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Nuju Metru


Please give me a second to pick up the pieces of my mind, since it just got BLOWN.


Best movie I've seen in-theaters for a long time, and it more than lives up to the hype peeps have been giving it. Seriously. If you're gonna see one movie, pick this one.


-Nuju Metru


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You two don't live in America, do you? You know, that place where everyone is entitled to an opinion.


I'm from Connecticut (America), but I've been living in Australia for a while now. And Nuju, if I recall correctly, is from San-Fran, or somewhere in California.


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You two don't live in America, do you? You know, that place where everyone is entitled to an opinion.


And everyone is allowed to criticize an opinion once it is put out there.

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I wish that the plot was less predictable, but that doesn't matter because I literally needed a new brain cuz the old one had reached maximum levels of AWESOME!!!



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Well, I agree with Nuju Metru in that I needed to pick up my brain fragments, since I saw Avatar on Sunday and it was AMAZING! Probably my new all-time favorite movie now, but at least I don't have to go on a murderous rampage when someone says they think otherwise. :P



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Guest kopakanuva13


Gotta admit the story was cliche as sci-fi can be but the detail and emotion in it were so intense I just loved it.


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It sucks.




*shoots, electrocutes, and shoots again*


You believed me? :P


It took James Cameron 7 years to perfect this whole thing, why would I not love it? From such an acclaimed director...you must be crazy to believe that I thought it sucked. :P



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Eehhhh. As an artist, the artistic vibe and special effects were amazing. The plot however, was so Hollywood and unoriginal, not to mention hardcore PC. I've seen that plot a million times; if they worked on that part, I would say it's the best I've seen in theaters this year. However, I'm still highly preferring Star Trek and Ponyo.

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Never seen it. Don't really care to.


(Hanahlii reserves the right to electrify, shoot, shoot again, stab, hang, or poison any being that attempts electrifying, shooting, shooting again, stabbing, hanging, or poisoning her.)


(Hanahlii also reserves the right to determine what is "her")



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Eh, I'll probably see it on DVD one day, but the epitome of Sci-Fi 2009 for me was Star Trek, IMO. And that's from someone who dislikes the Star Trek franchise for the most part. :P

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