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I Don't Watch Tv



Or at least, I didn't use to. During high school it would just be one or two Stargate SG-1/Atlantis episodes a weekend. Other than that there was not anything on I wanted to watch. (No cable, not that I needed it...and I had homework to do when shows like Lost (hehe, DV) and Heroes was on.)


But things have changed. My friends and I watched Firefly first semester freshmen year. I finished up Stargate Atlantis during school. Come summer 2009 I was overjoyed Hulu had Warehouse 13 right after it aired. I just finished up watching the new series (9th/10th Doctors) of Doctor Who on my computer. Dollhouse is on Hulu (or digital copies on my computer). Both V and Stargate Universe are also on Hulu, meaning I do not have to plan my life around the TV. (Though with needing more time I may just drop watching V...for now. I dropped FlashForward after it became too drama-ish.)


And there are a bunch of shows I have on my computer I want to watch. Torchwood, Santuary, Chuck. I also have Leverage, but, as good as they are (basically Oceans 11 intensity every episode), I am probably not missing out (as opposed to if I drop Firefly at a party--that can start a conversation). (On the note of Torchwood, I also have Sarah Jane Adventures. :3 Good/bad, Tilius? I just watched the first episode and I think I may have to pass on this due to other, more pressing shows (Torchwood, Dollhouse, Stargate, Santuary) and I might have to delete it due to space.) (I really wish those popular out of country shows came to America, but then again I guess those out of country might want our shows. Now I know how BZPers feel seeing that the USA is always getting sales.)


So I don't watch TV. I watch TV shows on my computer.


-CF :kakama:


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I probably would watch TV shows online, except I'm still living at home. And my siblings would complain that I'm on the computer even more.


I'm going to have watch Flash Forward online though unless I want to miss the rest of this season.


-Michigan J. Frog


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You need to watch LOST.


Everyone needs to watch LOST.






Everyone needs to watch CHUCK.



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You need to watch LOST.


Everyone needs to watch LOST.






Everyone needs to watch CHUCK.



Yes to Chuck. No to Lost, unless you have roughly three months of spare time and the patience to watch grass grow.


Although I do watch most of my TV show online, there's still nothing quite like catching it live on TV. (Plus, bigger screen, although I have hooked up my TV to my laptop and watched Hulu on the TV, so...)



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You need to watch LOST.


Everyone needs to watch LOST.



Yo, DV. I can't believe it. We're actually agreeing on something here. XP



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I'd say you can skip most of SJA. The only episodes worth watching are those which have direct links to Doctor Who.


If you like the Slitheen, watch episodes 1 and 2 of Series 1, as well as episodes 9 and 10 of the same series. And possibly episodes 11 and 12 of Series 3, since I think they're featured.


If you like the Sontarans, watch episodes 1 and 2 of Series 2. Not a bad story, either.


If you like the Judoon, watch episodes 1 and 2 of Series 3.


Absolutely essential viewing, though, would be episodes 5 and 6 of Series 3. They're the episodes which David Tennant is in, and again, it's not a bad story. It also acts as a bit of a taster of what's to come in The Waters of Mars/The End of Time.


I think those are the only ones the have proper links to Doctor Who. K9 is also in a few episodes, though I'm not sure which. Possibly the final episodes of Series 1, and through most of Series 3.


It's not a great series, though. If Torchwood is made for adults, and Doctor Who is made for family viewing, then SJA is definitely made for kids. It shows on the children's BBC channel here, whilst Doctor Who and Torchwood don't. So it's all a bit simply and kiddy, and only worth watching to see Who characters appearing.


- Tilius

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Have you seen Eureka? it's really good...


Yeah. I don't watch TV. Period.


Unless there's new episodes of a series I like. and the superbowl commercials.

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You need to watch LOST.


Everyone needs to watch LOST.






Everyone needs to watch CHUCK.



Agreed on LOST, and Chuck must be way more interesting than it seemed when I attempted to enjoy an episode one time.



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Eh, I already have enough on my plate. I'm not really looking for suggestions right now.


You need to watch LOST.


Everyone needs to watch LOST.






Everyone needs to watch CHUCK.





Everyone needs to watch FIREFLY.





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