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"they're All Nanobots"



I'm aware this is a late entry, but just bear with me.


The more I think about this ending, the more annoyed I become with Greg, and the more I feel like the series is going to go nowhere but downhill.


You're going to tell me that, basically, the Matoran/Tohunga are all nanobots in a giant Mata-nui that, because they were a part of, they worshipped like a God, that Makuta was a virus, that every Toa was just an antivirus program?


That's just cheap, poor writing. I'm aware I'm criticizing a professional writer who I'll probably never match the success of, but frankly I don't care, because at this point, I just want to express my opinion about this cop-out.


I cried for these characters. Sure when I did, I was 6-7 years old, but nonetheless, I've cried, laughed, hoped for and intently watched these characters. I've sat on the edge of my seat for weeks waiting for the next issue of the comic up until I stopped following the plot just because of the cliffhanger you left, Greg. And a good job you did for a while. But this is beyond low. You're basically going to tell me that all that I felt about these characters was for nothing but a malfunctioning driver and Norton Antivirus: Giant robot edition? That I so loved these characters who were nothing but programs that were worshiping Bill Gates?


That's just low. It's worse than making everything a dream. At least if it were a dream, it could be foreshadowing, and existentially, they'd technically exist as they are in the character's head. If it were a dream, it may mean something about the character dreaming it. If it were dream, the evil would be gone too, and it would all be nice and okay and if I hugged Tahu Stars and told him "Everything's alright" because he's so darn cute, then it'd be true.


But it's not. It's not foreshadowing because it's all happened and nobody spends a decade foreshadowing, they don't really exist because they're all just programs that shouldn't even have emotions, and in the Toa's case, really don't when you think about it, and those who do shouldn't, and that they're disillusioned AI worshiping their system. That's not good writing, that's cruel to do to your readers, especially when a lot of them are children. "Oh, these characters you love so much? Well, that one's a program, that one's a malfunctioning AI, and that one's a computer virus."


I was hopeful coming into 2010 about what you'd do with the plot, but after this Greg, I have to say, ten years with one writer is seven years too long.


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I felt the same way at first, but I got over it. After all, just because it's canon doesn't mean you have to think that.


I discount anything I don't like as being non-canon, thereby creating, to some extent, my own canon. I didn't like the addition of orange as iron's secondary color, for example.


In this case, I'd just ignore the fact that they technically are programs, viruses, and malfunctioning AIs. I still think of them in their previous form, as sapient creatures.

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Psst... Greg didn't come up with that idea. It was in the original story bible written by Bob Thompson.


I will never, ever understand why people so vehemently hate this concept. "They're not what you might've thought they were" does not mean "ignore all characterization you're witnessed in the last eight years, because it didn't count." So why does everyone think that?

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What I wanna know is, where did this entry go yesterday?


Anyway, at first I didn't like the idea... but now... it kind of makes the characters more interesting. Because they glitched and developed personalities, emotions and souls despite what they were intended to be.



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Necro, I have to say I agree with all you said.


I loved these characters as a kid, and even as a teenager I still do. Why did you have to kill my childhood, Greg? It feels like you were too lazy to make a good ending and just gave up. I don't even know if I want Bionicle to come back, because you might ruin it even more by saying the Great Beings are just a bunch of Monkeys with Lego bricks.


Thanks for pretty much killing off these characters I loved.

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Meh, I see the nanobot idea as just an easy way of explaining it. IMO they still count as living individuals and such, just their existance helps support the existance of the universe.


Seems fine.


- Tilius

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While that is a constant irritant to me, I'm more concerned with what in the heck they actually did. I mean, what purpose did these 'nanotech' Matoran do exactly? Making masks? Building chutes, carving statues--what did any of this do for Mata-Nui? What purpose did Rahi serve in the grand scheme?


I mean the only thing that makes it at all logical to me is that they were meant to be planetary colonizers. Eventually the unit would land and dispatch the Rahi and Matoran and blah and they would start creating a habitable environment for those of Spherus Magna/Bara Magna. KIND OF LIKE THE STORY I WROTE A BAZILLION YEARS AGO /plug


But...uh, yeah.



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Just to point out that Makuta isn't an antivirus. The idea was that he was always supposed to take over the MU robot. It's just he was supposed to do it when Mata Nui had returned to Spherus Magna, where the GBs would have a third robot ready. Mata Nui would assume control of that robot and Teridax could have the MU. But he went and took control early, in the wrong fashion and for the wrong reasons.


Oh, and the Matoran weren't supposed to be as advanced as they were, with a culture and 'religion' around Mata Nui, but they were still an AI, so their personalities are meant to be there

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Way to suck the life out of an epic mythos, eh? Whatever, though; I choose to just take that little "factoid" as a metaphor.



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Why didn't people realize this back in 08 when we found out that Mata Nui was a GIANT ROBOT? That's what I want to know. Why is the realization that they're nanotech only coming NOW, and not when we found out that they are back in 2008.
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Oh I knew and was ranting to my friends.


But being without a blog I was without a rant platform. Much sadness.



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Oh I knew and was ranting to my friends.


But being without a blog I was without a rant platform. Much sadness.



you can use me as a rant platform :(

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