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Time Travel



Obviously the grandfather paradox (going back and killing your grandfather so you would not exist and therefore can not go back in time and kill him so then he doesn't die but then does give birth to your dad...) is messy and a no-no, but perhaps there are some other options if the power were possible.


I guess there is what happened in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry and Hermione stayed out of the way when freeing *spoiler* Buckbeak and Sirius. But even then there's a mess of Harry casting the Patronus. But I'm focusing on the first part where what they do does not affect future knowledge before going back in time.


On that note, what if you could go back in time to fix a past mistake, but then tell yourself to go back in time to make sure the mistake is fixed? That way, although the mistake would not have happened in the first place, you are still making sure it is prevented.


But then there is what happens sometimes in Star Trek and Stargate: alternate universes. One little change splits the timeline in two: One of the original and the other of it "changed." But even then there are different takes. Star Trek 11 instead focused on the alternate timeline. Something happened in Stargate Atlantis that made me think we are now watching an alternate universe Atlantis team (being exactly the same) that had the happy ending while the original group was left to die. (And then there's the whole SGU Time episode. :wacko: )


And then sometimes The Doctor realizes that, although he tries to stay out of it, he causes the event to occur. *coughPompeiicough*


-CF :kakama:


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How can your grandfather give birth to your dad? :???:

When a grandfather and a grandmother love each other very much, they mail a letter to Mr. Stork and ask for a baby. This baby becomes your dad, mom, aunt, or uncle. :)



No no, I mean, yeah, sure, but really, it's the grandmother giving birth, and I just slurred things together.



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I'm a fan of the theory "If we have gone back in time, then originally, we were back in time, so whatever we do now effects what will happen in our original time." (Paraphrase from Animorphs, Time of the Dinosaurs)


Basically, while you can go back in time and do stuff, you won't be able to change the actual outcome of something because it had already happened before you time traveled in the first place. This is what they did in Harry Potter, and it is also the basic idea of that movie "De Ja Vu" although at the very end he did manage to tweak things around.


Although I have written about a different style of time travel that just kinda moves your consciousness back and forth through time. So say you made a decision, did a bunch of stuff, and then time traveled back to when you first made the decision. Your consciousness (and memory, I guess) would go back to your body at that time, and you can make decisions that would affect the future. But you could not interact with your past self (because you would be your past self) or in theory go back in time to before when you were born... but you could jump to the future, like if you were cryogenically frozen and then awakened, so no aging...


*more time travel rantings*



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I'm a fan of the theory "If we have gone back in time, then originally, we were back in time, so whatever we do now effects what will happen in our original time." (Paraphrase from Animorphs, Time of the Dinosaurs)


Basically, while you can go back in time and do stuff, you won't be able to change the actual outcome of something because it had already happened before you time traveled in the first place. This is what they did in Harry Potter, and it is also the basic idea of that movie "De Ja Vu" although at the very end he did manage to tweak things around.

Deja Vu had alternate timelines, where each interaction with the past created a new timeline.


Personally I don't believe in time as a force/something that can be manipulated/traveled through. I see it as Man's attempt to measure and form comparisons between the world around us, our memories of what has happened, and our predictions of what will happen - three things that are physically completely unrelated, unlike other measurable items such as distance or weight.

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And Brickthing is the winner!


I enjoy the "fixed points in time" theory Doctor Who uses. In relation to time travel

Some small things can be changed in the timey-wimey stuff, others can't. My only real problem with it is what decides if something is "small".

(Waters of Mars!)

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I'm more a fan of the classic Star Trek time traveling (classic being The Voyage Home and First Contact as opposed to the J.J. Abrams one). I mean, how else are we gonna save the whales?


Also, Stargate: SG1 had the best time travel episodes ever (Window of Opportunity and 1969)!

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Also, Stargate: SG1 had the best time travel episodes ever (Window of Opportunity and 1969)!


Jack O'Neill: How far away is Alaris anyway?

Teal'c: Several billion miles, O'Neill.

Jack O'Neill: That's gotta be a record.





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xkcd comic 630



Also, there was a Star Trek: Voyager episode where they went back in time and actually took back with them the technology to allow the doctor to move about with that holo-emitter on his shoulder.



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I'm more a fan of the classic Star Trek time traveling (classic being The Voyage Home and First Contact as opposed to the J.J. Abrams one). I mean, how else are we gonna save the whales?


Also, Stargate: SG1 had the best time travel episodes ever (Window of Opportunity and 1969)!


I love Window of Opportunity.


"Next time I won't be so forgiving!"

"What? This is the first time."


"If we don't find a way out of this I'm going to loose it.....loose it...it means go crazy....bonsai... no longer in the possession of the fact that he's three fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!"


I'm writing my theories about time travel and its turning out to be quite long, 3 pages already and I'm not finished. If you want me to post I will if you want me to but I'm taking a break and I'd like to post this and go to sleep....



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I just want you to know I blame you for the brain pain I have after researching/pondering time travel for the last 40 minutes or so.


But in a good way? :)


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I'm more a fan of the classic Star Trek time traveling (classic being The Voyage Home and First Contact as opposed to the J.J. Abrams one). I mean, how else are we gonna save the whales?


Also, Stargate: SG1 had the best time travel episodes ever (Window of Opportunity and 1969)!

Soldier: *In Russian* "Are you Soviet spies?

Daniel: *In Russian* No


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Eh, never read HP, so I don't know what you're talking about.


But as far as time travel goes, I love the Windmill guy paradox in Ocarina of Time. Probably because the Song of Storms is amazing.



Eh, never played video games, so I don't know what you're talking about.




Touche, good sir (I just wanted to make sure people knew why I semi-changed the topic...which I zombified...).

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