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2006 Revisited

ToM Dracone


So, Sméag and I and then Janus and I were talking about this the other night, and I figured I'd make a blog entry about it, because goodness knows I'm not going to get around to writing a story about this any time soon.


Anyone remember back in 2005, when Greg told us that 2006 would be returning to a more "tribal" feel? And then how there was actually none of that at all in the 2006 story? I mean, sure, the Matoran lived in a village by themselves, rather than a city, but that was just about it. There was no culture to it.


However! The Piraka looked distinctly tribal, especially in the early leaked photos we got of them (Reidak particularly more so in prototype, with his glowing third eye and longer tail). Their faces just looked deliciously like wild, scary, tribal masks, and then of course the spines added a lot more in the way of wildness.


So I was thinking about this the other night, how tribal the Piraka could have been, and that made me think – what if the Piraka had been the native species of Voya Nui? They would have existed as a more primitive culture than the Matoran, hidden in the depths of the forests of Voya Nui or inhabiting the various mountains on it. I would see them as not stupid, but having a social system such that the lower Piraka were deeply, deeply obedient to the higher ones. These higher ones in the social system would be shamans of a sort, controlling the lesser Piraka with an elaborate system of myths and legends and cautionary tales to keep them in line.


The Mask of Life, hidden in Mount Valmai but known to the Piraka, would be a deeply significant object of legend to them, something the Piraka would be willing to die to protect – it would no doubt be the center of all manner of stories, and probably be attributed the property of protecting the Piraka species from Mount Valmai's eruptions. That, then, would be why they fought so hard against the Toa Nuva when they arrived to claim the Mask of Life.


And I guess that's where the Matoran come back in. The six we got would probably be the few who had actually dared to explore further inland, sneaking through the forests and finding out both the lay of the land and about the Piraka, and thus they would help the Nuva on their quest for that reason.


But! The Nuva would still get defeated, of course. But not by some awkward scheme of "well the Nuva are the most powerful Toa in the universe, but we have to get rid of them anyway, so we'll just give the Piraka way too many powers and pretend they're strong enough to defeat the Nuva." Nothing like that. The Piraka would defeat the Toa Nuva simply by better knowledge of the land, by setting booby traps for them in the forests. They would separate the Nuva from each other and then capture them one by one by ambushes, sneak attacks, traps, and poison darts.


And then the Inika come along as usual.


And hey, even Vezon would make a bit more sense now. He'd be a lone daring Piraka who ventured into the heart of Mount Valmai to find the Mask of Life, and was rewarded by being made its guardian. Perhaps he himself would be legendary among the Piraka – either that, or everyone assumed he perished in the attempt.


Gods, I'd have liked that so, so much more.

~ ToM


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Honestly, I don't know how you come up with this stuff. Sounds like really fun fanfiction material, it really does.

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Oh, I just thought of two more things.


One, and I don't see why Lego couldn't have done this anyway, the comics could have included the fall of the Nuva simply by showing them exclusively in shadows and with dramatic angles and lighting that don't show very many features of the sets. I'm thinking of stuff like a distance shot of the canisters washed up on the beach with silhouettes of the Nuva walking ashore... then a shot of the Matoran looking upward, talking to a Toa, but all you see is a darkened Nuva leg in the foreground... or something like Lewa slinking through the shadows of a forest, with Vezok or someone in the foreground shooting a Zamor at him.


I mean, Lego was fine with showing the Hau Nuva in full color, and then Turaga Vakama at the end of 2007 – why not just a few glimpses of the Nuva in a page or two showing the events of Island of Doom?


And two, I realized what the Zamor could be now: something with a knockout gas that the Piraka extract from some plant that grows on the island. Or, now that I think about it, the launchers could be interpreted as slingshots, and the spheres could maybe be a kind of fruit that bursts open on impact, releasing noxious gasses that put the victim to sleep. Thus, the weapons with which the Piraka take out the Nuva, and the Matoran would replicate them as they do in the real story.

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I feel the need to defend 2006 yet again, as it was my second favorite year after 2004, but I've been doing that for four years now.
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Perfect Epic material for you right here, ToM. I know you can't do it soon, but if you were to try eventually it would be glorious.


I also echo the OH GOD YES feeling, by the way.



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Yeah, 2006 would've actually been pretty sweet had that been the case. The Piraka were kinda . . . silly? Had potential but they weren't exactly easy to take seriously, and the whole Toa Nuva getting beat up was so cheap that I kinda gave up on that year real quick.


Now, for some reason, I like this idea, combined with the whole Matoran getting smashed into the middle of no where to have sucktastic lives. It's just that that part of the Southern Continent got smashed into the Skakdi homeland. And they fight constantly.

Matoran have the better technology but Skakdi have the elemental powers and they know what they're doing, sort of, but the Matoran are still a significant threat to their lives. The Matoran are trying to live, since they have nowhere else to go, and the Skakdi are not at all pleased with people invading their homeland.

The Matoran convince the Toa to come help them with their fight against those barbarians. The Toa Nuva try to help, get taken down by the Piraka, the Toa Ignika fight with the Piraka for the Mask of Life, for revenge and for the Matoran, hilarity ensues.

And the Man behind the Man could be a Turaga who thinks that he can control the Zamor spheres so that he can enslave the local population, get the Mask of Life, bring Mata Nui back to life and just be sort of awful and manipulated by Makuta the whole time. And um, somehow this all gets resolved . . . I'm not sure how . . .


ANYWAY the point is that I've been studying too much colonial history and watching too much Avatar that isn't Last Airbender.

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I agree that tribal Piraka would've worked much better for 2006, but it could've made it harder to link details to the overall story, such as Makuta's involvement and the reason the Piraka were trying to obtain the Ignika.

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Harsh terrains, overall poverty, Matoran struggling for survival...


Mmkay, so maybe "tribal" isn't the word I'd use, but I loved 2006. Mostly because it was just so... dark.

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Yes. Definitely, yes.

And it would have the added bonus of cooler piraka ads. And no rap.


But wouldn't the Nuva getting defeated in that manner be like the Battle of Endor, sorta?

You know, AT-ST getting asploded by Ewok logs?

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Alright ToM I've heard some pretty awesome things but man


I think you've just topped them


This could've been much more interesting.

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This isn't to say I hated 2006 and think it should be scrapped or anything like that, just so everyone's clear. I liked the year on the whole, but there are parts of it I've never thought were done well, such as how easily the Piraka defeated the Nuva, while the Inika succeeded, despite their complete lack of experience and comparative lack of power.


It's just an idea that I had that I like better than the premise of 2006 (just as a matter of taste, since I like tribal stuff more than the complexity the rest of the universe had gotten in 2004-5, and would have greatly welcomed a return to that simplicity in 2006). And, as I thought it through, I realized it would explain the elements of 2006 that I actively disliked much better than the actual storyline.



Kojol – An interesting comparison, and kinda. The image I had in my mind is from Pirates of the Caribbean, where Will and the other pirates are captured by the natives (not together, but still) – in an open fight, the pirates have guns and all sorts of things that would let them win easily, but wasn't an open fight. They were taken by surprise, caught in traps, put to sleep – all things that the technologically inferior natives used to defeat them because they were familiar with the land and the pirates weren't. A thing true of pretty much any guerrilla warfare, for a real-world example.

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If I could, I would kiss your feet.


But yeah, 2006 had so much potential and then...then...it became quite a mess.


But I'd love some possible elaboration into this sort of storytelling. It really blurs the line between black and white.

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This is awesome, but I can't say I like it more than the actual story. Partly because the arrival of the Piraka and their subsequent celebration by the Matoran works so wonderfully as a callback to the original plot of the Mata Nui Online Game. There's even a section of Bionicle Legends#1 that almost seems deliberately like the beginning of the game (although I believe I've asked Greg and he said he didn't know about that scene).


(Balta's) doubts were quickly confirmed. The canister was empty. But there were footprints trailing away towards the settlement. Balta decided that food could wait. This was a mystery, after all, and Voya Nui could use a little mystery.


...Of course, this means that while I wouldn't prefer a complete rewrite of 2006 story, a MNOLG-style adventure following the Voya Nui Matoran would have been more epic than any of the online games we actually got in 2006. And it certainly would have made that countdown to 2006 on BIONICLE.com so much more worth the wait, if we had been greeted with something of this magnitude after the revamp...


Admittedly, your storyline variation manages to fit seamlessly between the preceding and following story years. I agree that it would have been quite amazing.

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I don't think I'd have liked to see the Piraka as yet another "army" enemy. I liked the direction they went where only seven Piraka appeared in the story, and they were cool characters. Yes, they had their own new species, but there weren't a ton of them all at once in-story, like with every other enemy canister set before them except the Kal.

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Oh no no no, they wouldn't be an army enemy at all. They'd be like the Matoran. If they lived in tribes, hidden away in the forests and mountains, then we would hardly be seeing masses of them, since they take down the Nuva by stealth and then the Inika probably wouldn't go near the actual villages. We would see glimpses of unnamed Piraka (just like we saw a few Matoran we didn't know in the 2006 comics), but the seven who are sets would be the ones the story would focus on and who would actually be developed as characters.
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Eh, to be honest, I like the actual story of 2006 much more than I do this, not that it's a bad idea, but I liked the way '06 played out more than I think I would like this.
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I think that the story would have worked beautifully as it was, but only if they had focused on the more tribal feel.


A primitive group, infiltrated by greedy beings who bring new and magical wonders tot he land... the Toa Nuva arrive, and learn about the legends and these beings through the Matoran.


Instead, we get direct contact between the Piraka and Toa and the Resistance, removing the mystery and just leaving us to look at the foolish primitives from a modern point of view. Much less fun, and the tribal feel is ruined.

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