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B:ng Poll



What way do you want the B:NG kanohi to be modeled?


1. Totally static masks, no mouths, no eyebrows, just masks.


2. TLR style, where the masks are static, but flip back when talking to reveal talking heads, still no eyebrows.


3. Miramax style, eyebrows, lit mouths, and flexible masks.


4. Static masks, with eyebrows, and animated mouths.


5. Static masks, no eyebrows, Miramax mouths.



If I missed any, or you want a different one tell me in the comments. :)





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I vote for #1!!!!!!


"No eyebrows" is deceiveing, however. You say something like "eyebrows on masks". With static masks they would have eyelids/eyebrows on their heads instead.

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To non-face kanohi-masks. But enough with treespeak... I poll-vote for..... #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#1 has 3 votes

#4 has 1 vote

All the other ones: 0 votes. GO #1!!


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I think it would be best to show as much emotion as possible without changing the masks appearance so 2.

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Number 3, since TLR style seems too strange with it repeated changing of having a mouth and not and just having masks stay as they are would make insert the voices to characters a lot difficult.


Plus, I always felt Miramax style was the most canon, when it came to the storyline. Of course, my opinion there isn't widely shared here as shown by fact that decision for the model style being TLR style for this project, so I guess it be better to take Miramax style and fused it with TLR style in order for it not to look alien on the models. *shrugs*


Still I am sticking with my choice, number 3, since I like that style.



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Number 4.

I don't see why people are voting for 1, static masks would be an awful idea, how would anyone convey emotion?

And we would have to ask the voice actors to hold pieces of metal up to their mouth whilst talking. -_-

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Number 1 for sure, although if you're not trying to exclusively use real parts, you may as well go for 2. Eyebrows don't make sense in the way they're on top of removable metal masks.

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I'd like static masks, with moving mouths visible behind the mask.

I can go either way on eyebrows as long as theyre subtle

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Heavens, anything except number 1! The vast majority of expression/emotion would then lie heavily on voice acting and random body gestures if you went with that. Maybe it's just the artist in me, but I feel that a huge chunk of what makes an animation come to life is how expressive it is, and the face is one of the main conveyors of expression. When you're talking to someone, you don't look at their hands or bellybutton, you look at their face and "read" what it says as a visual accompaniment of what they are saying. Also, a single ordinary sentence can have an amazing amount of different and unique meanings depending on the person's expression. You'll lose all that by making a key component lifeless. Also, I agree with Jedi Master J. on this. Throughout the years we've had example after example in the books (And even the comics at times) of the various beings being visually expressive. (For example, "Makuta's eyes narrowed," or "It was Vakama's turn to smile" as paraphrased from Time Trap) Unless the animators feel like figuring out how to make the characters very expressive without the use of facial features and somehow manage to not make it look campy/cheesy, keeping facial features really is the best way to go.


With that said, I'm going to go with Number 4. It seems the best option for keeping the masks "masks" while still keeping the key features for expressing emotion.

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I could say I don´t want to jump on the bandwagon and say #1, but that may have its explanation in the fact that I´m already on the other bandwagon, driving the opposite direction.


What I´m saying is: #4, and for the sake of humanity's further survival not #1.


By the way, don´t the characters have eyebrows in TLR? I remember a scene with Mata Nui showing many emotions through lifting his eyebrows.


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I could say I don´t want to jump on the bandwagon and say #1, but that may have its explanation in the fact that I´m already on the other bandwagon, driving the opposite direction.


What I´m saying is: #4, and for the sake of humanity's further survival not #1.


By the way, don´t the characters have eyebrows in TLR? I remember a scene with Mata Nui showing many emotions through lifting his eyebrows.




That is kinda non-canon as Kanohi are metal and Ignika would have to be shapeshifting nonstop. and HERE IS HOW EMOTION CAN BE SHOWED WITHOUT THE MASK MOVING!(Credit to Keyblade87 for the vid)



#1: 5-6 Votes(Not quite sure about Takhamavahus vote)

#2: 3 Votes

#3: 1 Votes

#4: 4 Votes

#5: 0 Votes


Well I'm happy. One is ahead :) go one!

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4 or 5 I guess I have not yet decided, If they where completely static, emotion would be difficult and there needs to be something to move or glow when they talk. I think That the majority of the masks could be miramax mouths like turaga Vakama and Nokama in MoL. this way the masks won't look weird. I think we should only have literal mouths on a few konohi where they don't seriously alter the appearance of the mask.


Miramax mouths means glowing grates right?

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Four. I wouldn't necessarily say the eyebrows have to be on the mask, as I've said before, changing the shape of the eye behind the mask conveys a good deal of emotion - as showed in that one vid everyone keeps posting. But I think the mouths are definitely important. Glowing grates or animated motion both work.
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I'd say 2. We can always add eyebrows on the actual face, like Keyblade87 suggested. And, think about it. How could Kanohi warp and bend themselves into expressions when they're solid metal?



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