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Bionicle: Year One - Misc. Ideas



Here are some random ideas for Bionicle: Year One.


Opening sequence: No extra work here, just the already-made '01 video of the canisters falling from the sky, with possibly some drums in the background to increase the intensity. I was also thinking that the video could flash onto the screen and fade out, much like the effect used on the text in those "WE ARE WAITING" banners.


The video continues, until we see Onua explode out of the can. Onua's parts are in the background, and smoke is rising from the canister, as the graphics fade in with the "Play" "Save" and etc.


Actual Gameplay: I have a few ideas floating around, but the main concept is to have it episodic - you complete the first Onua level (a nod to the canceled game that started with Onua's level) and then access other episodes in different Koros, based on different mini-storylines and MNOLG stuff, i.e. an Onua Vs. Lewa level, or a Tahu-underground-with-lots-of-Kofo-Jaga level. You can even go back to already-completed levels for fun or to get more masks.


In each level, you will be able to collect Kanohi masks (and the rare Makoki Stone parts seen only six times throughout the game) and talk to villagers and Turaga.


Once every level is complete and you have collected all of the masks, you choose your Toa and you descend into Mangaia. I was thinking that right before that, there would be a cutaway scene, a 3D rendering of the famous MNOLG sequence where they descend. Different challenges will be thrown at you underneath Mangaia, such as the Shadow Toa and the Manas.


After all of Makuta's cronies are defeated, you fight Makuta for a bit, and if you beat him, a 3D render of the famous Toa Vs. Makuta scene plays, including the part where Takua awakens the Swarms, setting up Bionicle: Year Two …


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How 'bout these.

pyromaniac: Complete all of Tahu's levels.

Hurricane: Complete all of Lewa's levels.

Ice Cold!: Complete all of Kopaka's levels.

Aquanaut: Complete all of Gali's levels.

Great Stone Dragon!:Complete all of Pohatu's levels.

Istildunno for Onua

Duckies: complete the Mangai levels

Hunter: Defeat "x" amount of rahi.

War they Want: Defeat "y" amount of rahi.

Fight to the Finish: Defeat ALL rahi.

Burninator: Destroy all destroyable scenery.

Savage: Defeat "X" Rahi with only physical strikes

Sniper: Defeat "X" rahi with only elemental strikes.

Island Defender: Defend against "X" attacks with a Hau.

All-seeing eye: Find all References and such.

Taking It To The Sky: Hit the cieling while using a Miru.

Breathholder: use Kaukau For "X" consecutive Minutes.

Roadrunner: Use Kakama "X" amount of times.

Stronger Than Ever/World´s Strongest Toa: Use Pakari "X" amount of times.

Necromancer: Lose the game (minimum) once as each Toa.

Immortal: Complete a level without losing any Health.

Addictive: Spend more than (in total) 5hours playing.

Clairvoyánt (or however that word is spelled): Encounter the hidden B:Y2 preview (Bohrok cave drawing or whatever.)

Ultimate Gamer´s Year 1 Medal: Achieve all other Achievements in the game.



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@MoSM: I think we should include references, but maybe slightly modify them for more canon purposes. Now, I know that "it sucks" and the HT cameos will be not canon, but we'll include a little leeway for comic effect. Lemme go through 'em:


2001: I think a cave drawing would be better.

2002: 'Tis good.

2003: Once again, a cave drawing would work a bit better.

2004: Not one of the levels - it'd be too obvious and too far off the canon. Visorak in the Archives, maybe?

2005: 'Tis good.

2006: 'Tis good, and funny too.

2007: Mutate them and have them swim around, and 'tis good.

2008: 'Tis good.

2009: I'd rather get through the 2010 year before deciding that.


Much like comic effect, Easter Eggs are also a very popular phenomena, and will help people recognize the games. I see the spider webs and bohrok are too obvious, but there wouldn´t be any problem placing a large, evil plant somewhere in the background of Le-Wahi.


I don´t see why it´d be better to mutate the Makuta in -07. It´d make sense for a statue to drop down into the Pit at some point, but none of the Karda Nui Makuta ever were there, so that´s even less canon than my suggestion.

Besides, if it´s mutated, there´s a risk that nobody´ll recognize it. And we won´t be able to reuse the model in -08.


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I like the idea themselves - but the extra variable and coding might make it more trouble than it's worth, IMO.


Since I´m not doing the coding, I still hope it´ll make it to the game. :P


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I like the idea themselves - but the extra variable and coding might make it more trouble than it's worth, IMO.

Sumiki, the variable is there because I'm letting you decide the number.

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You might be interested in knowing that this guy is running a project similar to ours, that being a game dedicated to B:NG . You may want to contact him - perhaps our projects could join up, since I don´t think he´s as far in the planning process as B:Y1 is. More workers/planners are needed if we´re going anywhere, I dare say. ;)


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How about making the line 'It Sucks' appear once in each game? XD




Also, you should be able to use the mask powers of the masks you collect, and when you change masks, there needs to be that sound effect from MNOG.

And Kapura flatulence. Somewhere, somehow, we NEED Kapura flatulence.


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If anyone happens to have that sound effect tell me pronto. It's a simple enough matter to implement it.
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I think there should be another form of collectibles in the game other than makoki. Like the not-flags in LU...

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Because the events of 2003 is such a bit amount, I would consider splitting the Year 3 game. The "Next Year Reference" in Year 2 could then be a Bohrok-Kal inside a... er, canister, in lack of a better word, while in Year 3 pt.1 it could be the Rahkshi/Kraata cave-drwaing

And the Year 7 reference could rather be Toa Iginka's board than a Makuta.


How 'bout these.

pyromaniac: Complete all of Tahu's levels.

Hurricane: Complete all of Lewa's levels.

Ice Cold!: Complete all of Kopaka's levels.

Aquanaut: Complete all of Gali's levels.

Great Stone Dragon!:Complete all of Pohatu's levels.

Istildunno for Onua

Duckies: complete the Mangai levels

Hunter: Defeat "x" amount of rahi.

War they Want: Defeat "y" amount of rahi.

Fight to the Finish: Defeat ALL rahi.

Burninator: Destroy all destroyable scenery.

Savage: Defeat "X" Rahi with only physical strikes

Sniper: Defeat "X" rahi with only elemental strikes.

Island Defender: Defend against "X" attacks with a Hau.

All-seeing eye: Find all References and such.

Taking It To The Sky: Hit the cieling while using a Miru.

Breathholder: use Kaukau For "X" consecutive Minutes.

Roadrunner: Use Kakama "X" amount of times.

Stronger Than Ever/World´s Strongest Toa: Use Pakari "X" amount of times.

Necromancer: Lose the game (minimum) once as each Toa.

Immortal: Complete a level without losing any Health.

Addictive: Spend more than (in total) 5hours playing.

Clairvoyánt (or however that word is spelled): Encounter the hidden B:Y2 preview (Bohrok cave drawing or whatever.)

Ultimate Gamer´s Year 1 Medal: Achieve all other Achievements in the game.


Here's a suggestion for a suitable name for Completing All of Onua's levels: Giant earthquake (or maybe geologist)

Another possibility of "Duckies": Completing the Mangaia level as each of the six Toa (unless that's what Gorgnak meant by Mangaia levelS)

The "All-seeing eye" only fits if they only way to find the references is by using Akaku, if not, it should be linked to something Akaku-relevant.

I think "Stronger Than Ever" is better than "World's Strongest Toa"

I also have suggestions for Noble masks:

Hiding in the Shadows: Getting all Huna, Amazing lift: Getting all Matatu, Double trouble: Getting all Mahihi, Strange-talking: Getting all Rau, Taking control: Getting all Komau, Flashlight: Getting all Ruru


- dann494

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