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Watch Your Mailboxes~



People, watch your mailboxes, cuz you should be receiving this sometime within the next couple months or so (depending on where you live)~!







Nukaya (Aka Queen Maddison the Awesome) and I decided on our honeymoon plans, cuz, well, what's a marriage without a honeymoon? And cuz we love you all so much, we decided to share it with you!


We plan to first meet in Portland and take a river cruise on the yacht Colombia Sternwheeler, finishing day one with dinner and lodging at The Colombia Gorge Hotel.


Then we travel north into the wilderness of Washington state, exploring the depths of the dangerous Olympic Rainforest. Eventually, we will discover an assortment of treehouses in this realm and reside at Treehouse Point for ten days of lounging, romping, building and serenity.


Of course, what kind of people would we be if we ended the trip gathering moss? We're people of action and adventure, and that's why we'll finish the honeymoon with trekking the Washington-Oregon segments of the Pacific Crest Trail. That's gonna be about 1,500 miles of foot travel. Talk about a bash!


Yeah, we're not just a cute couple, but we're gonna show the world just what it's like to be Oregonians hyped on Lego and fresh air!




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In addition to being Maddison's bridesmaidperson, allow me to offer my services as a trail guide. I know Olympic National Park quite well.
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You do know there's a restriction on the number of people hiking together (I think it's around 12) so you won't be able to bring everybody. Also, the PCT is just too popular... you should spend all on the Olympic Peninsula. There are some great mountains up there, and it's far enough from civilization that no one can hear you scream bother you.



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Hey, they're serving lunch. I'm so there. I'm always up for a free lunch. Nevermind that it would cost me a lot of money to fly/drive out there... it's still a free lunch.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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You do know there's a restriction on the number of people hiking together (I think it's around 12) so you won't be able to bring everybody. Also, the PCT is just too popular... you should spend all on the Olympic Peninsula. There are some great mountains up there, and it's far enough from civilization that no one can hear you scream bother you.



Correction: Forks is far enough from civilization for that to happen. However, civilization ignores the distance and tramples through all the towns on the way to Meyer Mecca. >_<

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None of those places are in Australia I don't think. :(


Oh well, just pretend that I'm there. :P


You'll be there.


In spirit.

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:kaukau:Hmm, I like how the certificate matches the aesthetics of your blog. Very interesting. Although you never said anything about my backyard. If you ignore the weeds, spiders, mosquitoes, and cramped quarters, it's the most fascinating place on Earth you could ever possibly dream of visiting.


With the exception of Disney World, D.C., Mt. Everest, NASA, Liechtenstein, Wall Street, the Spam Museum , and my neighbor's back yard.


Anyways, Meyer Mecca...Great terminology you've got going there, Arpy.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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