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Why Did I Say That?!

Lady Kopaka


What the heck was I doing last night? Was I druck or something. O.o Why did I go all emo on everyone and scare you to death?? I dunno...But I hate getting deppressed and getting all worked over nothing. *Sighs and shakes head*


Firstly I am NOT leaving, dear lord I would be crazy, though I might take a week or two off from BZP to get a better time managment plan and catch up with school.


*Decides to quote all these great members that helped me out when I was being down and stupid.*


I'm actually extremely surprised and respect you for the fact that you've managed to spend so much time outside of BZP and still do so much for it.

I admit, I pressure a lot on me to get done, but like my dad I love to keep busy, and like my dad--I get to busy.


Like I said, try and organize your life so you spend an equal amount of time with your family and friends, BZPower, your art and your writing.

My mom says the same thing to me, and she and you are right. :P


Being popular isn't the reason everyone treats you nicely, LK. It's because you're a patient, and nice, person.

You're right, and I dunno why I started ranting that topic so hard. Who cares about being popular?...Well it is a very tempting thing, but still....


No, here's a better suggestion...I think you should pray about it.

That is the best advise...Why is the best thing to do the last thing you think about?


LK, welcome to the real world. Nothing goes the way you want it, and you're never satisfied with anything you're accomplished.

How very true, I know that is the truth, but sometimes I forget about that.


Besides, it's the fact that you're influential that has you stressed out, you're trying to live up to your name, to create something better than before. In reality, you're out of ideas, you feel helpless and lost.

You read my mind, sometimes it helps to see that other people understand. :)


Note: I am not talking about the part about be popular, since I am probably the least known member here.

Not true JMJ, you are a pretty fimilar member.


Do Omi a favor. Smile.

*Smiles* Happy? :D


And I love your work. Why do you think I chose you as one of the artists to make a poster? You weren't randomly picked from a hat, thats for sure. And not only did you impress me with it, but among others as well, like the CEO of Lego.

Yeah, but it feels that my poster didn't look as good as everyone was expecting...But let us not go into that arguement agian. :lol:


"LK's posted more art! *links*".

Really? O_o


I'll be praying for you; hope you can get it worked out. *hugs*

Thank you so much HH!


LK, you are one of the best members to have joined this site in a while.

I wouldn't say best... :blush:


If all else fails though, pray.

Once again, thank you for that advise, I should had did that instead of rant on BZP like that.


WHoeevr thos people may be, I'm not one of them. You never hurt me, Lady...it was always okay.

Thanks Beliwa. :)


Anyway, if you do leave, I'll e-mail when you get into Cossroads. It's only three or four chapters away...

ACK! LEAVE CROSSROADS?? NEVER! Ugh...I now am thinking about all the things I would miss if I left.


Like, seriously. I was EXTREMELY jealous of you when you first joined. I felt like my popularity had suddenly gone down the drain, and I actually did leave BZP for a couple months.

Are you serious? Jealous of me? :o I was jealous of you! I felt that I would always be under your shadow Nikira, and I always compared my art to yours. Wishing I could do as good as you.


It's the way things go in the Art forum - a wonderful new artist comes in, and all the fans of the older artists move over to the new one. Happens about... oh, I dunno... every few months. It gets... frustrating, I know, when all the people who used to love your work now only come by to glance, but not to wholeheartedly comment.

You are right, that has happened to many of my once fans. But still, we will always have those loyal fans who will always love our artwork--even if they don't always give big reviews.


Besides, if you leave, who'll I have my North-South rivalry with? KIE?

Thats right...You can't get rid of southerner that fast!


Please don't go.

Don't worry. :) I wont.


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Glad to see you aren't leaving. You're a nice person and you contribute a lot of your effort to BZP, and you make it a bit better. It's not like the world would end, but certain aspects of BZP would be different if you were gone. I hope you find at least some time to just sit and relax.
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Yaysies! Good thing you didn't leave; you're the only person I know that I can talk about Prince of Persia with. :P


But dang, if I knew I could say try praying without getting in trouble, I would've said it. Ah well, live and learn, I guess.

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I'm glad you worked this out LK. I wish I could have added to the pleas for you to stay, but I wasn't on yesterday. I really need to make sure to log on at least once a day.


LK, you have become popular not by being a good artist or author (not that you aren't), but because you are a genuinely kind person. BZP wouldn't be the same without you. I'm glad you are staying.


And, of course, your art topic is still in my sig and it isn't going anywhere for some time.


Keep it real. B)





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I am so happy to hear that you’re not leaving Bzpower, Lady Kopaka. But you may want to tell Twenty-Two to pull you on hiatus, since you probably are going be too busy to do your Epic Critic’s duties. I could tell Twenty-Two for you, if you want me to.

Not true JMJ, you are a pretty fimilar member.

You mean familiar, right? (You may want to look over your Blog entry. I found some more spelling mistakes in it and if you want know the mistakes to fix them just ask me.) I don’t think I am really that much of a familiar member, Lady Kopaka. Maybe to you, I am. But to me, am not. ~J.M.J.~

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Like, ZOMG, Omi's happy! :ohmy: Thumbs up to LK!




Are you serious? Jealous of me? :ohmy:


Yes, I'm serious. I know it's like... stupid and self-centered and all that, but... yes, I was jealous of you for a LONG time.


Glad that you're not emo anymore. ^^ Emo-ish female members are really weird, huh?


*hugs LK* I need to fly down South and... I dunno... meet ya and KIE or something. That'd be awesome.


EDIT: ...I use 'like' too much... ><



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Guest Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


I knew I wasn't very helpful. :P

Good to see you're not feeling down anymore. ^_^


IPB Image

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*glomps LK*


Glad to see you finally had some sense knocked back in you.


It only took like, what, 20 comments from true friends? :P


I'm glad you decided to stay. Omi was crying last night about it... "Oh, if she leaves, she can't meet me at BrickFest 07..." it was horrible.


(And yes, I am kidding... but it was awful.) -Swert

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Glad to know you're not leaving! Lyichir told me that you might leave last night and I thought I might cry! Well, not really, but I sure felt like crying if you really did leave. Keep in mind that you are one of the artists who gives hope to newer members--- If not for you, I never would have thought that a member could so quickly join the elite ranks of BZP artists. That gives me hope, even if my CGing skills are sub-par and my artwork topics never stay alive as long as yours. Just remember that there's a reason you're so popular, and it's not just the fact that other esteemed artists have represented you in nearly all media. It's because you are an example of how great a member can become in the course of a few years. It is the wish of all loyal BZPower members that great artists like you continue to inspire us all.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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Phew, am I glad! I think it's fine that you're going to take a week off. Whenever I feel a bit tired and frustrated, I just try to relax.


I'm glad you're not leaving!

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Like, ZOMG, Omi's happy! :ohmy: Thumbs up to LK!




*hugs LK* I need to fly down South and... I dunno... meet ya and KIE or something. That'd be awesome.




ZOMG! Omi? Happy? In the same sentence? NO WAY!


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while... Things are hectic at school. (Convincing the admin to go over to Linux can do that to you.) I promise I'll be on more, now that Opera Wii is coming out (Yes, I got one. Aren't I special?).


Anyway, if things ever go south again, just go over to this quote and everything will be better:


Here is a little song I wrote

You might want to sing it note for note

Don't worry be happy

In every life we have some trouble

When you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy......


Don't worry, be happy

Here I give you my phone number

When you worry call me

I make you happy

Don't worry, be happy

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style

Ain't got not girl to make you smile

But don't worry be happy

Cause when you worry

Your face will frown

And that will bring everybody down

So don't worry, be happy (now).....


So Sorry, but I'll be here more.





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Hey lady k. I haven't drawn any bionicle art in months! I admire you. And many other artists here. I often wondered why it seemed all the other artists got more posts than I did but know I realize that it was my atitude. if I go around self centered all the time I won't be happy and people around me won't be happy either. I'm taking a break though. from everything. I have a few things I'd like to say/ask you ut I realize that they aren't as important as some other things you have to do. So KUTGW on life! I hope to see a more organized Lady K soon.


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I'm glad you're staying. You scared me there. Was that some sort of publicity stunt?

*smacks self*

I doubt it...


ANyway, I would miss you. And that artwork.



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