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Yay for the Saints!


It'll be the Broncos turn next year... or whenever they feel like playing in Nov-Dec. :annoyed:




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The Who was great,

All things considered, like their age, they were very awesome, but I thought he was going to die when he did the scream in "We Won't Get Fooled Again."

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I just have to say it for those of us who have not been represented here yet: Even if they lost, Colts FTW.

I actually like the Colts, a lot. I probably would have rooted for them if it wasn't for the Saints. Their my home team though, so yeah.

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'twas an awesome victory (though I don't consider football all that important) I think the Saints definately deserved it, it's pretty awesome that they finally make it to the Super Bowl and win it too. I think New Orleans needed something liek this to happen anyway.....


The Colts already had one recently anyway. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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The World Series was way more awesome than that game.


Best of 7 vs. Single Game. Best of 7 will always win, especially when the Yanks are in it.

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The World Series was way more awesome than that game.


Best of 7 vs. Single Game. Best of 7 will always win, especially when the Yanks are in it.


The Yankies are just a bunch of over payed rich guys, that's the only reason they always win.

They aren't smart enough to be like in football and cap the price they spend on players.

Though all sports has enough money that they could like save a whole nation with instead of spend it on sports.



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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The World Series was way more awesome than that game.


Best of 7 vs. Single Game. Best of 7 will always win, especially when the Yanks are in it.


The Yankies are just a bunch of over payed rich guys, that's the only reason they always win.

They aren't smart enough to be like in football and cap the price they spend on players.

Though all sports has enough money that they could like save a whole nation with instead of spend it on sports.



-Jordboy1 :miru:

I would say that the Yankees' players aren't overpaid. After all, Derek Jeter, C.C. Sabathia, Mark Texiera (Or something spelled similar to that), and tons of other All-Star quality players are on that team. And before '09, they had last won the World Series in 2000, so they don't always win.


And unlike the NFL, they are smart enough to avoid replays in all but home runs, since all that does is complicate the game, even if it may garuntee the correct decision.


You got me on that last point, though.

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Gah. That's actually a good idea, I never thought of it before.


But that's a huge moral dilemma...sacrifice the enjoyment we derive from sports to save the world? Or not? Hmm....

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My brother's birthday was last Sunday, so he had a Superbowl party with his friends.


They all voted for the Colts...:P


I don't care much about football, but me and my dad always go for the underdogs. And I'm glad they won; they deserved it.

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My brother's birthday was last Sunday, so he had a Superbowl party with his friends.


They all voted for the Colts...:P


I don't care much about football, but me and my dad always go for the underdogs. And I'm glad they won; they deserved it.

Sports have always been meh for me to watch (well, Olympics ftw), but growing up in cajun country makes you be Saints fan, even through all the bad years. I actually watched a whole football game for once, lol.

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My brother's birthday was last Sunday, so he had a Superbowl party with his friends.


They all voted for the Colts...:P


I don't care much about football, but me and my dad always go for the underdogs. And I'm glad they won; they deserved it.

Sports have always been meh for me to watch (well, Olympics ftw), but growing up in cajun country makes you be Saints fan, even through all the bad years. I actually watched a whole football game for once, lol.



The only thing better than the olympics is baseball, and the only thing better than that is olympic baseball. Unfortunately, we won't be seeing anymore olympic baseball until 2020 at least, and even then it's unlikely. We might of had a chance of having it back in 2016 if Chicago had won.


Raaaaaaaaageface at IOC and Rio.

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