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I will list the good powers:


Wood (same as Green?)

Color (same as Light?)

Communicate with inanimate objects ("why hello rock, which why did the makutas go?")

Memory loss (only if you could use it on other people)

Powerless-ness (only if you could use it on other people)

Mask of Snail Transformation (I want this)

Mask of Failure (only if you could use it on other people)

Mask of Laziness (only if you could use it on other people)

Mask of Suicide (only if you could use it on other people)

Mask of Farming (not all powers have to be offensive... but I imagine there would be some creative ways to attack people with this)

Mask of Paper (generally useful)

Mask of Toothpaste (okay maybe not)

Mask of Postcognition (EXTREMELY useful if it lets you see things that happened a few minutes ago, elsewhere)



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This almost reminds me of my older brother and his friends when they have their rpg sessions.


Whoever is the "gamemaster", or something (I believe that is the guy who is making the rules of the current rpg), they have to give everyone who is playing an object that has no usefulness.


My brother told me a story of how he acquired an amulet that could turn him into a garden gnome. Then, when my brother and his friend were traveling into some sort tall castle, some beast was coming, and my brother activated the power, and the beast ignored him and my brother's friend was beat up.


But then, after the fight, my brother's friend was mad, so he picked up the garden gnome and threw it out the window.



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Communicate with inanimate objects ("why hello rock, which why did the makutas go?")

Well, you know, just because you can communicate with the object doesn't mean it can communicate back.

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communication |kəˌmyoōnəˈkā sh ən|


1 the imparting or exchanging of information or news : direct communication between the two countries will produce greater understanding | at the moment I am in communication with London.

• a letter or message containing such information or news.

• the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings : there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents.

• social contact : she gave him some hope of her return, or at least of their future communication.

2 ( communications) means of connection between people or places, in particular

• the means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers : satellite communications | [as adj. ] a communications network.

• the means of traveling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railroads : a city providing excellent road and rail communications.

• [treated as sing. ] the field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means.

It works both ways.




Edit @ UR: oic

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Memory loss (only if you could use it on other people)

I dunno. A large portion of the internet would indicate it'd be useful no matter who it affects.


It'd also be great for scientific trials.

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That mask of laziness is affecting me right now.


Though, "mask of wood" comes off as more of an element, than like, a fancy-pancy mask power thingamabob. The mask of paper shares the same thought as the prior, mainly because someone in the BZPRPG actually did use paper as an element... I have no idea if they did anything fantastical with it. (Why did this whole two sentence response pop into my head so fast? << >>)


Personally, I'd be all for a Mask of Love, or of Hugs, or of Smelling Nice, or of "Eliminating BO" or of "Free Money." Of course, a Mask of "Will" would be interestin'


And now I'm being brought back to the years of the mask packs~

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