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Bionicle: Next Generation Suggestion Box

Lewa Krom


Too much spam and off topic discussion in the modeling and animation topic.




Please leave modeling and animation for discussion about models/animation




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Me! Me!


Wanna try one? :P

Try a Skype conversation? Ummm...


To tell the truth, I don't think Skype is such a good idea. I'm actually extremely shy :unsure: . Maybe... just without the video might be okay.



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80 bucks, plus hotel rooms, plus food, plus air ticket.



Forget it.



Yeah, and it looks like the tickets are sold out anyway.


Darn, I live so close nearby. I wish I could have come, but oh, well.

Does anyone have Skype? Maybe I could talk to you guys that way!





Me! Me!


Wanna try one? :P



Me! Me!


Wanna try one? :P

Try a Skype conversation? Ummm...


To tell the truth, I don't think Skype is such a good idea. I'm actually extremely shy :unsure: . Maybe... just without the video might be okay.





GJ's bringing a laptop with Skype.


If anyone can organise a meeting over MSN... Does anyone at the BNG conference have MSN, and when's ComicCon?


And can anyone tell me when ComicCon is in England time?


It'll be about 8 p.m.


Also, guys, don't be weirded out if I bear a resemblance to Falco Lombardi of Star Fox fame at the Con. :P



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Ummm... Is MSN available for Mac? I'm guessing not, but I could be wrong. I think I'll just use Skype, perhaps without the video at first until I become less shy.


What day are you guys going, and what time will it be? (San Diego time, because I actually live in San Diego)



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Ummm... Is MSN available for Mac? I'm guessing not, but I could be wrong. I think I'll just use Skype, perhaps without the video at first until I become less shy.


What day are you guys going, and what time will it be? (San Diego time, because I actually live in San Diego)




It is. Trust me, I have that kind of problem all the time. :P


Thursday, July 22 at about noon.



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Ummm... Is MSN available for Mac? I'm guessing not, but I could be wrong. I think I'll just use Skype, perhaps without the video at first until I become less shy.


What day are you guys going, and what time will it be? (San Diego time, because I actually live in San Diego)




It is. Trust me, I have that kind of problem all the time. :P


Thursday, July 22 at about noon.



Thanks. I'll get MSN. Is it free?



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Alright. This probably needs some orginization.


Me and Toa Lunekk will be at Comic-Con with some other BNGers that make it. I will bring a laptop that has a webcam an skype so even if you can't male it to the meeting, you will be able to view it. It will be on july 22nd at 12:00PM PST.

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Alright. This probably needs some orginization.


Me and Toa Lunekk will be at Comic-Con with some other BNGers that make it. I will bring a laptop that has a webcam an skype so even if you can't male it to the meeting, you will be able to view it. It will be on july 22nd at 12:00PM PST.

Okay, I have Skype, so I'll be there virtually (I can't believe I can't make it when I live in San Diego!)


By the way, about the DVD: I started to put together my own DVD before I found out you guys were doing so, and so I have a simple looping background set up (it's this, but looping so that it appears the light is pulsing.)



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You guys are free to create your own DVDs for this. None will be "official" BNG DVDs though.



Ok. I was just saying that you guys are free to use the video I provided as a background loop.



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I got Skype too. I'll see if I can make it to the virtual meeting. We should have some sort-of regular meeting to report on progress. Through something like Skype, of course :D


Toa Phoenix

likes the word Skype. skype, skype, skype.....

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Quick question so I can get some things straight: If we were to start a monthly BNG podcast, would Skype be the thing to use?

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I think we should have weekly meetings on skype or MSN.

How about saturdays at like 5ish EST.

Does that work for you guys.

My MSN is "the.ultra.hamster@gmail.com".

I have yet to get skype, I'll get it soon.

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Quick question so I can get some things straight: If we were to start a monthly BNG podcast, would Skype be the thing to use?


We should use Skype as opposed to MSN.


For one reason, mine won't ever work.



I wouldn't be able to join.



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Quick question so I can get some things straight: If we were to start a monthly BNG podcast, would Skype be the thing to use?


Monthly podcast? Should we get representatives from the departments?


As for Skype, I think so. I'm not too sharp on the subject, however.


Do you have to pay to make calls?


I think we should have weekly meetings on skype or MSN.

How about saturdays at like 5ish EST.

Does that work for you guys.

My MSN is "the.ultra.hamster@gmail.com".

I have yet to get skype, I'll get it soon.


I think that would be good.


I think we should have a test meeting today, or sometime soon.



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Quick question so I can get some things straight: If we were to start a monthly BNG podcast, would Skype be the thing to use?


Monthly podcast? Should we get representatives from the departments?


As for Skype, I think so. I'm not too sharp on the subject, however.


Do you have to pay to make calls?


I think we should have weekly meetings on skype or MSN.

How about saturdays at like 5ish EST.

Does that work for you guys.

My MSN is "the.ultra.hamster@gmail.com".

I have yet to get skype, I'll get it soon.


I think that would be good.




Skype is free!

I'm setting up an account now.



Windows Download


Mac Download




EDIT: My Skype name is micro-snipe.

Add me and we can set up some tests.


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