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This Is Weird, Very Weird

Lady Kopaka


I only got one problem wrong in my math test. For once.


I haven’t felt tired all day. Not really sore/sickish either. (even woke up around 9)


I have finished my essay quickly.


Loving the wonderful support on commissions. <3


I -feel- like drawing.


My amazing friend from Germany surprised me with a visit and will be here for another week.


Also starting my art tutoring job next week, going to add a 250GB harddrive to my comp, ordering Mass Effect 2 CE in a few days, and my car is nearly fixed.




Something is very fishy about today...very happy, but it makes me wonder what's going to happen in exchange for the good mood. Hmm... :mellow:


(note: I am not bragging; just so much bad happening lately; so when the good comes I am very thankful)


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Hey, that's awesome, Lady. ^_^ Sometimes life just throws you those days when you can't help but smile--I could use one of those. :P


Still, glad to hear everything's going great for you, and here's hoping it lasts a while. :)

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All of the above, plus, if there's anything you've been planning to do that involves a lot of risk, do it now before your good luck runs out.


That is, if you feel safe enough to.

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Oh man, I totally know how you feel. Same basic thing happens to me, too. Just enjoy it while it lasts, and make the most of it. ^_^



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Today was another good day. I taught my first art lesson and was told I did a very good job, and two more people on Monday. I think this job will actually work out. With this monies I also hope to get myself a larger tablet. Ordered Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition. And I'll be socializing for once tomorrow evening.


AND my awesome brother (Sir Tahu) cleaned my room while I was away. Well, I bribed him...but he still did a very good job. Ah, nice to see my floors again.


I am savoring all of this.

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