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Coliseum Battle




Alright, so I finished sketching out the background finally - this is by no means the final product, but I've spent enough time on it already that I wanted to show my progress. I'm not really sure I like it, it looks very pointy, but I was trying to make it look more like the playsets than the movies... :x The blue is the original sketch, and the red is the details I added later. You can see that clip of Taka and Lesovikk down at the bottom. It's very messy, I need to go over everything and make a final pass with a black ink. Not sure if I'm going to bother coloring it or not, since I was going to leave out all of the characters anyway (they're on a separate layer) and from what I've seen our animators are using my b&w stuff. The perspective is a little funny in this one, I think I might need to adjust some of the upper streets and bridges to fix it.

Anyways, thoughts & suggestions before I finalize it?


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Very cool! Maybe add in a few Dark Hunters. They were fighting in the battle (I might have missed them in the picture, though). Other than, this looks amazing!

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Very cool! Maybe add in a few Dark Hunters. They were fighting in the battle (I might have missed them in the picture, though). Other than, this looks amazing!

There's three or four corpses hanging out at the two Makutas' feet, as well as Takua (who you can't really see because of the spikes : /). I didn't include the rest because I figured a. there were enough people already and b. they'd probably be in front of the wall Taka is behind, or off-camera.

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For making such an awesome battle scene:



Thanks. :3


OMG, giant Tahu!


Great artwork.

Lol. I think you know it's really a statue. XD Tahu himself is dead over by the doorway of the Coliseum, next to Gali (also dead).


I take it you think this looks fine then?

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