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Oh Gosh...

Lady Kopaka


I am contemplating if I want to leave BZP.




I mean...I love BZP and of course Bionicle, but I just feel that my life which lately has been really rough on me and my family, and I have been less active, loosing the attention of my writing, art and even friends. It makes me feel so guilty that I can't reply to PMs as fast as I should be, but I dunno...


I am in a kind of emo mood about this; I am fine, just not about this.


My artwork is slacking, I don't write as much as I want...But of course, both of those so called talents never were that good.


Also, I feel less popular....Wait; don't give me those odd looks, I mean, yes that is very self centered to say. And I don't mean to say it like that, I guess I got used to being treated so nicely by a lot of members, getting drawn a lot and in the spot light, but when I kind of went through those fazes of disappearing, I feel like I have hurt several peoples feelings and other members kind of took over my spot.

...Dude, I sounded really self centered there, I am sorry, but truth is, I am jealous.


Even if I got active again, my art went back up, I still don't think everything could go back to normal, half of me feels I should just force myself to finish some art/etc, and I might feel better...But I don’t know, I don't think everything would go back to normal.


Ugh, so stressed, so tired, I want my life to stop being so frustrating....


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(edited) but any way you just need to rest im the same age and my live isnt ponys and buterflys and i overracted about leaving i get geltiy when freinds are sad so im staying hack i always say to my self i need to rest and its hard to with family, frinds, and talent. but me must of my frinds are on bzp with out bzp i wouldnt appresiat the cool new bionicles and atlest you are respected more then i am look at me ive done a few corny epics you did epices that are as good as beliwa's croseroads my art needs enprovent but you raka and toM have the best art so rest this christmas break hang out with frends work on art have fun and when you are relacted you can come back ;-)

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Trust me, you're still plenty popular. I wouldn't worry too much about PMs, either -- just about everyone here understands that we all have real lives. Yes, we're a bunch of geeks, but not to the point where our social/family lives have been sucked away. Leave that to World of Warcraft. :P


But anyway, I'm actually extremely surprised and respect you for the fact that you've managed to spend so much time outside of BZP and still do so much for it. BZP isn't as hard to limit yourself from it as other things, like MMORPGs. Granted, I'm on here a lot, but that's because it's a nice community, and it's only when I've got nothing better to do (or I do, but I'm just avoiding it :P) Believe me, writing's been getting tougher and tougher for me, too. I feel like I'm betraying you guys who read City of Shadows by taking so long. On several occasions, I thought about giving up on it. But then I'd think about how many people actually read CoS and how disappointed they'd be if I quit. You guys have been a powerful motivator for me.


Sorry I can't help you on the art situation, since I have no artistic ability to save my life, unless you wanna consider my writing an art. However, you're art is far from bad. That's what made you so popular 'round these parts! Between you and Nikira, you've become, like, the queens of the Artwork I forum. And while I royally suck at art, I do understand that art takes time. Quality over time, I'd say. I mean, look at how long it's taking Lewa11 to do Quest of the Toa. I'm getting antsy, I'll admit it, but I can wait, cuz I figure the longer it takes, the better the quality will be and the cooler the stuff. The Lord of the Rings films too, what, six years to do? And that was doing all three at once; could you imagine if they tried filming them all separately? Frodo would be ninety by the time Return of the King would be done. :P


Dang, there I go again. Back to the matter at hand, here's a question: Do you think you're art would be as good as it is now without all the practice from BZP? I know my writing wouldn't. Heck, I doubt I would have ever written anything if it weren't for BZP.


Like I said, try and organize your life so you spend an equal amount of time with your family and friends, BZPower, your art and your writing. I'm probably not the best example for that, but I guess you could learn to not do what I'm doing. See, I just kinda wing it; for one in your position, that's probably not a good route. I'm not even sure it's a good route for me; if I tried organizing (which isn't easy, considering my Chemistry class), I'd probably be almost done my trilogy by now, instead of not even halfway through part two. And heck, you're homeschooled -- that gives you even more time than those of us in public schools. I know it's hard to deal with school, friends, family, holidays, BZP, the Bionicle story and my writing all at once, not to mention the other three forums I'm a member of ('course, I'm on here more often).


Bringing my cheesey speech to a close, don't give up. There are tons of people here who still love your artwork. I'm one of them. As long as you limit yourself to certain things, it'll work out. We understand you have a life outside of the site, because most of us do, too (heck, I'm already on the personal relationships level (or at least trying)). I'd like to say I can understand, but I don't. Between both artwork and writing, plus being homeschooled, I can't imagine what your life would be like, 'cept the writing part. But please, stay. You'd be sorely, and I mean SORELY missed. :)

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I am contemplating if I want to leave BZP.




I mean...I love BZP and of course Bionicle, but I just feel that my life which lately has been really rough on me and my family, and I have been less active, loosing the attention of my writing, art and even friends. It makes me feel so guilty that I can't reply to PMs as fast as I should be, but I dunno...

Just because you can't spend as much time online doesn't mean everyone's going to forget about you. In fact, I'm positive everyone would understand if you limited your computer time. A lot of people want to see more of your artwork, and they wouldn't mind at all if you took time off from BZP to catch up in the artwork department.


As for the PM problem...you're busy. And it's better if you wait until you have time to answer them, instead of trying to juggle PMs, topic replies, and schoolwork all at once. It's a lot less stressful.


I guess I got used to being treated so nicely by a lot of members, getting drawn a lot and in the spot light, but when I kind of went through those fazes of disappearing, I feel like I have hurt several peoples feelings and other members kind of took over my spot.

Being popular isn't the reason everyone treats you nicely, LK. It's because you're a patient, and nice, person.


The decision for whether or not you want to take some time off is entirely up to you and your family. :happy: However, I'm certain you will make the right decision.


No, here's a better suggestion...I think you should pray about it.




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Hmm, I never really though of leaving as an event, if I ever decide to leave I think I'd just kind'a fade off, get on less and less yu'know? Don't try to make it a choice, just come on when on want and not if you don't. No one's going to hold it against you either way. Ah, but what'do'I'know, I'm just some stupid noob.

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Hmm, I never really though of leaving as an event, if I ever decide to leave I think I'd just kind'a fade off, get on less and less yu'know? Don't try to make it a choice, just come on when on want and not if you don't. No one's going to hold it against you either way. Ah, but what'do'I'know, I'm just some stupid noob.

...Who's managed to get more posts in eight months than me in three and a half years. :P You've passed well beyond the term noob.


Sorry, just had to comment on that.

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LK, welcome to the real world. Nothing goes the way you want it, and you're never satisfied with anything you're accomplished.


All I can say is, forget your seemingly high popularity, I'm sure by this point you've made some friends, and do you really need the attention of all the new members (no offense new guys). The friends you have at this point are all you need. Popularity brings about a muck of faux friends, people who are just there. Forget about them.


If you were to leave, I'm sure you will be missed. The same thing happens when any influential member leaves. Besides, it's the fact that you're influential that has you stressed out, you're trying to live up to your name, to create something better than before. In reality, you're out of ideas, you feel helpless and lost.


This happened to me in mocing back in september, just a lack of ideas , it occured because I set my standards too high. So I set my standards lower, and that solved the problem.


And, as a closing note, normalcy is an illusion, don't fall victim to it. Be your own person, not someone elses. ;)

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I know how you feel Lady Kopaka (Note: I am not talking about the part about be popular, since I am probably the least known member here.). I lately been stressing over trying to get a Chapter for my epic, doing my Epic Critic job and trying to get a Short story done by December 25, which maybe push back to a later date. *Still feel like ripping his brown hair out from the stress.* You really should just take your time, Lady Kopaka with your art, stories, and replying to PMs. I really hope you don't leave, if you do I am going to miss you a lot. ~J.M.J.~

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You know, you will be missed. Let's see there's tons

friends I know you have (well not tons but I know you

have alot of them). Your friends are your friends,

don't leave them behind. I don't have friends

on BZP, only on other forums, and you do. So don't

say, "Ohh well, I can leave BZP, no one will miss me."

That might be true for me, but not you. And on the

art and stories, just take a break from it it's not the

end of the world if BZP doesn't have your art, we

may like it, but we won't die without it. So stay, you

have plenty of friends here, if everybody hates you

or ignores you like they ignore me (exept Mike up

there), then you'd have a good reason. And look at

posotive side of things, I am and a lot of other

people are still the Fan-Boys/Girls that they are

of your art as they once were. So STAY!!!!!!


Ohh, and Jedi Master, I am the least noticed, I've

heard of you alot, don't worry, know me on the other




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I will be another one to say it.


Dun leave.







BZP wouldn't be the same without you.









So yeah. Dun leave. -Swert

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Do Omi a favor. Smile. :)


We all have our bad moments. Heck, even I wanted to leave BZP at one point (It was during the period where I left the staff).


But think about what you will miss. :(


And I love your work. Why do you think I chose you as one of the artists to make a poster? You weren't randomly picked from a hat, thats for sure. And not only did you impress me with it, but among others as well, like the CEO of Lego.


But if you need to take a break, thats quite alright. Just remember those who like having ya around. :)



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Oh no, hon, don't go! :( You still retain your popularity, but on a different level. Even though you're not the latest craze anymore, I'd say you're one of us "classics" now. People do know you, and I often hear in an IM convo, "LK's posted more art! *links*". *chuckles* I know what you mean by feeling jealous. Try not to think about it. Everybody is known for their own special thing, and more than one person is good at art. You know this, of course. But try to remember it when you're feeling down. I have to tell myself that everytime I open up Paintshop. ^^


You're not alone Keeping a hobby/interest, such as this, takes good time management. The first thing you should probably do is call a hiatus. It doesn't have to be long; just a week would suffice, even. During that time, refrain from posting/updating anything. Focus solely on catching-up on your PMs, and reorganizing your inbox. Like, deleting stuff and such. :P I have to do this now and then.

Also, think about what all you do that is, basically, optional. Such as visiting certain sites or forums. Wherever you have lots of friends is where you should focus your time. And take things in stride; for instance, you don't have to answer PMs or write everyday. Often, but not everyday. ;)


Sorry if that "advice" is crazy and unorganized. We're pulling for ya. There have been many times I considered giving up my FL job, because I also write, RP, fiddle with Neopets, and so on. But it's about keeping your priorities straight. I'll be praying for you; hope you can get it worked out. *hugs*

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Guest Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


Aren't all these comments enough? You're still popular in the eyes of these fine people.

And even if you aren't here alot, people will think of you in high regard. People still love Cee, l RZ, Toa of Art, Kanohi Akaku, just to name a few. You wouldn't be any different.

But what I'm saying is: don't go. Or at least take a 'break'. But not forever. The forums would feel just that bit emptier.

And don't put yourself down on your artwork and writing. A good number of people (OK, a great number) think that is unjustified, because it is so good.

But in the long run, do what you think is best. Mmm...cheesy corny cliche. But do that. And we hope you'll stay.

I think you can tell I'll miss you around here. :lol:


IPB Image

Not only was that not very helpful, but it makes no sense. Yay for me.

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Oh, trust me, even though I am nowhere near any spotlights, except maybe cheering for the person in it, I've considered that as well.

(Hey, my life used to be so...bad...that I even considered...well...I won't talk about it. If LK wants to know, she can PM me.) Suffice it to say that Turakii's suggestion worked for me.


On that note,



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LK, you are one of the best members to have joined this site in a while. Believe me, I've been here over three years, and have seen it all, from the greatest artists and game makers being banned, to some of my friends on this site just up and leaving. Everyone will miss you if you leave, but if you need some time off, I've got some good art to keep the artwork forum running right for a while, including a Manga version of one of my epics. I'm sure that some of the other artists can help also with the forum.


If all else fails though, pray.



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If that's what you want, so be it. But I just thought I'd mention - you say you've hurt people's feelings. WHoeevr thos people may be, I'm not one of them. You never hurt me, Lady...it was always okay.


Anyway, if you do leave, I'll e-mail when you get into Cossroads. It's only three or four chapters away...

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No talent? Bah. Since when have you NOT had talent, girl? Your art is... astouding, to say the least, and many members (including myself) can't write beans compared to you.


About the popularity beeswax: Honestly, I felt the same way when you first came in the spotlight, LK.


Like, seriously. I was EXTREMELY jealous of you when you first joined. I felt like my popularity had suddenly gone down the drain, and I actually did leave BZP for a couple months.


It's the way things go in the Art forum - a wonderful new artist comes in, and all the fans of the older artists move over to the new one. Happens about... oh, I dunno... every few months. It gets... frustrating, I know, when all the people who used to love your work now only come by to glance, but not to wholeheartedly comment.


But hey, it'll always happen. In art. In writing. In everything. You'll have the group of people who only pay attention to what's new and what they think is the cool thing. Their 'idol' is given what they think is forever popularity. Those people ain't the ones that count.


It's the ones that are still sticking with you.


It's your decision whether you wish to leave or not. If you choose to take a break from BZP, that's good and fine. If you choose to stay, that would be even better. But know this, Lady K: there will always be someone who adores you here. And that makes you more popular than you'd ever think you could be.


Besides, if you leave, who'll I have my North-South rivalry with? KIE? :P



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It's okay if you take a break from BZPower, but... please don't leave for good. Too many good members have been leaving recently, and you might want to start up again once your life is sorted out. Just keep your art and stuff as a hobby and not a commitment, and don't sweat it if you're forced to abandon the site for longer than you'd like. But don't leave for good. I don't know what I'd do without great artists like you and Nikira to inspire me. Please don't go. :(

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You can't go! no.. not another good member!! but then you wouldn't be on my buddies list anymore :( . Popularity??? I wish. Why are you worrying about that? I mean sure I would love to have that but I wouldn't worry about that. just look at me My first comedy got 3 posts then it died; my art topic, 5 posts then I think its dead. and my comics, 43 posts and that's it. You on the other hand have 600 oddsome posts in your art topic. You should be considering yourself lucky. Be thankful for what you have more than look up at famous Mods, Admins, members etc. just look at what you have!! do you know how many people wished to be a celibrity? ALOT of members. as for the PM problem I'm with you sister I have an averge 6-9 PMs a day. But the art block problem, yeah sometimes i get it to, but when in doubt I ask one of my 5 sibinlings. Have a nice day. :)


Hyper nuva

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