm of psychic powers.


Also, yum.


And thanks, guys. You're all awesome. :D

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I especially agree with you on Plantlife [though I am utterly confused as to why it is called The Green -- I saw that name a few weeks ago, and had no idea that it signified Plantlife]. I guess the blue could be in there 'cause plants need water [blue] to grow, but it still doesn't really make sense. Light greens and dark greens mixed together [kind of like Gresh] would be splendid, and then keep the Mata green and darker greens for Air.

It was originally called 'the Green,' then it became 'Plant Life,' and now I guess it's back to 'the Green' again. Not that I really mind either way. The idea is that these Toa control everything comprising the green sphere of things in the Bionicle world, which I guess is a little more poetic than just saying 'Plant Life'?


I've always found the term irritating and inconsistent with the elemental titles of other Toa, which tend to be pretty straightforward rather than vague or poetic. "The Green" just sounds kind of corny and unnecessary to me.



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I gotta disagree with you on the coloration of the Green, Tom, I think the Green should be have some nice, colorful highlights, I mean, plenty of plants are not only flowered, but multicolored anyways, I think restricting them to the various shades of greens both makes them far too similar to Air and be pretty boring in practice. I'd much rather see green with multicolored highlights, little bits of bright blue or orange, stuff like that, sparingly distributed.


It just seems that overall, well, it's rather restricting.

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I gotta disagree with you on the coloration of the Green, Tom, I think the Green should be have some nice, colorful highlights, I mean, plenty of plants are not only flowered, but multicolored anyways, I think restricting them to the various shades of greens both makes them far too similar to Air and be pretty boring in practice. I'd much rather see green with multicolored highlights, little bits of bright blue or orange, stuff like that, sparingly distributed.


It just seems that overall, well, it's rather restricting.

You know, I really like this idea, and I don't know why I never replied to it. I could totally see a Toa of the Green with accents of, like, red or magenta or a dash of yellow or blue... But only as accents; they wouldn't look good over green/brown unless they were kept really minimal.

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