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The Bzpower T-shirt Project




Phew, finally kicking this project into gear!

click > Contest entry is here < click

First things first: "What are you guys doing?"

You look in those pics of BrickFair or BrickFest and see those staffers in them snazzy BZPower staff shirts? Then you see the members wearing their rainbow of a wardrobe, looking all... yanno... normal? (Seriously, guys-- you're Lego fans from BZPower. You're not allowed to look normal.) And then you want to, if you ever go to one of these conventions, have some sort of uniformity to make y'all look all sharp and awesome? The aptly-named BZPower T-shirt Project is intended to address this and more!

Imagine walking down the halls of the Tyson's Corner hotels in your lovely BZPower member's t-shirt, getting admiring oohs and ahhs from passerby as they dig your sexy and snazzy member's shirt, catching whiff of your lovely perfume or cologne (perfume and cologne sold separately). You can walk with pride and without a care in the world in your custom-made BZPower member's t-shirt.

"Sounds epic. What do the shirts look like?"

See, that's the thing. We don't know. We don't even have a design or even know what colour the shirts will be. Why? Because you guys get to design the shirts. Yes, not only will you get to wear the shirts, you will also take pride in a sense of artistic ownership of the designs on the garment.

Imagine you walking down the hallway of the hotel again. "Oh, nice shirts!" a cute girl says in that carefree Southern accent. "Where'd ya get them?"
"I [helped]* make them," you respond.
"Oh, rad!" she says. She may even ask for your number.

* added because we trust you will have some degree of decency and humility and not take all the credit.

"So, how does this work?"

We'll have a few days of spreading the word around, and I encourage you to put on a Project banner (Nice assortment here! =D Thanks Lazzy!) and link to this entry from your blogs, if you have one. After this PR period, I will start a contest here in this blog, also posting rules and stuff when we decide on them.

Once the contest finishes, we will look at the entries and decide on the one we will use on the T-shirt. Then, voila! They will magically appear and be available at BrickFair this August.

"Just BrickFair?"

No! They'll also be available at BrickCon this fall, and BrickFest next spring, depending if we have enough interest. :)

"I'm staff. Can I have one too, pweese?"

Absolutely! You're all members, too. =D

"I don't have any plans to go to any of those conventions. How can I still get a shirt?"

Depending on your location and your desire to get a shirt, we may (or may not! haha!) be able to ship a shirt to you. =3

BZPower T-shirts Project steering committee:
- EmperorWhenua (The Boss)
- Bionicle Raptor (The T-shirt Printer)
- SK (Part-time graphic artist)
- You

Comments, questions, concerns, and such go here.



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BWorld... That's the one in Chicago, right? Yeah, sorry, I'm not planning to be there, though I can certainly get shirts there!


Please, anyone, feel free to help out with the project, by supplying designs, monetary support, graphic design, etc. If you just wanna help at all in the behind-the scenes stuff, too, feel free to ask me. I'm always looking for people to be a part of this operation.




Yeah, that's the one. It's the only one that I plan on going to. I might be able to help in graphic design.


I might have to plaster my name on the tshirt that I buy. :P


EDIT: Here is a design that I made:


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If these were made, Hapori Tohu would have to appear on at least one design. It would be criminal not to.


:kaukau:True. That was the main thing that came to mind, and I'm surprised that nobody mentioned it, yet.


Of course, me, I'd be wearing a Hapori Tohu pin on my lapel.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

Kraggh, you are so picky! :lol:


I dunno if you guys have any use for this, but here's my Hapori Tohu design that was used for the official staff shirts.

Hmmm... We might be able to use it in some way, though if that's what the staff shirts use, then maybe something different, just to differentiate us from... those people...


On the other hand, having the same symbol might help tie the member and staff groups, providing a more instat "BZPower flag," so to speak. Eh, I'll let the contest decide. Thanks though. =D


Aw Mata Nui, a BZP t-shirt would be epic. Although, I can't make it to any of those places... How much would one COST?



No idea. Honestly no idea. We don't even know how much it would cost to make, but I promise it'll be as low as we can go. *insert Wal-Mart slogan*


Yeah, that's the one. It's the only one that I plan on going to. I might be able to help in graphic design.


I might have to plaster my name on the tshirt that I buy. :P


EDIT: Here is a design that I made:


Hold that thought--- I'll have the contest entry up within the next day or so, then you can submit it. Kay? =P



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...though if that's what the staff shirts use, then maybe something different, just to differentiate us from... those people...

Hey! I'm one of those people!





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Whoever told you Lego fans from BZPower looked normal was misinformed. :P


If you need any help feel free to hit me up, I might not be the best artist but I know the processes.


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Just wanna say this before I forget:


Preferably have a simple design that doesn't take up the entirety of the shirt. I like room on the shirt to sign names and stuff, and it's just a personal pet peeve of mine not to write on any designs of the shirt.

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I dunno if you guys have any use for this, but here's my Hapori Tohu design that was used for the official staff shirts.

Hmmm... We might be able to use it in some way, though if that's what the staff shirts use, then maybe something different, just to differentiate us from... those people...


On the other hand, having the same symbol might help tie the member and staff groups, providing a more instat "BZPower flag," so to speak. Eh, I'll let the contest decide. Thanks though. =D

Well, here are some of the early staffie shirt designs that didn't make the final cut, in case you need inspiration. =P

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I entered! :D I did hand-drawn versions of the toa mata masks (except for the kaukau and the kakama.) Each variation has a mask, small text above which serves as a label for the kanohi, and the words "Official BZPower Member" in big, bold, colored text, all in complementary colors and each with a different background. I'm really hoping to win (especially if a scenario like the example occurs) and I wish everyone entering good luck!

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I dunno if you guys have any use for this, but here's my Hapori Tohu design that was used for the official staff shirts.

Hmmm... We might be able to use it in some way, though if that's what the staff shirts use, then maybe something different, just to differentiate us from... those people...


On the other hand, having the same symbol might help tie the member and staff groups, providing a more instat "BZPower flag," so to speak. Eh, I'll let the contest decide. Thanks though. =D

Well, here are some of the early staffie shirt designs that didn't make the final cut, in case you need inspiration. =P


The third one looks awesome. maybe if Tohu was smaller and had the word BZPower under him.




Hm.... I wonder. Is there a way I could make one at home? No chance I'd ever get to Brickcon, Brickfair, or BrickFest. Waaaaaay too far.....


No double posting. -EW

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Could there be separate shirts for Premiers and OBZPCs?


Although maybe not, that could be a bit of a hassle.

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Hm.... I wonder. Is there a way I could make one at home? No chance I'd ever get to Brickcon, Brickfair, or BrickFest. Waaaaaay too far.....

Probably not, but we can ship one to you.


Could there be separate shirts for Premiers and OBZPCs?


Although maybe not, that could be a bit of a hassle.

Nope, sorry.



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The shirts are already being made. However, the shirts are not going to be available for BrickWorld. Their debut will be at BrickFair, and they will be made available for BrickCon and BrickFest later on, but not BrickWorld.



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