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Breasts On Mocs



Just because I'm sick of complaints from every single end of this argument;


When there is no piece to be used as breasts you complain that it doesn't look female. When the MOCer gives it breasts, you complain that it's improperly proportioned.


I know people won't abide by this rule, and since I'm not a member of the staff, I can't really enforce it, but please, If you're going to complain about the breasts being too big at the same time you complain about them being too small, suggest a better design rather than showing us something useless we already know the appearance of, such as a basic human female sketch that you can't apply to a three-dimensional object. I'm not supporting either side in this argument; I'd like to see them more properly proportioned too. But honestly, there are a very small number if roundish pieces to work with, so please, don't bash every single MOC that either uses the more common-albeit-oversized breast design at the same time you bash MOC's made with people scared of this fight who just skip over them. I know not everyone bashes both, but there are so freaking many who do it drives me mad.


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Yeah, but Bionicle have heartlights, not hearts. And looking at Roodaka, The standard place for the heartlight (base of neck, middle of chest) is unarmored. I know. I've got the set right next to me. See, we don't know that much about Vortixx ranking or whatnot, so that theory's bust. And if the GBs had scraps left over, which I'm not sure why they would, why would they use them in this manner?


Again, It can also mean the upper Ventral region.


So? Chickens aren't mammals, either. And note how I said ANY animal.

Lungs. You forget the lungs. And it's a confirmed fact that Bionicles have lungs.


Define which we're talking about, man. Milk producing organs or the upper region of the chest? I can't properly argue until you give me a clear definition of what we're debating. As you're true in saying it can mean the upper ventral region; in that case, yes, Roodaka does what breasts. However, as the milk producing organ definition? Uh-uh.


So please, tell me which definition we're debating and I can properly debate.

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Which brings me to another point; Bionicles aren't mammals, so they technically don't even need to possess breasts. And yet everyone acts like they do.[/font]


Neither are female Transformers, female nonmamilian aliens, etc.

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Which brings me to another point; Bionicles aren't mammals, so they technically don't even need to possess breasts. And yet everyone acts like they do.[/font]


Neither are female Transformers, female nonmamilian aliens, etc.

Case in point.

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Which brings me to another point; Bionicles aren't mammals, so they technically don't even need to possess breasts. And yet everyone acts like they do.[/font]


Neither are female Transformers, female nonmamilian aliens, etc.

Case in point.






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But what's more important to a brand, popular opinion or hard science?

PO, obviously. I'm just pointing out; when it comes down to right or wrong, fact or oppinion, breasts just don't have a purpose on robotic thingymajinges.


I've met many a fanboy/girl which thinks otherwise, however.

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Just to point out, it doesn't even make sense for MU beings to be male/female given that they're non-reproducing nanotech robots. So science doesn't come into it - MU females look feminine because the GBs made them like that.

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Just to point out, it doesn't even make sense for MU beings to be male/female given that they're non-reproducing nanotech robots. So science doesn't come into it - MU females look feminine because the GBs made them like that.

Strictly speaking, acording to Greg, there isn't even any physical difference between male and female, at least in Matoran. It's all down to mentality. So maybe Alex's idea about Roodaka's chest armour being decorative isn't far off. She knows she's top dog so she makes it obvious with symbols such as breasts and high heels

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^What Stig said^


Anywho, it all comes down to this simple fact: it's called 'My Own Creation' for a reason. Just because you don't like the fact that someone's MOC isn't up to your opinions and views and specs, doesn't mean you have to bash it and crit it heavily. It's ok to say, 'hey, dude, it's a good MOC but this could be better if *insert* was changed', but IMO, DV, while he had a point, ignored everything redeeming about the MOC and focused only on its one error; female body shaping, which, from a cannon point of view, makes no sense to argue about.

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^What Stig said^


Anywho, it all comes down to this simple fact: it's called 'My Own Creation' for a reason. Just because you don't like the fact that someone's MOC isn't up to your opinions and views and specs, doesn't mean you have to bash it and crit it heavily. It's ok to say, 'hey, dude, it's a good MOC but this could be better if *insert* was changed', but IMO, DV, while he had a point, ignored everything redeeming about the MOC and focused only on its one error; female body shaping, which, from a cannon point of view, makes no sense to argue about.


Can I see what he said, specifically?

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