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Weekly Update - 4/16

Black Six



It is that time of week again, time for the Weekly Update! Aren't you all so excited?



So we had some promotions tonight. Congrats to Ta-metru_defender, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, Toa_Velox, Nuju Metru, and 55555.I have every faith that they will perform admirably on the staff. Hopefully this will keep us well-staffed for a while now.


If you haven't already, go take a survey for LEGO. They value all of your feedback, just give some honest answers.


Behind the scenes, the BZPower Staff has been starting to plan for BrickFair. We're going to have even more table space this year, so start building some MOCs so you can bring or send them to the Washington DC area. It's gonna be great! I hope to see a lot of you there.



1. First of all, are you really a six that's, erm, well... of a non-white color, to avoid racial insensitivity? :P

2.How do you simplify 2i

3.Is there a party in your tummy?

4. What is fun?

5.What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

6.Do bad grammar annoys you?

7.Does checking your mailbag get annoying?

8. Does the mail never fail?

9.If there's a place you gotta go, who's the one you need to know?

10.How is a raven like a writing desk?

1. No, not really.

2. i/u

3. Not right now.

4. Things that make you happy.

5. What do you mean, African or European swallow?

6. Yes.

7. No.

8. The USPS is pretty darn reliable.

9. A travel agent.

10. Poe wrote on both.


1. Have you ever sent a PM to yourself?

2. You know who Michael Schumacher is right?

3. Pencil or Quill? (:P)

4. What's favorite car?

5. What do you drive right now?

6. Do you sort the order in which mailbags are displayed?

7. Ginger or Mary-Ann? (Please tell me you know what that's from. :P)

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Pencil.

4. Classic: probably a 1968 Shelby Mustang or a 1969 Corvette. Modern: Bugatti Veyron.

5. 2010 Subaru Outback.

6. They get posted in the order they're received.

7. Ginger. And yes, I used to watch that show every morning.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's it for this week. It's time for me to go back to watching some MLG. Questions, comments, and feedback are of course always welcome. Have a great weekend!


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Ginger, Mary-Ann??? What's that?

Kids these days! So deprived of quality television.


I've always had a hard time trying to decide between Ginger and Mary-Ann, though I usually lean toward the latter.

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More table space at Brickfair doesn't even begin to describe how much table space we have. We have a ton of table space, and they are larger tables.



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More table space at Brickfair doesn't even begin to describe how much table space we have. We have a ton of table space, and they are larger tables.




And I thought there were a lot of tables last year...

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Mary-Ann is clearly cuter.

Man, I don't know. Ginger was a redhead. I heart redheads.

As well you should Pat. I'm glad someone agrees with me.

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Mary-Ann is clearly cuter.

Man, I don't know. Ginger was a redhead. I heart redheads.

As well you should Pat. I'm glad someone agrees with me.


My brother would get along great with you guys. :P


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Mary-Ann is clearly cuter.

Man, I don't know. Ginger was a redhead. I heart redheads.

As well you should Pat. I'm glad someone agrees with me.


Oh no, we have two more Gibbs upon us! =P



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Are any of you guys [staff] planning on going to Brickworld in Chicago?

A few of us have discussed it, but there simply aren't that many of us in the area to make it worth our effort to attend, so at the moment it doesn't appear that any of us will go, though I'm sure we'll keep you up-to-date if that changes.

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It would be excellent if I could come to BrickFair... when is it? Ticket information? News story? Anything?
It would be so cool. Plus, it'd whip me into shape to MOC again. :P
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It would be excellent if I could come to BrickFair... when is it? Ticket information? News story? Anything?

It would be so cool. Plus, it'd whip me into shape to MOC again. :P

Why do people always ask me about stuff like this? Is it really so hard to type in www.brickfair.com? I don't want to sound rude guys, but there's this thing called 'Google' out there that you can use to find things out for yourself.

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