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A Tragedy

Taka Nuvia


and this time I'm not kidding. Nor am I being sarcastic.


See, my sis broke both of her arms. Yes, two arms in plaster :(

She's totally desperate, and her arms hurt all the time... I feel really sorry for her. D=


So, sorry, I fear there's gonna be a delay with the comic and stuff, but I hope you all agree that looking after my sis is one of the more important things at the moment. =/


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Tell her that EW hopes she gets better soon. Not sure how well people will accept that some stranger on the Internet living in God-knows-where is thinking of the said person, but yeah. xP


And indeed I do agree that taking care of her is far more important than most anything else right now. Don't get too stressed, though; there's enough of that as is.


Here's a hug for you and your sis. =D *hug*hug*



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Ouch. How did she break both of her arms?


A speedy recovery to her, and once all is said and done, she'll have some tough-guy story to tell, I'm sure.

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Tell her that EW hopes she gets better soon. Not sure how well people will accept that some stranger on the Internet living in God-knows-where is thinking of the said person, but yeah. xP




I second that; if it helps at all (or at least doesn´t have any negative effect), tell her there´s one more random person who hopes she will recover easily.


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Oh my..oh my indeed.

Taka Taka, you can take as much time as you wish for the comic, your sister is and always will be more important, and is the top priority I believe.

Hope she feels better soon, Taka.

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Wow...I'm really sorry to hear that :( . What happened?


And I think I speak for all of us hear that to tell her we all want her to get better soon ^_^ .

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Ouch, I fractured just my left arm and it hurt, I can only imagine how your sister feels right now. :( Hope she gets better soon!

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