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Farshtey Feed (p261-265)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

• Since the pieces of the Golden Armor are scattered around Bara Magna, Tahu and company will have to search for them. [source]
• It is safe to assume that the Glatorian will suffer casualties at the hands of the Rahkshi, Skakdi, and Skrall attacks. [source]


• The Golden Armor does not even get created until Tahu and Takanuva arrive on Bara Magna. [source]

• The chest armor on Tahu's BIONICLE Stars form represents the Toa Mata version of his adaptive armor in default form. The default Toa Nuva version looks like his normal Toa Nuva armor. [source]
• During the fight between Mata Nui and Teridax, all of the Rahkshi and Skakdi were unleashed at about the same time. [source]
• The Skrall are only attacking the Glatorian, not fighting the Rahkshi or Skakdi. [source]
• Tahu is transformed back into a Toa Mata when he is on Bara Magna. [source]
• As a Toa Mata, Tahu's elemental powers no longer depend on his Nuva symbol. [source]

• The reason that the Great Beings did not create the third robot is not that they did not have the energized protodermis to do it, since one would have to assume that they could just synthesize their own. [source]
• On why a leader Skrall was chosen to be Element Lord of Rock: "Wouldn't it make sense to choose someone who already had experience as a leader for that job? Skrall have a very rigid caste system -- choosing a non-leader for the job would probably have provoked rebellion." [source]
• The surviving Iron Agori did not assume the colors of some other known tribe because they knew no one would ever buy it, since the Agori of each of the Tribes tend to know their own members well. Moreover, the Iron Agori would probably not blend in with other tribes' particular customs. [source]

• There are still some Skrall and female Skrall on Bota Magna. [source]

• Greg estimates there are about 1500 Agori on Bara Magna, counting Zesk and Rock Agori. [source]
• Baterra do not shapeshift to look like specific individuals. Had baterra been designed to be spies, that would have been a useful power to give them, but they weren't there to get information -- just ambush and destroy. [source]

• With Matoran, the effect of removing one's Kanohi is not instantaneous; there is a time delay before the Matoran starts slipping into a coma, otherwise Matoran could never swap masks to replace damaged ones. If a Matoran's mask is so damaged it no longer functions at all, the Matoran would need to change it within a matter of hours. [source]
• When the Bohrok cleansed Mata Nui, they most likely retrieved the Krana trapped in the pit near Ga-Koro and returned them to the Bahrag. [source]
• The Ignika is made of protodermis. [source]
• In the event of the Vahi's destruction in the Matoran universe, the effect of time losing control would not persist for anyone who could escape the Matoran universe, but logistically this would be impossible for anyone already caught inside. [source]
• Ancient and The Shadowed One are of the same species. Greg: "Well, you and I are the same species, but probably look very different and may have totally different skills. Every member of a species does not look alike or have exactly the same powers all the time." [source]
• Gladiator represents a normal specimen of his species. [source]
• In the case of the Toa Metru's transformation, the Toa Suva activated the Toa stones' ability to unleash the power already inside the Matoran. [source]
• Prior to the Great Cataclysm, the Toa Mata were known of everywhere, as legends, and especially in Metru Nui, since in the event of a catastrophe, that is where they would show up. [source]
• It is possible that there are Skakdi of elements other than the original six, barring light and shadow. [source]
• On Metru Nui, Takua would have worn a different mask, since his mask on Mata Nui was a replacement that never fit right. [source]
• Greg pictures Lariska's coloration to be blue-green. [source]

• A nova blast of Psionics would probably consist of a massive mental shock. [source]
• Hakann's mental blasts are an ability of Psionics. [source]
• It would be most appropriate for a Toa of Psionics to channel a mental blast through a Toa tool. [source]
• A Toa of Psionic's telepathy is of limited range. [source]

• Of the original 100 Makuta, exactly 15 were female. The other 14 besides Gorast were more likely killed in service than to have sided against Teridax and been eliminated. [source] [source]
• Makuta cannot preserve a portion of their antidermis in a container as a failsafe for whenever the rest of their substance may become dispersed. [source]
• The Makuta manufactured their viruses in laboratories. [source]
• A Makuta cannot posses more than two bodies at a time. [source]
• When a Makuta shapeshifts, its Kanohi remains part of its form, and its power is still accessible. [source]
• Miserix's mask is the Mask of Mutation. [source]
• The Mask of Mutation would be able to mutate someone affected by Roodaka's mutation power a second time in an effort to undo the mutation, but without knowledge of exactly what Roodaka did, it might not necessarily undo all of it. [source]

• The Makuta from the Melding universe were created in the same manner as those in the main universe. They all had shadow powers at first but expulsed it and became able to tap into their inner elemental light power. [source]
• The Shadow Takanuva that alternate Teridax and Mazeka have encountered are the same that Tobduk saw on Destral. [source]
• The Toa Mahri are currently participating in the resistance against Teridax. All Toa are currently participating in this. [source] [source]
• Lesovikk and Hydraxon are inside the Matoran universe. [source]
• All of the Shadow Takanuva presumably have a black and gray coloration and basically look alike. [source]
• Part of the message that Tren Krom transmitted to the Ignika was the need for Tahu to be devolved into a Toa Mata. [source]
• Sending the message to the Ignika was the only reason for Tren Krom's freedom. [source]
• Teridax is aware of the events taking place near his consciousness. [source]
• The green haze which entered the energized protodermis tank in Reign of Shadows #10 was not antidermis. [source]
• On the end of Reign of Shadows #10: "Note what it said in the story -- that the only way they could KNOW these beings would not die in the EP would be if Teridax told them, which evidently he did. So no, they did not die." [source]
• On Zaktan's survival: "Lots of things are possible. What's probable may be another matter." [source]
• The green cloud in Reign of Shadows #10 may in fact be Zaktan... [source] [source]
• Lewa Nuva was transported into space along with the others at the end of Reign of Shadows #10 (his name was mistakenly omitted). [source]
• The Toa Mahri are not carrying their Cordak launchers on their current mission, since they are too bulky and make too much noise for a spy mission. [source]
• Artakha carries a warhammer. [source]

• Not all of the Toa Mata's colorations were based on those of Glatorian like Ackar, given Pohatu is brown and Vorox are not. [source]
• The Ignika would not be able to return the Vorox and Zesk back to normal, since their devolution was a psychological one which resulted from environmental stress. [source]
• Mata Nui could not give an Agori elemental powers. [source]
• Mata Nui would hypothetically be able to give a Vorox elemental power. [source]
• The Spear of Fusion is not powerful enough to reunite Spherus Magna. [source]

• On story plans after Winter 2010: "Right now, I plan to focus on post-MN saga as opposed to doing a lot of flashback work." This story will likely bring us to Bota Magna. [source]
• It is possible that the story will continue beyond 2011. [source]
• Greg plans to create a serial about a new Toa team as long as he can get a list of approved names to do it. [source]
• Greg doubts the Toa in the new story serial will all be from the same homeland. [source]
• Chapter one of Journey's End will be posted mid-February. [source]
• The other Toa Nuva besides Tahu do not really appear in Journey's End. [source]
• Journey's End will have something like 12 chapters. [source]
• Sahmad's Tale will probably run through the end of March, just as Reign of Shadows. [source]
• We will see more of the Toa Mahri in future stories, but there are no plans for Matoro to be replaced. [source]
• The revelation of the nature of the Great Beings depends on the word of LEGO HQ in Denmark. [source]


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Odd... don't we see Takua with a blue Pakari in the Toa Vakama CD thing?



When I saw "Journey's End" I thought "Doctor Who". :P
Lady Kopaka


On Zaktan's survival: "Lots of things are possible. What's probable may be another matter."

• The green cloud in Reign of Shadows #10 may in fact be Zaktan...



Yeah, this is the only thing I cared about.



Of the original 100 Makuta, exactly 15 were female. The other 14 besides Gorast were more likely killed in service than to have sided against Teridax and been eliminated.

Something about this irks me to no end.



Of the original 100 Makuta, exactly 15 were female. The other 14 besides Gorast were more likely killed in service than to have sided against Teridax and been eliminated.

Something about this irks me to no end.

Is it the fact that only 15% of the Makuta were female, or that Greg seems to be insinuating that the female Makuta were... lacking in combative skills compared to male Makuta?



Of the original 100 Makuta, exactly 15 were female. The other 14 besides Gorast were more likely killed in service than to have sided against Teridax and been eliminated.

Something about this irks me to no end.

Is it the fact that only 15% of the Makuta were female, or that Greg seems to be insinuating that the female Makuta were... lacking in combative skills compared to male Makuta?

Or maybe they were so skilled, they were sent on tons of missions and thus were exposed to more danger?


Anyway, 16.67 percent is 1/6, which is the traditional Bionicle female proportion.


Speaking of only one tribe being 100% girls, I think the Po-Matoran should have been the females. Gerudo anyone?



Odd... don't we see Takua with a blue Pakari in the Toa Vakama CD thing?

We did, but I think most people have forgotten that, and imply this statement to mean that Takua's original mask wasn't just another blue pakari (although with streaks) but a different mask like Jaller. The statement never states that.



Odd... don't we see Takua with a blue Pakari in the Toa Vakama CD thing?

We did, but I think most people have forgotten that, and imply this statement to mean that Takua's original mask wasn't just another blue pakari (although with streaks) but a different mask like Jaller. The statement never states that.

No, I don't think we did. But we did see Takua at the end of LoMN already wearing his blue mask.

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