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It's Truth

Lady Kopaka


The Blind Side >>>>>>> Avatar. If anyone objects so help me Lord, you won't get another invisible cookie from me again (that or I'll just beat you up). Why I saw that shallow blue kitteh movie instead of The Blind Side I will never know. Best movie of 2009, and that's a lot coming from me since I don't watch a lot of movies/tv.


On a sadder (random) note, just warning people I probably will not make it to Brickfair this year. Not 100% sure yet, but it's leaning that way. Sorry. :(


But jazz is the perfect remedy to lighten your mood. All I need now is chocolate, my inspiration for art/writing to come back, and the world shall be a better place. Somewhat.


Okay, impromptu entry over, you guys stay cool.


Oh? Commissions? Reviews? LtFB? Um..excuse me as I slip away to avoid those questions.


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Granted, I've never seen The Blind Side, but I'd have to put the title of best 2009 movie to either Inglourious or District 9. Either way, I felt like Avatar was far from worth it, as I had seen it before in the much better Dances With Wolves.


Or FernGully, which at least had Tim Curry.

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Avatar was too painful for me to stand. The only thing that kept me from getting up and leaving the theater was the study the art/scenery. And I'm not usually picky with movies at all.

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Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.

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I completely forgot about Up--I still need to see it (as I said, I live under a rock and don't watch much). It'd probably come close to Blind Side, but I doubt it'll win. It was somewhat of a personal connection to why I like it so much. Can't explain it.

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Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.


I agree... Then again, I haven't seen The Blind Side in its entirety yet.


Avatar was awesome, but only in the areas of visuals and mythology. The story had been done before tenfold.

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Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.


I agree... Then again, I haven't seen The Blind Side in its entirety yet.


Avatar was awesome, but only in the areas of visuals and mythology. The story had been done before tenfold.

I saw Up again in the gym at my school today, believe it or not! :D Yeah, that is such a good movie, but then again, so are all of Pixar's works. I'd still have to say that The Incredibles is my favorite of the bunch, but they are all great films.


And, to be perfectly honest with you, I've never seen The Blind Side or Inglorious Basterds. Heard they were both good though. The point I'm trying to make is that I genuinely liked Avatar, and I plan on getting it now that it's on DVD (but not Blu-Ray, those Na'vi are blue enough already :P ). I agree with you on the fact that the storyline has been done before, true, but Pandora's visuals and mythology, not to mention spectacular special effects and awesome battle sequences, more than made up for that.


Honestly, I really do enjoy that movie. I have no shame in getting Avatar this weekend. Sue me.



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Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.


I agree... Then again, I haven't seen The Blind Side in its entirety yet.


Avatar was awesome, but only in the areas of visuals and mythology. The story had been done before tenfold.

I saw Up again in the gym at my school today, believe it or not! :D Yeah, that is such a good movie, but then again, so are all of Pixar's works. I'd still have to say that The Incredibles is my favorite of the bunch, but they are all great films.


And, to be perfectly honest with you, I've never seen The Blind Side or Inglorious Basterds. Heard they were both good though. The point I'm trying to make is that I genuinely liked Avatar, and I plan on getting it now that it's on DVD (but not Blu-Ray, those Na'vi are blue enough already :P ). I agree with you on the fact that the storyline has been done before, true, but Pandora's visuals and mythology, not to mention spectacular special effects and awesome battle sequences, more than made up for that.


Honestly, I really do enjoy that movie. I have no shame in getting Avatar this weekend. Sue me.




Yeah, I'll probably end up getting it too. :rolleyes:


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As much as I love Disney/Pixar movies ('cept Cars, haven't seen that one), while Up was entertaining, it just can't surpass District 9 or Inglourious Basterds for me. Besides, The Incredibles still remains the best Disney/Pixar movie, IMO.


Also, even though it was only briefly, Avatar was the first movie I've seen where I fell asleep in the theater, LOL.

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Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.

Dogs flying airplanes.


That is why Up loses.


I really wanna see the Blindside. Only really liked Avatar for the pretty colors. =/

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Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.

Dogs flying airplanes.

That is why Up wins. :P That and it was all really emotive and stuff and looked beautiful.


Yes, Avatar is not a great film. It's a good film, sure, but not great. Other than that, didn't really see many other '09 films from memory, but I really liked The Road, great performance by Viggo Mortenssen and great adaption of the book. That and partly done by Australians and music by Nick Cave, so that's cool too. :P


Haven't seen The Blind Side but it looks a nice story. Though probably not one I'd go out of my way to see, maybe. Still, Sandra probably didn't get her Oscar for no reason, so for that alone...



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Never saw Pocahontas or any of the other movies with a similar plot. But helicopters, soldiers and some weird fantasy planet rock, hands down, shallow or not.



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Never saw Pocahontas or any of the other movies with a similar plot. But helicopters, soldiers and some weird fantasy planet rock, hands down, shallow or not.


Pretty much this. It's a story that's been repeated, but heck, it needs repeating. And Avatar does it with awesome style.

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As much as I love explosions and robots and space and blue aliens, I am a boring old timer and I prefer a deep story that connects with me on a personal scale, and it doesn't need fancy graphics to tell the story. I'm lame like that. You'd guys hate my movie tastes if you ever hung around me.


Personally, top three movies of last year for me were 1)The Blind Side 2)Star Trek 3)Ponyo.

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OMG completely forgot about Star Trek!! Love that movie...


But that's the thing: Avatar's story DOESN'T need repeating, because it's been done three times over, all of which had much better performances by the actors (with the exception of Zoe Saldana, she was very good for a character that was 90% CGI).


Say what you want, but flashy visuals does not make up for a mediocre plot.

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As much as I love explosions and robots and space and blue aliens, I am a boring old timer and I prefer a deep story that connects with me on a personal scale, and it doesn't need fancy graphics to tell the story. I'm lame like that. You'd guys hate my movie tastes if you ever hung around me.


Personally, top three movies of last year for me were 1)The Blind Side 2)Star Trek 3)Ponyo.

I'm the same way. Which is why I heart Up so much. I cried manly tears of manliness during that film.

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Personally, I liked Where the Wild Things Are.

That was a great film. But it was soooooooooooooo sad. There were also manly tears of manliness during that film.

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Up is <3. I wish I had a copy of it with me at school.


Inglorious Basterds made me cry, and well, yeah. Let's just say that I despise that movie with all my heart and don't understand what people see in such a blatantly gory and overly violent movie.


And BrickFair. :( Hope you can go. It would be lovely to see you there.



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I don't know if this has been brought up in the comments because I don't have time to read them, and no matter, but I feel compelled to note that Avatar was a rotten clunker of a movie. The story was so trite and banal that after seeing the opening ten minutes I had predicted every single scene that was to come in the film - as I sat watching I literally was counting each scene and plot point off, no exaggeration. Furthermore, the themes were insipid and ham-handedly delivered and the acting was regrettable (and also ham-handed).


It was without a doubt the worst film I saw in 2009. Its only redeeming quality was that the CGI environment was pretty to look at - but so are many other films. I'd rather watch a good movie that looks good than a horrible movie that looks good. Avatar was a horrible movie.

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