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Blood Test



So, I had to go get a blood test today. My doctor told me that I wasn't supposed to eat before drawing blood, so I hadn't eaten since early last night. However, the first question they asked there was if I had eaten or not, and I replied that I hadn't. The lady at the desk said that I could've if I wanted to, since children aren't required to fast.


Of course, I was like this: <_<


Anyways, three little vials of blood were taken; hurt a bit, though not for much longer than a few seconds, and my left hand went numb for a while. Not unexpected though, since the reason I'm getting the test is because my right big-toe has lost a lot of its feeling. I can still feel things -- pressure, heat, pain -- but it's dampened, like wearing a sock.


Afterwards, me and Dad went to my favourite Thai restaurant for lunch, which filled the hole in my stomach, so that was nice. I also took some home for dinner. ^_^


My arm hurts now whenever I move it, so I'll probably lay low for the rest of the day. Play some Half-Life, maybe watch a movie, that kind of stuff.


Also: I'll get my blog graphics up by the next entry, I promise. You can publicly humiliate me or something if I don't. :P




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Come back and talk to me when they take a vial every other morning for two weeks... or when they take seven all at once, one after the other.


Sorry, but my recent experience with medical issues has left me a tad bitter. :P

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When I got tested for lactose intolerance, I got 9 vials of blood taken out of me. I couldn't feel my arm after, which was kinda cool.
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Spirit, it's kk, I'm just being a winger. Chunky, it was cool, having your entire arm numb? :P


And yes, RM, that's precisely what happened.


...It's weird how you know this stuff.


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I had just one taken a while ago. I fainted for 5 seconds afterwards. (Turns out that was because I had Anemia, which makes fainting very easy.) But they didn't know what was wrong with me until they had analyzed the sample.
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