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Bionicle: Year One - Characters, Levels, And Bosses



In B:Y1, levels will be accessed via the Kini-Nui menu. Each Toa will have separate levels, though the levels are somewhat like short episodes. Each will include Rahi enemies, and if it's viable, a boss-Rahi at the end.


Each Toa will have separate powers to start with. These include elemental powers (these do basically the same thing, though the effects are different) and their mask powers. Starting with one mask (their primary mask), they will gain more powers as they go through levels and find the masks hidden in those levels. Noble Masks will be hidden as well.


Each Toa has a "special ability", which will be accessed by pressing the same button for each character. There should be a limit on how much a Toa can use these - after all, we don't want them abused.


Master of Shadow Matoran has kindly supplied a WIP list. My notes are bracketed and bolded.


TAHU: Can walk on lava, and loses his Life Energy half as fast as the other characters. [i think surfing on lava might be better.]


KOPAKA: When he hits an enemy that isn't a boss, the enemy is stunned/frozen for three-to-five seconds.


LEWA: Can double-jump.


GALI: Can swim, and therefore cross water. [We probably should have this ability for anyone with a Kaukau, 'cept Pohatu. :P]


POHATU: Can go into a PowerRun-mode, which gives him the ability to escape from an enemy quickly.


ONUA: Can use his claws to smash or lift pieces of the environment.


If possible, it will automatically save progress at the end of each episode.


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Suggestion for the bosses:


TAHU: Nui-Rama




LEWA: Tarakava Nui


GALI: Takea Shark




ONUA: Nui-Jaga




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Here's an idea for Mangaia. It's basically a Boss Rush, with cutscenes between bosses. You start off fighting the Manas as one of the kaita, then you go into six battles with the shadow toa, then you fight Makuta.


The reason I suggest the six battles is beacause in book #1, each toa is fighting their shadow double until Pohatu attacks Shadow Tahu, so you could fight as each toa against a certain shadow toa.

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The boss rush is what I'd though of, but you put it better than I could have. :P


Actually, the book isn't canon in that regard. Greg says that the Toa defeated the Shadow Toa by absorbing them into their bodies. So they fight their doubles, and then after "beating" them, the cutscene shows them absorbing their counterparts.

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Oh. I liked that part of the book, though. Even if it was a little cheesy. =P


Plus the Shadow Toa would be easy to make, just being darker-colored Mata. =P


Now, one question. Do you think it'd be too hard to have both Kaita in the manas battle, just have one be an "AI Player"?

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Here's an idea for Mangaia. It's basically a Boss Rush, with cutscenes between bosses. You start off fighting the Manas as one of the kaita, then you go into six battles with the shadow toa, then you fight Makuta.


The reason I suggest the six battles is beacause in book #1, each toa is fighting their shadow double until Pohatu attacks Shadow Tahu, so you could fight as each toa against a certain shadow toa.


Great idea... except, if the game´s gonna stick to the storyline, then Pohatu´ll have to fight Shadow Tahu afterwards. And besides, each of the six battles would need to be very short - otherwise, the player would get easily bored with the long boss battles.



Oh. I liked that part of the book, though. Even if it was a little cheesy. =P


Plus the Shadow Toa would be easy to make, just being darker-colored Mata. =P


Now, one question. Do you think it'd be too hard to have both Kaita in the manas battle, just have one be an "AI Player"?


Or we could have the player choose his kaita in the fight?


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Here's an idea for Mangaia. It's basically a Boss Rush, with cutscenes between bosses. You start off fighting the Manas as one of the kaita, then you go into six battles with the shadow toa, then you fight Makuta.


The reason I suggest the six battles is beacause in book #1, each toa is fighting their shadow double until Pohatu attacks Shadow Tahu, so you could fight as each toa against a certain shadow toa.


Great idea... except, if the game´s gonna stick to the storyline, then Pohatu´ll have to fight Shadow Tahu afterwards. And besides, each of the six battles would need to be very short - otherwise, the player would get easily bored with the long boss battles.



Well, what I'd meant is you just have, say, Pohatu fighting Shadow Tahu for a bit, then it cutscenes to show him finishing his foe off, then it goes into Tahu fighting Shadow Gali, and so on.


And the player would choose one kaita, then the computer would control the other one.

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It goes back to what I said about choosing your Toa before battling Makuta - if you choose Gali, for instance, you'd be Wairuha underground.


In that level, it really wouldn't make much difference. All you're doing is owning Manas on your way to the poles, the "bosses" of that level - even though they can't fight back. :P


Yes, the other Kaita would be AI.

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The Toa should individually gain masks and with each mask a power as they go through. Masks should be hidden (not very hidden, though) in the level, you don't necessarily have to find them. Sometimes there should be things that require a certain mask, though, but sometimes finding a mask will be optional. In the level select, after beating a level, it should tell you what masks you have or have not found in that level. The Pakari should give you more damage, the Kaukau the ability to breathe underwater (travel through deep underwater areas), the Hau the ability to turn on a shield that lasts a few seconds every minute or so, the Miru to turn on levitation that allows you to reach high areas and avoid Rahi, the Akaku to look to see what's ahead or see nearby valuables (?), and the Kakama to run very fast (obviously). You should be able to change rotate between masks at any time.


In addition to these powers, each Toa will have their standard elemental powers that allow them to hit enemies and maybe other moves specific to their element that allow them to do things like freeze water, create stone walls, etc.


So that's my idea of what would be cool, some of it you've already talked about. Feel free to use any of it or none. :)

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The Toa should individually gain masks and with each mask a power as they go through. Masks should be hidden (not very hidden, though) in the level, you don't necessarily have to find them. Sometimes there should be things that require a certain mask, though, but sometimes finding a mask will be optional. In the level select, after beating a level, it should tell you what masks you have or have not found in that level. The Pakari should give you more damage, the Kaukau the ability to breathe underwater (travel through deep underwater areas), the Hau the ability to turn on a shield that lasts a few seconds every minute or so, the Miru to turn on levitation that allows you to reach high areas and avoid Rahi, the Akaku to look to see what's ahead or see nearby valuables (?), and the Kakama to run very fast (obviously). You should be able to change rotate between masks at any time.


In addition to these powers, each Toa will have their standard elemental powers that allow them to hit enemies and maybe other moves specific to their element that allow them to do things like freeze water, create stone walls, etc.


So that's my idea of what would be cool, some of it you've already talked about. Feel free to use any of it or none. :)


That sounds just brilliant to me.


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The Pakari could help you blast through walls that only that particular mask can blast through. I also think the Hau's shield could be increased in length - we don't want overuse, but we also don't want it to be useless, either.
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That's a good idea, but what about 'faster swimmer'? While others can swim do a degree with the Kaukau, she can glide underwater like a fish.
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The Pakari could help you blast through walls that only that particular mask can blast through. I also think the Hau's shield could be increased in length - we don't want overuse, but we also don't want it to be useless, either.

Sounds good, and yeah, that was just a rough estimate of what might be a good recharge time.


How about Gali, instead of swimming, is able to operate certain machines, like Hahli can in Bionicle Heroes.

Uh... why? Meaning it would be cool, but I don't see why she'd be able to do that or why there'd even be many machines to operate.

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How about Gali, instead of swimming, is able to operate certain machines, like Hahli can in Bionicle Heroes.


There´s not many machines on Mata Nui... the gate to Ta-Koro, the drills in Onu-Koro, and the boats in Ga-wahi. And the telescope, if that counts. I don´t remember any other than those.


Oh, and we must have a level with the telescope! :D


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Here are some ideas for levels I have.


Level 1: The Beginning


A tutorial. You play as Onua and walk around until you find the other toa. You have to battle some small rahi and clear pathways to find them.


Level 2: Legends of the Toa


The Toa split up. Not too long after, Lewa is approached by a Le Matoran who tells him Turaga Matau has been kidnapped. Your job is to slash and swing through the jungles until you find Matau, trapped by a Nui Rama


Level 3: Through the flames


We switch to Tahu, who is told by Vakama to go and save a group of Matoran who are trapped in a lava flow. Tahu has to surf and move flames to find the missing group before the flow rises.


Level 4: Deep Sea Dive


Gali hears of a hut that has fallen beneath the water. She must dive down to help raise it up. She had better be fast, because those Makuta Fish look mighty hungry.


Level 5: Kanohi Quest


The Toa reunite to hear an announcement made by the Turaga. They tell them they must find all the Kanohi masks in order to stop the Makuta. This level is more of an introduction to later levels, with players learning how to use mask powers and how to take infected Kanohi off Rahi.


If you like them, I can make more.

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@Dave: Good ideas, but it might make the gameplay too complex. Perhaps levels 2-4 could be episodes in the game?


@lewathetoa: Any suggestions, then? :)

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I'm good with ideas. Anyway, For the shadow toa fight, how 'bout a Dynasty Warriors 6 Lu Bu last battle style fight where you have to essentially fight of six high powered rahi, The one that's is a shadow of you being able to stop your character. ( Encasing in ice, ringing with fire, liquefying the ground, encasing in stone, blinding with whirlwind, incapacitating with earth formations.)

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What is Dynasty Warriors 6 Lu Bu?

Dynasty Warriors 6 is a game Lu Bu is the hardest to unlock character. In the last storyline battle of his, You have to fight five bosses and their armies. and you fight four of the bosses twice.

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Being able to temporary glide in the winds? Or suffers lesser damage from impact like jumping off from high places?

How about:

[...]the Miru to turn on levitation that allows you to reach high areas and avoid Rahi[...]


In addition to these powers, each Toa will have their standard elemental powers that allow them to hit enemies and maybe other moves specific to their element that allow them to do things like freeze water, create stone walls, etc.

And Lewa's unique elemental thing would be to blow Rahi away (and/or damage them) with a whirlwind?

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