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Opinions: Put A Sock In It!

Crimson Jester


Time for a short little rant, maggots!


Opinions. Like the humans behind them, opinions are scattered and diverse. They are part of what I like to call our individuality complex; what makes you, you. Like fingerprints, there are no two sets of opinions that exactly match. This can range from your favorite sports team, whether you enjoy a certain type of food, or even your favorite music/bands. People also carry negative opinions, usually biased in one way or another by hearsay, or a bad experience.


That being said, despite what some of you particularly head-strong people like to think, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don't care how much it infuriates you, but unless it actually has some sort of defaming or demeaning quality to it, it is allowed to be spoken. This, unlike mostly everything else I or you say, is 100%, pure-cut fact. So, suck it up. Because, if you actually listen to your common sense for once in your life, you'll come to realize you have this handy little quality to walk away from a situation, or ignore the opposing party.


Now, that being said, you're probably wondering why I'm bringing this up. I was wandering a certain forum today, and came across an argument between several individuals over hatred for each others opinions. This topic has been debated several times, and often has to have some sort of staff intervention.


My first thought, as I looked at the confrontation was "What's the point? They're just making themselves, and the side they're defending, look stupid and lacking self-control." This brings me to my point.


This website, despite what seems to be popular belief, isn't, and never will be, a forum of debate. I mean, in CoT in particular, there is a specific rule aimed at the dubbed 'versus' topics. The staff see what it does. It breaks two seemingly decent things and people down into a blinded slap-fight of pathetic retorts between a pair of blithering fools. They lock themselves so deeply into the fight, the two parties fail to see how bloody stupid they look. Because really, no matter how 'ignorant' or 'uninformed' your opponent is, you're both completely biased.


So why do it? You get nothing out of it. I mean, internet tough-guys aren't like the real world. Everyone sees through your thinly-veiled threats, and the pompous attitude. Hiding behind a screen gets you nowhere. At the end of the day, everyone walks away from their computer, laughing at another kid who (with much effort, of course) is capable of making himself look easily as dumb over text as he does in real life.


So, for those of you who didn't care to read the rest, because something else in your day is keeping you busy (which, I must congratulate you for), here's the gist of it:

-Arguing about opinions is like fighting with your bare hands over a pile of guns, only to find the cache is filled with bubble-gum wrappers.

-Internet tough-guys aren't that good at appearing tough

-Bickering on the internet literally gets you nowhere

-Everyone is entitled to an opinion


Now, with that being said: please, for the love of BZP, please shut your mouths. If you don't like what somebody else thinks, learn to control yourself. The world is a plethora of varying opinions. You have more important things to worry about. I speak for the majority of the forum when I say your consistent beating of the last few specks of a long-dead horse really are just an inconvenience. You aren't even doing yourself any good.


So, unless you've something contributory to say, put a sock in it!


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Sir, EW did not start his sentence with "Sir", Sir.


Sir, I am more amazed at the quality of your writing than your content, Sir. Sir, not that the content was any less amazing, Sir. Sir, I think this needs to be disseminated to the rest of the site, Sir. Sir, if anything else, it will make good reading even of the readers don't agree, Sir.

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-Bickering on the internet literally gets you nowhere

-Everyone is entitled to an opinion


Wrong on the first count. I have seen plenty of times on the internet where people's opinions have been changed when countered with firm logic and fairness. Normally, you can tell by person if this is going to be successful on the get-go. Sweeping generalizations like this aren't really appropriate for the kaleidoscope of the internet.


And yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but the moment you put it out there, you open yourself up to criticism of that opinion. Everyone has a right to criticize fairly, as long as they don't make it personal.



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