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That would be ABSOLUTE* WIN!!!


Although yeah I dunno what console could handle the level of awesome.


Maybe whatever console HALO: REACH is gonna be on.


*Absol hehe

Reach is for the 360.


But you know, PS3 has better processing and graphics than any of the other consoles.


So even though I don't have a PS3, that would be best.















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It's not very effecitve.



Against Ghost-types, maybe.


But against all other types it is SUPER EFFECTIVE.


Can you not imagine how awesome that would be? Third-person real-time battles using your favorite Pokémon, making game-changing conversation choices... instead of just walking up to people and pressing "A" to talk. >_<



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I dunno Bunda, it's a good idea in theory, but I can't help feeling it would end up being too complicated. Part of Pokemon's appeal is the fairly simple premise (although it's getting a bit convoluted these days with natures and ribbons and 490+ pokemanz and all that stuff).

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They'd turn it into a violent class-warfare title involving Pokemon rebelling against their human masters and gruesomely ripping out vocal-control devices in their heads that prevent them from speaking english.


Also Bunda you aren't allowed to talk about Bioware until you finish Dragon Age okay

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They'd turn it into a violent class-warfare title involving Pokemon rebelling against their human masters and gruesomely ripping out vocal-control devices in their heads that prevent them from speaking english.

thats the best pokemon idea i heard all day

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It would be cool, but it would have to be dumbed down to appeal enough. I'm fine with this though because games like Fallout 3 are annoying.

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They'd turn it into a violent class-warfare title involving Pokemon rebelling against their human masters and gruesomely ripping out vocal-control devices in their heads that prevent them from speaking english.


Also Bunda you aren't allowed to talk about Bioware until you finish Dragon Age okay

I may play it at some point in the distant future.


But I've played KOTOR and Jade Empire and Mass Effect so is Dragon Age really that much better? It looked a bit dull to me.



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They'd turn it into a violent class-warfare title involving Pokemon rebelling against their human masters and gruesomely ripping out vocal-control devices in their heads that prevent them from speaking english.


Also Bunda you aren't allowed to talk about Bioware until you finish Dragon Age okay

I may play it at some point in the distant future.


But I've played KOTOR and Jade Empire and Mass Effect so is Dragon Age really that much better? It looked a bit dull to me.




It is. It makes the moral choices in KOTOR and Mass Effect look like a cakewalk. It's Bioware's storytelling at the very best, don't let the mundane look fool you.


* Oghren: Ugh. Got something in my...Sod it.

* Wynne: What are you... Never mind, I don't want to know.

* Oghren: That's right. Keep your nose up. You know, just because we don't all live in some tower in the clouds doesn't mean we're worthless.

* Wynne: I didn't...

* Oghren: And furthermore, I don't think I appreciate the way you looked at me the other night.

* Wynne: The way I... what?

* Oghren: Oh, you remember. Those longing eyes, hungry for a bit of a tussle...

* Wynne: I never looked at you, dwarf. Definitely not in that way.

* Oghren: Oh, you're right. Must have been the dog.


And some of the best party members ever.

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Well, Bioware did make a Sonic RPG.

I haven't heard all that much about it after it came out, and I haven't played it, so I can't say anything about how well or not well it worked out.

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