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Touch screen? Seriously, I don't see the benefit of these. You'll touch the screen and it'll get all mucky and full of finger prints. My laptop screen is like that, and I try very hard not to touch it too much. No, touch screens don't appeal to me.


More features? Meh, I do have a laptop. And it sounds alot like their earlier products... only this time, bigger.


Really, am I the only person who likes having different devices that do different things? I have a phone for talking on. I have a camera for taking pictures. I have a laptop for surfing the web. I have an iPod nano for music and some video. I wear a watch so I can easily check the time. I like having different things that do different things, and do those things well. I don't need an iSomething that does it all. (Unless they seriously introduce the ones with the time travel and teleportation apps)


Plus, with the exception of an iPod that was given to me as a gift, I am a Microsoft person. :sly:




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Yeah, you got to watch out for Red-Ray trumping the HHDDVVDDBVD player.

Maybe get a gas powered, internet enabled blow dryer? And ride around on some robot vacuum smart phones (that has to play MP3's).

Hang on, my alarm went off on my wristwatch with a pedometer and built in time machine (and it plays MP48's).



I wear a watch. I don't use my cell phone when I need great photos--just for those spur of the moment things. (And I don't use my cell phone for the time either. I do use it as an alarm clock though.) I use my computer as a media center out of convenience, but last school year I had a stereo and my CD rack. And other things.

I do, however, want an iPod Touch for the internet (along with a nice UI for music) for when I'm in wifi areas.


The iPad is all hip and whatnot because it's the first of its kind. I don't know all its features, but I am kind of inclined to just want a regular computer with a keyboard and mouse? IDK. This probably has its uses, but I think I read that it seems like it should have more power in processing. IDK, not in my area of interest.



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As cool-looking as the iPad and its concept is, I just don't quite get it. Is it supposed to be for just reading newspapers and books, or does it do more? I guess I'm a old-fashioned nineteen year old when I'd just prefer to have the actual book or newspaper myself instead of trying to read it on a computer screen.


But, I'm still laughing at the "Amazon Kindle, meet your Voldemort" quote I found about it. Even though it means that the iPads have split their technological souls into horcruxes and can never be killed until someone goes and destroys the souls first....and that's a lot of bits of souls to be hunted down.


And the name....hoo boy. I wish they'd called it the iScribe or iSlate (or iVoldemort :P).



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I'm totally with you, I just don't like where things are going with all these things being combined into one. Also I have no idea how this thing could be of any real use when you already have the smaller variety in the form of iPod Touch or iPhone and a laptop. Just adding another thing that you'll have to replace in a few months with the latest pointless upgrade.

And the thing is, from what I've heard, this isn't a totally new concept at all, they've just improved on the look and the technology or something like that. Personally, we have books, we have newspapers, we can use the internet on computers, photography with cameras, and your Mp3 player (iPod Classic for me) or whatever form you have access to for your music. Are we really that desperate to have everything in the palm of one's hand so you limit all your posessions? It's almost getting to that stage and I find that rather sad.

And besides, iPad is a lame name. If anything, it sounds like how Coach Z would pronounce 'iPod'. :P



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I want a laptop with Windows 7.







I'll just take a copy of W7 x64 right about now.


I'm stuck on Vista x32 for now.


And yeah, iPad is not going to be a good idea. I'd rather buy a Nook if I needed anything like that.

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I like having multi-function thingies. My computer, for an example, have a watch. So does my phone. I don`t really play that many games, either.


And i don`t have an iPod. Do NOT bypass the filter. -B6 Although, my computer can`t do other sounds than the beep when it needs power. But i`ll suvive. Besides, it probably would annoy my family if i listened to music 24/7.

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I was hoping it would be an inexpensive tablet that runs OSX so that it would be useful for drawing directly in Photoshop... But, alas!


It's an iPhone with gigantism.

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I'm not entirely sure anyone is looking forward to it. It is just an iPod. When people say it is like a bigger iPod Touch or iPhone, that's what it is. It isn't "like" one, it is one. It isn't a computer at all, and I believe that is what people were expecting. I was at least.


I mean okay every app is relatively updated for the big screen, but the only thing "new" is the books.


And I think you are the only person. Haha Why wouldn't you want everything in one device? I find carrying around my iPod and Phone incredible annoying. If Verizon had the iPhone, I'd buy it in an instant. Its not like that's going to be my computer or laptop though. Why waste money buying each individual thing though? It isn't like your watch can tell time better than any device ever, and it depends on what you need out of it, but my phone takes pictures good enough for my MOC picture taking needs. Posting them right to Flickr with the iPhone would be so easy too.


/possibly rant? haha

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