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Why I Don't Post



Because half of the forums are people arguing over stuff like "They're BIONICLE sets, not Bionicles, fools!!!"


Silly BZPers. :rolleyes:


On a related note, I just don't like arguing in general, unless it's just a goofy argument which is more about being ridiculous then a genuine exchange of anger at each others' opinions or whatever. Just to clarify. So I hardly ever state my hardcore opinion on an issue because I don't want to start a debate, and EVERYONE seems obligated to debate other people's positions when they don't coincide with their own. Le sigh.


On an unrelated note, I hate shopping. There are no normal jeans that exist that fit me right. Nooo, I have to mail-order for them, and even then they only fit half the time. I must be the only person in this whole doggone country that wishes she were fatter.o_o


(Ignore my moaning, I'm just in a bad mood cuz I was having a minor dizzy spell for...most of the day, and still having it. Gaack. Apparently I'm going to have to do physical therapy to try to get my sense of balance working properly again.;_;)





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Have you tried Old Navy jeans? They the only kind that fit me and I never can find jeans that fit me right....that's what I get for being a petite runner, I guess.



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Guest kopakanuva13


Ugh, I hate the jeans thing. I seriously cannot find my size anywhere, so I need belts, which, unfortunately, rarely come in my size <___<

Meh. I feel your pain.


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I have never seen anything good come out of an Internet argument.


And I feel the same way about jeans. It seems like I'm getting skinnier, if anything. O.o

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They aren't arguments, they're DISCUSSIONS!


*gets shot*



Also, I havn't had too much of a problem with jeans. I'm a 30 waist, so I know a size 30 will fit me great. Well, except for CK jeans. The 30 was more like a 28. Lame.



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I dissagree with everything!!! In fact...I'm gonna argue with you!!! >:o





Okay that was stupid.... :P


But yeah, I actually know exactly what you mean about jeans, the only brand that ever gets close to my size (and that's not even exact) is Urban Pipeline at Kohls....which....we can only afford when they have their huge sales and stuff where they go down to like $14....

But yeah, being skinny ca kinda suck, and I've never owned a belt that was small enough..... :P

I say we start a protest! >:o and argue!



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Have you tried Old Navy jeans? They the only kind that fit me and I never can find jeans that fit me right....that's what I get for being a petite runner, I guess.




I used to wear Old Navy jeans, but then they ran out of sizes with the adjustable waist, and I really need jeans that adjust...xD I'm so skinny it's not even funny. Alas.



I say we all start a jeans revolution. B)



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