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Why I Am Getting A Bachelor Of Arts





I'll take paper writing anyday, heck, if i'm lucky, you can get me to explain a mathematical theorem in writing.


But hand me a marker and ask me to finish an equation?




I don't like math. :(




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OK, uhm...1+1= ?




I don't like math either, unless it's about flight-vectors, or measurements for construction of awesome machinethingymabobs.


PS: That's rare though, so no, I hate maths as much as anybody else ^^

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Geometry, algebra, or math of any kind is not my favorite subject. I'd rather work on a research paper than a 50 question math exam, so you're not alone there. :P
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Oh my goodness Andrew I can't believe you just double-posted I am so telling on you


Also I dunno it depends on what kind of equations and what kind of writing we're talking here.

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Math is indeed not very likable in any way. Except a lot of mechanical stuff would be completely worthless without it.

I'm quite happy that handling advanced mechanics isn't my job. :P

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Math... my college math course is coming up soon. That is if I test out of the basic elementary math and algebra... dang general education college requirements. :(


I think I would probably prefer solving some equation I don't understand versus some enormous word count of an essay.


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I'll do your math if you do my papers! :D


I feel like the odd one out, I'd take advanced Algebra over a one page paper any day.



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Another odd one out here. *raises hand*


It's just been such an awful long time since last I dealt with even basic algebra. :bored: So please don't ask me anything.

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Might I just point out that there is a fundamental difference between hating math and hating to do math. You see, without that fine subject we would definitely be bereft of many, many of the modern technological advances that we enjoy today. Computers would not exist, and therefor by extension *gasp!* BZPower would not exist either. It is one thing for you to hate doing the subject, but to hate it entirely? That's different, and not very healthy. ;)

(note that you didn't say it Niki, a few other members did though)


I for one enjoy the subject. ^_^



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All of us with our Bachelors of Arts attempts are awesome!


Though I am getting one because I like foreign language. And also dislike doing math at a level above basic algebra.

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I also feel your pain, Niki. Just replace "Bachelor Of Arts" with "Bachelor Of Science" and "Math" with "English, History, and Philosophy" and yeah, I thought the exact same words. :P

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