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Episode 2 & Guide Art Results



Two major Multiverse updates today.



Swert's episode has begun. Go there. Read it. Review it. Enjoy. :)




Myself, Ojhilom, and Swert all went through all the entries, and we have made our decision. The following works of art have won the contest and are now in the draft of the next version of the Multiverse Guide PDF (which I hope to get online for download tomorrow).

There are three twists we must announce to this.

First, in a tiny number of the art slots, more than one were so good, we just couldn't decide, and we managed to fit multiple ones in. Especially since Reality Shifting allows style difference, plus they had enough whitespace to have two.

Secondly, two art slots were not taken. We figured out a system to fix this. The top winners of this contest in our judgement will be contacted shortly, and given permission to create art for those spots (for a V4 of the guide). These slots were Cargo Star and Enlightened Interior. We may also provide other slots for the remaining whitespace to also be in V4, or provide for more versions of other slots.

Also, in this entry we're including a few honorable mentions. These won't be in the PDF, but they could be included on the wiki. :)

Several of these have been reformatted to fit in the PDF whitespace better, etc. Here's the art slots and the winning pics. :)

Olmak Splitting: Chrome, Mr. Mayno, A-Janus




This art slot had the most entries, and picking the winnER was the hardest of any of them. So we didn't -- we picked three. XD Chrome's is obviously the best overall, at least it's obvious to us since it's pretty much photorealistic to what we had in mind, something we honestly didn't expect to get out of this. ^_^ Mr. Mayno's image can be seen as what it looked like moments after Chrome's, as the Kanohi started to split apart and spawn the Multiverse, and A-Janus's would be a stylized abstract interpretation of it, perhaps as created by a historian-artist somewhere in the Multiverse.

Element Key: A-Janus


There were only two entries in this category, and this is closest to what we had in mind and the cooler looking of the two, we felt. To note, we didn't intend for there to be anything like buttons or symbols, but both entries had it, and that's cool. We wanted other interpretations, after all. We'll say that Element Keys often do have a button like this, and the color it appears indicates the elemental energy it's currently charged with. :) So this image would be charged with Fire energy.

Gem Currency: LewaLew, Chrome



This was another hard category to judge, with tons of entries in it. Most of the entries lacked something that to me was important -- the red but with orange and yellow speckles of light effects description I had given for this kind of gem. Of all the entries, only LewaLew's captured that glittery effect and created what I would walk up to and go "that looks valuable" if I saw it in real life. So his art will be featured the first time Gems are mentioned in the guide.

That said, Chrome's is obviously the better work of art, so we didn't feel it was possible to leave it out. Besides, the way we had set up the guide, we talk about the Gems in two different places, once in Multiverse Basics, and again in Objects, and both had plenty of available whitespace, so yeah. The bag is the best of the bags in all the art, the sand looks the most realistic, and the Gem (the middle-sized one) looks totally real to me. That said, it's more of a peachy, faint orange that reminds me more of feldspar than of the red with orange and yellow speckles appearance I had described, and honestly, if I walked up to that gem, I would think it was not that valuable.

But due to the Reality Shifting, this is not a problem in the Multiverse -- both are valid takes on Gems, so both are in the guide. :)

Blue Grime: Veq


There were only two entries in this category, and I must be frank, neither came close to the cool stuff I had in mind (oily black with glowing "bluespace-blue" random patches showing through the oily surface, and a bit gritty if possible). This is a category we may ask for more art for by our top winners. That said, due to RS, it's good enough for the guide as one interpretation, so we went with it. The other entry seemed more like gaseous vapor to us than grime.

Alarist Ambassadorial Government HQ: Veq


Another category where the artists took it in a radically different way than I had in mind. Mainly, I had imagined that the tower's base was basically right in the ocean water with little to no rocky shore in most parts and not much room for plants. But the guide was a bit ambiguous about that, and it doesn't really matter. For shape of the tower, detail, and clever imagination with the little HT heads and Wiki tower-like things, this one won.

The other of the two entered, by Kayru, is an honorable mention. It was very Suessian, which I liked, plus it was colored, but not as detailed, and a nitpick about it was that it had an actual roof and what looked like physical windows, though the guide had clearly said the top of the tower was more like an open-air plaza. So, we went with Veq.

Industrial factory interior: Veq


Another category with only two entries. The other was powerpoint art style, but it had a number of serious artistry flaws that didn't put it up to par in our eyes. It did have some pretty good Tohunga in it, but Veq's was clearly superior, so here it is.

Clash logo: A-Janus


There were a few entries in this, but this one best captured the feeling of this glatorian sport with weapons (and vehicles; none of the entries used vehicles though, and that's fine). A-Janus seems to be the go-to guy when it comes to sports logos, heh; he claimed all three of those spots as it turned out. The best runner-up was LewaLew's Atero-style art with crossed swords, which we are listing as an hon. ment. but the sword plus gun plus shield -- plus the Industrial logo itself -- won us over for A-Janus's entry.

Tribal hut: lewathetoa


This was a hard choice. We had three excellent entries that we did consider using all three of. But there wasn't enough room in the Tribal section, and lewathetoa's clearly wins out in the both the detail and color categories -- and we'll hon. ment. the other two. I do have one major nitpick with this; the hut interior is angled wrong compared to the outside, making it look like it's being lifted up on a steep ramp, lol. It's a common art mistake, though, and perfect perspective can be seen as just one valid art approach, so because of all the other awesome aspects of this, we went with it.

The other two entries had perfect perspective, but lacked the whole package of other things that this entry had. Veq's had a lot of tapestry and other type detail, but wasn't colored. Kayru's was colored and had excellent texture, but lacked the decorative tapestries and such we clearly described in the guide. So, lewathetoa took it, but the other two honorable mentions could get used on the wiki safely.

There was a fourth entry in the category, but it was far simpler than these and it also had the major flaw of being at the top of tree branches, so would have fit Le-Koro better than Tribal, where the huts were said to be built on the ground.

Now the six Warzone clan logos:

Red Skull: MechaFizz


This was pretty clearcut; the coolest of the several entries in this slot. We have hon. ment.ed one other by Taipu1, but this be the bomb.

Hand of Faith: ~~Zarkan~~


Now at this point I must note that a big rule we followed when judging these was to try to spread out the wins among several different members. So as long as a particular artist already claimed another spot or more, then even if someone else's art may be technically not as quality in terms of overall artistry, they do have a chance. MechaFizz was the clear champ of the clan logos, and he's either winning or being honorably mentioned in each of the six slots.

So that said, while that was part of what fed into this pick, this is also the best symbol for Hand of Faith of the entries for it. So Zarkan's win was an easy pick in this case, even though MechaFizz's shield interpretation was technically better art.

Shadow Honor: MechaFizz


This was a hard slot to judge only because the clan concept, of basically being the most evil of all of them, didn't really lend itself to a clearcut logo concept. The entry ideas were all over the map, but this was the best art, so that's why it takes the win. It does have some symbolism too, so that helped.

Rockfoot: ~~Zarkan~~


Now this category was even harder to pick, because of (of course :P) MechaFizz's awesome entry, which not only was better art, but arguably was better symbolically for Rockfoot. But he got so many of the spots in this category, and we liked the simple Toa foot with rocklike designs here. We have to admit, too, that Zarkan's symbol fits the name in a more simple way than MechaFizz's. I definately think MF's "coat of arms" logo would be an alternate, but alas, to fit all six clan logos on one page of the guide was only barely possible; there was no room for two here.

Iron Hawk: MechaFizz


This slot was easy. MF. Bam. It rocks. This was his best work, in my view.

Brethren: Shadow Destroyer


For Brethren, none of the entries except possibly Veq's really fit the concept much in our eyes. We also wanted to give Shadow Destroyer one slot, because he entered so many works of art, but all the others were outshined by other artists in those slots. Ultimately, I think this logo fits the strangeness, variety, and yet almost virtuous (for bad guys :P) sense of comradery that Brethren epitomizes, so here it be.

Lake Aerospace HQ: Shadow Velocity


Bam. To be fair, this was the only piece in the art slot. But to be unfair, nobody could have topped this anyways. :P This is the bar-none best work of art in the whole contest, and it makes me just want to sit here and stare admiringly at it for hours on end. It is all that and more of what I imagined the LAHQ to look like, and I quite frankly didn't think we'd EVER get art that could come close to what I saw in my head, even if I tried it myself -- this is far beyond my skill. I am thrilled to have been wrong about that. :happydance:

And seriously, the HQ looks EXACTLY like what I had in mind. This is sheer perfection.

Well, almost. Onnnnnnnnne tiny nitpick is that there's no whitening of the water as it falls away from the rising float-structure, which water would realistically do. But I can't really complain, because the rest of the water looks way more realistic than what I can do, so yay.

Space Kolhii logo: A-Janus


There were a few entries in this category, and I kinda liked most of them, but none of them made me go "wow". Of the options the artists gave us, though, this is the best. I would have to say this is a symbol that could be, and maybe should be, reinterpreted to add to this. But, that said, this is a good concise logo, and it was also the only one to portray the actual geometric shape of the zero-G cage in which Space Kolhii is played. Hence the win.

Obsidian Mountain: Saiph


This was another hard one to judge, because Kayru entered one that was so freakin' awesome it looked real.... But Kayru's rock was more like sandstone than blackish glass, plus Kayru is winning several other spots. Saiph only entered this and the vaporous Blue Grime thing I mentioned earlier (that I didn't like). And this is awesome. It looks real. It looks Obsidian. It looks evil. The only thing it's missing is the Tyrant red-spotlight-projected symbol on the side, but that's easily dismissed by just saying we're looking at the other side of it right now.

Hacker camp: Kakaru


Only one entered, and it rocks. Kakaru captures the idea of the Macrochip walls pieced together and with wirey detail pretty similarly to what I had pictured. I also like the "looking uphill at it" perspective on it. Also important is the cloaking-field fadeout effect on the farther away camp structures. So, captures the look of an Izumal hacker camp perfectly.

Hoverplatform: Kayru


Only one entered, and it's a nice interpretation. My only complaint is that the silver doesn't look silver, and the gold doesn't quite look metallic either although it's more clearly gold. Also, technically the Hoverplatform I had described was more like a frisbee in shape, more aerodynamic than this -- and that could be important considering the things fly at supersonic speed through a busy skyscraper-filled city, heh. But again, we wanted different interpretations, and I did also say they used forcefields to finish the aerodynamic effects, so this could just be one style that uses fields totally to do that.

All my whineyness aside (:P), it captures the Flight of the Navigator hoversteps alien advancement feel, so it works for us.

Thunder logo: A-Janus


A-Janus again with a sports logo claim. This logo goes super-simple. No obscure symbolism, just a depiction of what the sport is all about -- nanite-suit-wearing flying contestants slamming into each other at high velocity. XD

Kyn: Kayru


Two entries there were in this slot. Veq gave us his traditional long-limbed interpretation of Matoran (which frankly looks more like a Toa, as some others have said, but then who says Matoran all have short limbs). We liked both, but only had room for two, so we went with this one, which is more true to what we had in mind for Kyn. Both entries were a different style than the grayscale Kyn I had drawn, and both were colored, and that's mainly what we were going for here, to give Kyn's page of the guide more richness.

One thing I will say at this time is that we cannot rule out that Kyn might become a Toa, and if he does, we might think about using Veq's more Toa-like interpretation as his Toa form, but we'll decide that if or when we come to it.

A big part of what tilted the scale in Kayru's favor here was the gruff look. Ojhilom commented that he saw Kyn as a gruff character, and I agree -- and regardless, showing emotion in character art is always better than just a standard pose. Since that emotion in this case conveys who Kyn is in personality terms, it's doubly good for us.

Team Cipher: Kayru, lewathetoa



Long story short, these both rock, and we mentioned Team Cipher in two places in the guide (similar to the Gem currency slot). And I added who's who labels to both, on Ojh's request.

Kayru's format fit the first slot mentioned, and that worked well because it's a more set-accurate style (not that these guys actually HAVE sets, but you know what I mean :P) that works best to introduce them as characters. That's about how we picture most of them to appear.

But lewathetoa's TC is a coolifier's dream come true, especially Zuruk, Bajnok, and Karzahni. And this is especially fitting because we established that the Reality Shifting phenomenon does sometimes make things and people appear in very different styles, operating on the theory that alternate timelines not only can show different actions, but also different styles. This is a major part of the Multiverse, and no image crystallizes it better than this one.

I do have a couple of criticisms about both of them. In Kayru's image, Toa Hanashi doesn't strike me as feminine. This is not necessarily a problem in Bionicle, but to me it makes her stand out as not as realistic as the others in the pic. Of course, Khiri doesn't look very feminine there either, but for some reason it looked consistent enough there. The other criticism is in lewathetoa's pic, and the only way I know how to say it is... M'Konglii = Sauron. XD

Gadget: Kayru


Another lone entry in a slot, but it's totally up to par. It's everything I imagined in a Gadget, and even elaborated on in cooler ways than I had thought of. Way to go.

Hovercraft: lewathetoa, Kayru



We couldn't decide between these two. So somehow, amongst the crowded wall of text near the very end of the PDF, I managed to work a miracle and fit both in. :D And I think they pretty much speak for themselves.

If I alone was picking, and if we could do only one, I would have picked lewathetoa's here. My reasoning is, of these vehicles, as well as a simpler third entry we didn't pick at all by Veq, which one would make me say "want" if I saw it in real life? The answer is clearly lewathetoa's. However, Kayru's is also a very imaginative take on Bionicle pieces turned into a tiny vehicle, so it deserves to share the win.


Olmak Splitting: Shadow Destroyer, Toa Korkoa

For the honorable mentions of this key origins moment, we chose not to include the various other more realistic-attempted art and to focus on two entries that used a more abstract style. SD's entry was the only one that struck me as a good symbolic simple interpretation that also made the forming bluespace look flowey, which makes an attractive image IMO.

Also, Toa Korkoa's piece gets kudos for clever puzzle-piece style, which nobody else thought of. We do not plan to say (in the "normal style" of the main dimension, anyways) that the pieces are actually shaped like puzzle pieces, but who knows? It's plausible thanks to Reality Shifting, and at the very least, it's symbolic of the puzzle-putting-together that Team Cipher will undoubtedly have to do if they want to follow the "Merge the Olmak" plan.

AAG HQ: Kayru

Here's Kayru's Seussian building I mentioned above. I'm a big fan of anything Seussian, so I definately think this can be used on the wiki as a different Reality Shift interpretation of the building, even considering the minor contradiction of the roof with what I had described. And really, who knows? Maybe at some point in the 500 years of Aethion's history, this WAS the AAG HQ.

Clash Logo: LewaLew

This was the best of the other logos besides A-Janus's, and it's good enough that I could see it as an alternate logo they might actually use in some sports advertisements and the like. The shape of the Stadium is definately captured here, so that's good. The main thing that I didn't like about it is the exclusive use of swords implies it's a more medieval style of Clash. On the other hand... there ARE other kinds of Clash on other planets, so maybe we should use it as the logo for one of those? Perhaps for a Warzone type of Clash.

Tribal hut: Veq, Kayru

I think these pretty much speak for themselves. Among the countless huts on the planet, I'm sure all three including the one we picked as the actual winner exist, so these can definately be on the wiki.

Red Skull Logo: Taipu1

We liked the Glatorian "skull" idea of this, but it was easily outdone by MechaFizz. Red Skull would probably have some Glatorian among them, and perhaps this is just another interpretation, or a Reality Shift modification of the symbol.

Hand of Faith Logo: Veq, MechaFizz

Veq's symbol was rejected mainly because it felt evil to us, and HoF is the wrong clan to get such a logo since they're the good ones. And it wouldn't really fit any of the others either. So, it's hon. menched. But, just because it can come across as evil doesn't mean it's meant that way, so maybe this is someone's interpretation of a symbol that is sometimes alternatively used.

As for MechaFizz's shield, I am thinking it should actually be a physical shield style that is often used by HoF warriors that is not on the same level as the other two symbols, but it's still representative of the clan. Maybe it should even be based on the shield of the clan leader, whoever that will end up being.

Rockfoot Logo: MechaFizz

IMO, this should be an actual statue 3D work of art that clan members use to mark their camps, in addition to Zarkan's symbol which would be printed on tents and such. The symbolism and detail of this is awesome, so it definately deserves more than just relegated to an alternate reality shining through by a strange phenomemon. :P And I mean painted that way and everything. It would fit their clan personality.

Brethren Logo: Veq, MechaFizz, ~~Zarkan~~

Here I'm just dumping the other interesting ones for Brethren besides the winner. There's no clear pattern to them, as you can see, but they're all interesting. In this case, I think all three could be valid symbols that various "sects" of Brethren use. Let's face it, in a clan with no leader by design, nobody's going to successfully enforce one symbol universally among its many people. There'd probably be even more than these, even without RSing.

The reasons these were rejected range from not being the best work of these particular artists, or not being as colorful as SD's, to just seeming too random with Zarkan's.

Obsidian Mountain: Kayru

When you click that, you see why I say judging this slot was hard. Again, this one lost mainly because it doesn't look Obsidian, something that is probably important for a landmark with the word in its name. Also, the symbol seemed too random to me. That aside, we HAVE to use it on the wiki as a RS version of it. Who says Obsidian type of protodermis is always black glass in the many alternate versions of the Multiverse? In fact, maybe in some alternate timeline, it's another kind of rock entirely.

Kyn: Veq

For now, this can go up on the wiki as an alternate RS version of Kyn, but again, we might decide to use it as a Toa form if he does indeed turn into a Toa.

And there we go. Invites to the top winners for specific pieces of art for the remaining whitespace/art slots will be sent out soon, although probably not this week.

Gallery when public.


Recommended Comments

*Holds in a long SKWEEEEEEEE*

*Lets loose in an IM*



I'm floored that every one of my entries got mentioned. It's so COOL.

I certainly agree with all the ones I lost to, too. I can't believe I missed some of those important details... and colored pencils + scanner kind of screwed me over.

For the record, if possible, I'd be willing to redraw for nitpicks and/or tweak coloring to make it look better/more even.


Erm... would you like some... nicer-looking labels on the Team Cipher pictures?



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Yay! I won 3/3 entries!

Congratulations to the winners :) Mechafizz especially :)


And yeah, the hut is indeed got a steep ramp :P


I remember I drew 3 different variations of helmets. Then I closed my eyes and randomly points one. I never realize that Mick looks like Sauron until now....

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Awesome. I was really hoping I would get in. ^_^


I kind of gave up on the water you mentioned after the fifth or sixth time repainting it trying to get it to look better. >_> I figured it looked okay as it was lol.

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I have no idea why my Kyn is honorably mentioned. It was real bad. Mostly because I got the brightness wrong. :P

Anyways, I'm happy that I won even 3 categories. Congrats to everyone!

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Kayru @ nicer looking labels -- sure. Can you get them done by nine-ish today? If not, no problem, but that's as soon as I think I can finish going through the guide looking for any text changes to make, links to the wiki, etc.


And yeah, feel free to improve upon them as you see fit. It can't change the placements, but we have agreed to allow it anyways.


SD, it did indeed. :D

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Oh wow, I got a lot of winners and honorable mentions :D!


I swear, bonesiii, with the number of times you mentioned my name my ego is going to gain substantial gravity :P


I’m surprised everyone loves my RS and IH logos so much. I mean, I made the Red Skull one a year and a half ago (it was originally a coolified Shelek, but I tweaked it to fit)!


I’m also happy with the ones that won over mine, though, to be quite frank, I don’t get the Brethren winner. It’s not that I think it’s bad or anything; I just don’t get the symbolism is all.


But overall, congratulations to everyone, especially lewathetoa :)


Just one thing, if you like, I can find a way to send you the PowerPoint file containing my logos so you can adjust them better for the guide. I’d also like to make my name on them a little less intense – it’s a bit overpowering on two of the three winners I now notice.


Oh, and a slight correction, the Shadow Honor logo doesn’t have “some symbolism”, it “oozes symbolism” :P – no, seriously, it does.


And I like the idea of making my HoF logo a standard issue shield for the clan – I agree it does work a bit better as one :)


Also, if I may be so bold, do I count as one of the top winners :rolleyes:?



- MechaFizz


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Holy Cow!


I gotta say, I didn't see my appalling gemsand bag ever winning. I thought it would stab the rest of my entry in the back, which is why I was guessing that my Clash logo would win, if any. Like I've said before, I'm no artist. I was just fooling around with PowerPoint, basically. :P



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Re-labels are finished. If the LtT entry was just a resize and you want me to edit the large one instead, lemme know - but it will be around or later than 9 tonight.





Thanks for edit permission. When I get the chance, I'll fix that darn color-spotting somehow.



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A nice approval for our favorite co-creator of EM :D


Sorry Swert. :P


Good job all, especially the Lake Aerospace HQ.



Thank you. :)


Is it just those three slots that you're considering requesting art for, bonesiii? The two that weren't taken, and the blue grime?

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We haven't officially decided, SV, but I have made up a list of around six to ten (I forget exactly) that we could do.


Kayru, thanks for the pics; they're in the V3 guide now. :)


Sorry I don't have time to answer other questions right now.

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When will the next version of the guide come out?

It's out now; see front page news article. ^_^



I’m also happy with the ones that won over mine, though, to be quite frank, I don’t get the Brethren winner. It’s not that I think it’s bad or anything; I just don’t get the symbolism is all.

Well, I don't know what he intended, but it looks like a sun, and all the triangles on it give me a sense of equality. Lots of different parts, equal in size etc.


Just one thing, if you like, I can find a way to send you the PowerPoint file containing my logos so you can adjust them better for the guide. I’d also like to make my name on them a little less intense – it’s a bit overpowering on two of the three winners I now notice.

Have a look at that page of the guide and lemme know if you feel it's okay. I don't see any problem with them.


Also, if I may be so bold, do I count as one of the top winners rolleyes.gif?

Yes. :P But nobody else ask me. I'll almost certainly reveal what'll happen with this next week. :) Already got notes for it, just haven't got the time or Swert's opinion yet.



I gotta say, I didn't see my appalling gemsand bag ever winning. I thought it would stab the rest of my entry in the back

Well, aside from Chrome's also-win there, I felt the bag was fine. If the crystal hadn't captured what I wanted so well, it probably would have hurt it, yeah. But I was trying to focus on the crystals more than the bags, because let's face it, the Multiverse characters don't care about the bag either. :P


A nice approval

Thanks, man.


Here's a white background version of the currency if you want, since the one in the Guide looks kind of gritty

You think so? I didn't notice anything weird on my screen, but thanks for providing it anyways. I'll put it in for V4.

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I won?! Whahooooooo! (I am happy even if I am share the spot with two other people! :P) Congrats to everybody, these are all great winners! Lake Aerospace is just stunning. Thanks to Bones, Swert, Ohj!





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Just now I realize how great Reality Shifting is.


Some of those entries are stunning. I agree on two things: beautiful Lake Aerospace! And Sauron M'konglii is exactly what I thought of when I first saw it in the guide before reading this. :lol:

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Cool, I've won another contest relating to Bonesiii's extensive projects! :P Seriously though, it's nice to see that I was able to place, even though Mechafiz had much better artwork than I did. :)

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*gasp* omg, omg, OMG!

I can't believe I won in...*counts art slots* 5 different catagories! Thank you guys!

Anyway, congrats to all the other winners. Lots of that art was really impressive.

Ironicly enough, when I made the Element Key with that crystal, I actually intended for it to be an indicator of what element it was charged with. :P Or maybe bones/Swert/Ojhilom realized that that was intended?


Astris Janus

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You didn't like the vaporous grime? Aww. :( But I can't say I'm surprised, I knew that Veq? had a probability of beating me. Congrats!


And AWESOME on the mountain! :D Though I must admit I didn't know there was to be a projected symbol. I should've read the description closer >.<


Congrats to all winners! :)

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I’m also happy with the ones that won over mine, though, to be quite frank, I don’t get the Brethren winner. It’s not that I think it’s bad or anything; I just don’t get the symbolism is all.

Well, I don't know what he intended, but it looks like a sun, and all the triangles on it give me a sense of equality. Lots of different parts, equal in size etc.

Ah, I see now. That makes sense enough :). Again, I’m happy it won, as I didn’t care much for my own Brethren logo. So congrats. ^_^


Just one thing, if you like, I can find a way to send you the PowerPoint file containing my logos so you can adjust them better for the guide. I’d also like to make my name on them a little less intense – it’s a bit overpowering on two of the three winners I now notice.

Have a look at that page of the guide and lemme know if you feel it's okay. I don't see any problem with them.

Well, they all look good, but Red Skull looks a little blurry – like it’s slightly out of focus. Though, that might be because of file reformatting or some such thing. Eh, it’s your call, really, if you want the original .ppt file or not :shrugs:. Just thought I’d put the option out there.


Cool, I've won another contest relating to Bonesiii's extensive projects! :P Seriously though, it's nice to see that I was able to place, even though Mechafiz had much better artwork than I did. :)



I’m flattered, but I actually considered your work to be among the better pieces in the category. I feared that Bonesiii and Swert would prefer your more simplistic designs over my more elaborate ones – your Rockfoot one in particular, so I’m not surprised it won. In fact, I think it may have been my favorite of the logos from other competitors – which was really a shame, because my Rockfoot logo was also my favorite from my own :P.


Either way, though, I’m happy with the verdict, as I feel Bonesiii and Swert definitely picked the better of my works, so I’m happy the other slots went to different contestants :).



- MechaFizz

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Just noticed this:

Saiph only entered this and the vaporous Blue Grime thing I mentioned earlier (that I didn't like).


Actually, I did enter an Olmak entry. :)


But that doesn't matter anyways, because it doesn't at all compare to the winning entry.

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