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Script Voting Poll: Results

Lewa Krom


First Place: Yukiko (Entry 3)

Second Place: Spiriah (Entry 10)

Third Place: Grevious Malevolence (Entry 9)

Fourth Place: GlatorianJaller (Entry 1)


Second and third place tied. However, looking back at the poll before it closed, Spiriah (Entry 10) seemed to be winning so Spiriah will have second place.


And here's the scripts you can choose from...


2006: Toa Nuva vs Piraka/Matoran through Karzahni

2006: Toa Inika vs Piraka/Super-Piraka/777 Steps

Voyage of Fear/Maze of Shadows

Web of Shadows Adaptation

Dwellers in Darkness

Reign of Shadows

Empire of the Skrall

Mask of Light Adaptation

Raid on Vulcanus Adaptation

Brothers in Arms


Please note, since the new policy in the scripts topic requires it, you still have to send me a rough outline of where the story will go, to make sure it follows canon.


Congratulations to the winners!


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All 4 of the winners get to pick a script, but 1st place goes first, second goes second, etc.


Cool, but can you let the winners know? I'd like to know what I'm doing so I can get writing.

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Great Job, everyone! I would like to do the 2006 Inika Movie, so Spiriah should feel free to pick one now.


EDIT: Just to be clear, what I'm writing starts basically at the beginning of Power Play and runs to the end of Inferno? (Dangit...I wanted to do the travel through Karzahni too, but I suppose I can't have my cake and eat it as well.)



EDIT 2: I'd like to work closely with whoever's doing the other script for 2006, so we can discuss when exactly we're going to start and end and how we're going to structure our respective scripts. If that is your choice, please PM me.

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Great Job, everyone! I would like to do the 2006 Inika Movie, so Spiriah should feel free to pick one now.


EDIT: Just to be clear, what I'm writing starts basically at the beginning of Power Play and runs to the end of Inferno? (Dangit...I wanted to do the travel through Karzahni too, but I suppose I can't have my cake and eat it as well.)



EDIT 2: I'd like to work closely with whoever's doing the other script for 2006, so we can discuss when exactly we're going to start and end and how we're going to structure our respective scripts. If that is your choice, please PM me.


Well, if I do, I'll be sure to coordinate with you. I have the utmost respect for the 06 saga, so I'd do nothing to desecrate it.


Oh man, if I get the first half of 06, I'm going to have sooo much fun with the Axonn scene... :evilgrin:

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First of all, congrats to Yukiko! Enjoy your script!


And I would LOVE to do a WoS script adaptation. Since it's an adaptation, this means I can change dialogue, certain actions, and scenes if I keep it mostly canon?


Congrats again, and thanks,



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So Yukiko will do 2006B

Spiriah will do WoS

GM will do 2006A

GJ will do his 2010 movie


Sounds good. Congratulations for all of you!



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