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Rise Of The Rockets Character List




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Sisen and Neya: Um... linking to your profiles from here to the topic was the reason I asked you guys to post the profiles themselves here... tongue.gif


Anyway, I'll update the lsit soon -- jsut got back from taking my cat to the vet and the power outage just ended, so... yeah. Meanwhile, here are my own characters.


Username: Parugi.

Name: Kyle Eston.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto.

Age: 18.

Appearance: A young trainer, Kyle has shortish, wavy, dark brown hair and slightly oval-like, blue-gray eyes. He has a mid-sized nose, which his friends jokingly describe as beak-like, and a rounded jaw. Kyle has a small scar on his upper right lip, from a cut he received as a child. He is very slightly tanned, not quite enough for people to notice, but it's still a tan. He is of rather average build, not too muscle-bound, though not extremely lean, either. His outfit is fairly simple. It consists of black pants, belt and shoes, and a dark, navy blue button up shirt, which he usually has tucked in. He also carries around a white, fedora-like hat, though rarely wears it, and sometimes wears a white vest over his shirt. He uses a black bag to carry around his supplies while on missions, and his Pokéballs always line his belt.

Personality: Despite his age, Kyle is a very mature and intelligent trainer. In school and during Team Liberty training, he achieved very high scores on his tests and preformed at the top of his group. He never let this go to his head, though, as he knew that to dwell in his own pride would not only stop or diminish his skills, but that it would also expose a huge weakness to his enemies. He is very kind towards others, especially his Pokémon, and is completely loyal to Team Liberty, even if he does sometimes question their motives. He spends most of his time thinking and planning, preparing for any possible situation in battle, and his periods of thought are marked by his continuously flipping a silver coin that his father gave him.

Background: Kyle was born in Fuchsia City to Kimberly and Richard "Richie" Eston, right after Team Rocket's takeover. From an early age, his father taught him the workings of Pokémon training and battling, while his mother dealt with the standard subjects, like math and history. He excelled at both regular school and Pokémon training, managing to catch a Spearow at the age of six, which was later released. As he continued to train, his father was contacted by a group of refugees, who planned to start an organized rebellion against Team Rocket. Despite having doubts about it, Richie accepted, and his family prepared to leave Fuchsia within the week. Word of their plans leaked to the Rockets, and the Estons soon found themselves under attack. They managed to escape, though not without serious injury to Kimberly, who went into a coma shortly after the three were picked up by Team Liberty. Now branded as traitors, Richie became an official Agent of Team Liberty, and Kyle was put into training, where he received his Sandshrew. The two have trained for quite some time, and Kyle recently managed to catch his Magnemite, Kitheus; they have been picked to participate in Team Liberty's Project R.A.L.L.Y., along with many other Agents.

Pokémon: Magneton (Kitheus,) Sandslash (Daiga,) Charmeleon (Jaeda,) Gligar (Ruji,) Axew (Lyxek.)






Species: Magneton.

Nickname: Kitheus.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Kitheus is exactly like other Magenton. However, the blue and red sections on the top Magnemite's magnets are darker; this particular Magnemite also happens to be Kitheus's Magnemite body.

Personality: Due to bonding with a pair of wild Magnemite, Kitheus has become much less quiet and far more rash, acting on random impulses. He is doing his best to quell these new influences, though he has yet to fully succeed. He is more analytical than before, due to his increased brain capacity, which has helped balance out his new "wild side." Kitheus is also slightly more cold than he was before, barely reacting to others when they try and interact with him. Finally, he has found that he now has advanced skills when it comes to interacting with technology, though has yet to fully explore these.

Ability: Magnet Pull.

Specialty: Kitheus's main specialty still lies in special attacks. Due to his evolution and power boost form bonding with two other Magnemite, he has also increased the probability of his move inflicting a status condition on his opponents.

Known Moves: Metal Sound, Supersonic, Thundershock, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Discharge.



Species: Sandslash.

Nickname: Daiga.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Daiga is essentially the same as any other Sandslash. However, his eyes are brown as opposed to black, and his spines are a darker shade of brown than those of the average Sandslash.

Personality: Little has changed sine his evolution; Daiga is still a very jolly Pokémon, never letting his spirits drop. Though he now possesses more power than he did as a Sandshrew, Daiga still is not terribly fond of battling, though he will still do whatever he is ordered if he is needed. His appetite has grown exponentially since he evolved, which is saying something considering how much he ate as a Sandshrew. Daiga tends to act as a mediator on Kyle's team, breaking up fights between his other Pokémon. He gets on well with Ruji, due to the Gligar's Ground-Typing, as well as the fact that it was through a battle with him that Daiga finally managed to evolve.

Ability: Sand Throw.

Specialty: Daiga's specialty still lies in hit and run attacks, striking at his opponent before burrowing underground and catching them off guard before repeating the cycle. This has been made all the easier since his evolution, as he has gained an increase in speed. Daiga is also very good at improvising attacks, something he was good at even as a Sandshrew.

Known Moves: Scratch, Defense Curl, Sandstorm, Rapid Spin, Swift, Dig.



Species: Charmeleon.

Nickname: Jaeda.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Essentially the same as a regular Charmeleon, though she has two dark rings around each of her wrists; she is able to create fire around her wrists through these rings, similar to a Blaziken.

Personality: Jaeda is even more brave now than she was as a Charmander, though her evolution has made her a tad more rash than she was before. She will not back down to any challenge, and will attack with all of her strength if threatened. Unlike most other Charmeleon, though, she is still a rational thinker, and still listens to Kyle; she also does not automatically jump into situations she knows she can't handle alone.

Ability: Blaze.

Specialty: Since evolution, Jaeda's specialty has shifted form being primarily physical attacks to a mix of both physical and special ones. She can create and breathe much more powerful flames, and possesses greater speed than before. She also tends to use support-slash-diversion attacks like Smokescreen to great effect.

Known Moves: Scratch, Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Fire Fang, Metal Claw (Egg Move,) Bursting Flame.



Species: Gligar.

Nickname: Ruji.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Ruji looks like a standard Gligar.

Personality: Ruji is a very careful Gligar; despite his speed, he hesitates to rush into anything and prefers to stop and analyze his opponent before attacking. This is not to say that he does not consider himself powerful -- quite the contrary: Ruji simply realizes that there are others with more power and ability than he, and opts to make sure that he can defeat an opponent before rushing in and discovering the opposite. Having come from a pack, he does not feel out of place on Kyle's team, though he does find the experience odd, since none of Kyle's other Pokémon are Gligar; however, he gets on well with Daiga, due to his Ground-Typing.

Ability: Sand Veil.

Specialty: Ruji is incredibly fast, and this coupled with his attack capabilities makes for one deadly combination. He does not rush into things, though, assessing the situation before attacking his opponents, allowing him to stay out of traps set by his opponents.

Known Moves: Slash, Swords Dance, Poison Tail, Sand-Attack, Agility (Egg Move,) Night Slash (Egg Move.)



Species: Axew.

Nickname: Lyxek.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Lyxek looks just like a regular Axew, though he is a darker shade of green than most -- Army Green, perhaps.

Personality: Being a newborn, Lyxek is extremely naive and rash; he spends a lot of his time exploring and bothering others, as well as occasionally forcing his way out of his Poké Ball to do so, though this is usually when Kyle is asleep. Regardless, he doesn't mean harm, and is quite useful when he is needed, even if he is still a bit of a baby.

Ability: Mold Breaker.

Specialty: Lyxek specializes in anything physical -- namely, speed, defense and physical attacks. He is not that great with special attacks or defending against them at the moment, though he will learn to with time. Further, due to the fact that he is a newborn Pokémon, he isn't that skilled with what he does know, either.

Known Moves: Double Chop, Slash, Scary Face, Reversal (Egg Move,) Endure (Egg Move.)





Username: Parugi.

Name: Ethan Worth.

Faction: Team Rocket.

Hometown: Azalea Town, Johto.

Age: 30.

Appearance: Ethan stands at exactly 6' tall, with slightly tanned skin and a fairly muscular build. He has short, light brown hair, and dark green eyes. He wears black pants and shoes, a white button up shirt and a black vest, with a red "R" on the right side of it. He usually has his sleeves rolled up, and carries his Pokéballs on his belt. His hair is usually spiked up in the front, and a pair of sunglasses is a constant sight on top of his head, though he rarely uses them for their intended purpose. He has a noticeable, though not thick Australian accent.

Personality: For a Rocket, Ethan is actually pretty mellow, if a bit deceptive at times. He is very kind to his Pokémon and tries to be friendly to everyone, including Team Liberty Agents, as he figures that Team Rocket could operate so much more efficiently if its members just treated everyone like human beings. He has no qualms with either side, only choosing to side with Team Rocket because his mother took that path. He doesn't resort to dirty tactics in battle, but he will manipulate and deceive individuals if the need arises and it would be for the benefit of his mission. He is incredibly loyal both to his team and his Pokémon, and would put his life on the line to protect either one. He enjoys trekking through forests, hence his affection for Bug-type and Grass-type Pokémon. All in all, Easton has the whole "cool-guy" thing going for him.

Background: Ethan's life was always a simple one: A repeated cycle of fun and being completely carefree. He was born in Azalea Town to Mariah Worth and an unknown father, living a life of relative poverty despite his mother's best efforts. Ethan never noticed; he was too busy playing with Pokémon and his friends. Eventually, their situation grew to the point where his mother, now desperate, was forced to turn to a life of crime, becoming a member of Team Rocket. With their help, she managed to provide a better home for her son, participating in the stealing of several Pokémon, though never telling Ethan just what her job entailed. Ethan became isolated from his friends when the Rockets took over, as the Rockets tried to weed out anyone who would try to rebel; needless to say, quite a few were killed, though Ethan was never actually told this. Instead, he took to himself, managing to catch a Scyther and a Weedle, before being inducted into and trained by the Rockets on behalf of his mother, who had risen the ranks. Since then, Ethan has become a full-time Agent, and has volunteered to go on Team Rocket's search for possible allies of Team Liberty. His mother also recently disappeared, though no one seems to know what happened to her.

Pokémon: Kakuna (Tox,) Scizor (Céris,) Grotle (Kada,) Bellsprout (Suya,) Deerling (Serena,) Dwebble (Paruk.)






Species: Kakuna.

Nickname: Tox.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Tox is similar in appearance to most other Kakuna. However, he also has a large, red dot in the middle of his 'chest,' in between his two stingers.

Personality: As a Weedle, Tox was humble and seemed to suffer from a confidence problem, though he was loyal and always ready to jump into battle if he was needed. Following his evolution into a Kakuna, Tox now realizes that he is just a step away from becoming a powerful member of Ethan's team and as such, is ready to try his hardest to finish his evolution. He has become more confident in his abilities and is now more relaxed as a result.

Ability: Shed Skin.

Specialty: Deterrent and defensive attacks.

Known Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Scratch (typeless,) Bug Bite, Harden.



Species: Scizor.

Nickname: Céris.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Céris looks almost exactly like a normal Scizor; however, his left pincer has a notch in it, a scar carried over from when he was a Scyther.

Personality: Céris continues to be a battle-obsessed Pokémon -- he is always itching to fight , and is always on edge. He doesn't trust other trainers or Pokémon very easily, especially ones that tend to cause trouble, such as Suya. Céris is slightly more arrogant now than he was as a Scyther, due to the power boost following his evolution, though it is not a terribly noticeable difference. He is still very bold as well, standing up to any challenge that is asked of him.

Ability: Swarm.

Specialty: Due to his evolution, Céris has become quite a bit slower than he was as a Scyther, due to the extra weight from his armor. However, he is not daunted by this, as he enjoys the increased defenses and attack strength. As such, Céris is still exceptionally good when it comes to physical attacks, and has become a wall behind which his partners can hide behind when they need to.

Known Moves: Double Hit, Agility, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Roost, Night Slash.



Species: Grotle.

Nickname: Kada.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Kada looks like a regular Grotle, though the bushes on his back have small, blue flowers sprouting from them and his eyes are dark green.

Personality: Though he used to dislike Ethan, Kada has finally accepted the Rocket as his trainer and respects him for giving him the training he needed to evolve. Kada is very happy that he has finally become a Grotle, and continues to look forward, fantasizing about becoming a Torterra. He continues to be a quick-thinking Pokémon, even if his body has been slowed by his evolution, and seems considerably more jolly now than he used to be. Further, he is ore responsive to others now than he used to be, easily befriending Bug and Grass Types.

Ability: Overgrow.

Specialty: Kada has retained his skills with physical attacks. Due to his evolution, his speed has decreased, though the training he did as a Turtwig has allowed him to stay relatively agile despite the size shift. His defenses are also stronger now, though the new plants on his back give him a particular weakness to fire attacks that he did not possess as a Turtwig.

Known Moves: Razor Leaf, Bullet Seed, Bite, Body Slam (Egg Move,) Synthesis, Mega Drain.



Species: Bellsprout.

Nickname: Suya.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Suya looks like a regular Bellsprout, only his arm leaves are bigger and he has a perpetually angry expression.

Personality: First and foremost: Suya is mean. Very mean. And ferocious. The closest in-game word to describe him would be sassy. He bears a strong resentment towards Ethan for capturing him, despite his trainer catching him so as to stop him from hurting any other wild Pokémon; as such, he very rarely listens to Ethan's commands. He is prone to going berserk on both his teammates and his opponents, giving them everything he's got even if it tires him out. As such, Ethan does not use him as much as he would like to, and does not plan on doing so until he can find a way to get Suya to listen to him.

Ability: Chlorophyll.

Specialty: Suya is a pure attacking Pokémon, using rash, swift physical attacks to strike his foes; unfortunately, he tends to go overboard with this, and his rage combined with his respectable defensive skill give him a slight resistance even to Fire attacks. His only weakness is his speed, though this is not as bad when he is angered.

Known Moves: Vine Whip, Wrap, Stun Spore, Wring Out, Poison Powder, Gastro Acid.



Species: Deerling.

Nickname: Serena.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Serena looks like a normal Deerling in all of her forms.

Personality: Serena is very careful, much like a normal deer would be. She takes her time studying others before getting near them, so as to be better prepared in case they try to do anything to her. Serena is curious about Ethan, as she is new to his team, though she doesn't seem to be having a ton of trouble adjusting to the group. Generally, Serena is kind and gentle, though a little icy around strangers.

Ability: Serene Grace.

Specialty: Serena specializes in speed and physical attacks; this combined with her support attacks makes her a threat in battle. However, her defenses are not so great, and as such she relies heavily on putting her opponents to sleep before moving in for a rapid series of strikes.

Known Moves: Camouflage, Aromatherapy, Double Kick, Take Down, Grasswhistle (Egg Move.)



Species: Dwebble.

Nickname: Paruk.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Paruk looks like a normal Dwebble, although he tends to carve his shells into a more pointed shape.

Personality: Paruk is rather impish in nature, as he tends to play small pranks on those around him -- especially his enemies. He has adapted quickly to life in Ethan's team, not particularly questioning his new position, though he has enjoyed the new opportunities to mess with people -- especially his new trainer. Paruk is a bit cruel in battle; while not evil like Suya is, he like to play around with his prey, so to speak, and plays mind games on those he fights against on a regular basis. Needless to say, he should find himself welcome in the group...

Ability: Shell Armor.

Specialty: Paruk is primarily defense based, using his shell as a shield -- naturally. He also tends to try and catch his opponents off-guard, by digging underground and disguising himself as a rock; this strategy tends to work better in rocky areas, where he can splash sand into his opponent's face and then do the above.

Known Moves: Sand-Attack, Smack Down, Rock Polish, Bug Bite, Slash.





Username: Parugi.

Name: Gavin Braner.

Faction: Team Rocket.

Hometown: Lavender Town.

Age: 21.

Appearance: A Rocket Agent who tends to wear a black hoodie, shirt and shoes, as well as gray jeans. His hair is long and auburn colored, similar to Silver's in style, and his eyes are green. He is 5'9", slightly short for his age, and he has fairly soft features. Following the Paradise battle, he now wears dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and a black, hoodless jacket.

Personality: Cold and emotionless, Gavin doesn't let his feelings get int he way of his job -- business comes first, in his opinion, even before the lives of others, aside from his Pokémon, who he actually cares very deeply for. He is antisocial, brushing off people when they talk to him, whilst making snarky remarks about them in his head. He does not take defeat well, and has slipped into spots of depression at times, when he has lost many battles in a row. He has a preference towards Psychic and Dark type Pokémon, seeing their abilities as more useful than those of others. He is not incredibly loyal to Team Rocket, only assisting them because he was told to.

Background: Gavin lived a gloomy life growing up -- inevitable, considering where he came from. He spent most of his time skipping school, and instead chose to battle and vandalize. His actions eventually got him into very big legal trouble, when he helped to ravage a small cemetery; because of that, he was sent to assist Team Rocket in their war against Team Liberty. As such, he does not harbor an intense loyalty to them, and on many occasions has chosen to ignore orders and go off on his own. He caught his Duskull during a training mission to Lavender Town, and acquired his Staryu prior to joining Team Rocket.

Pokémon: Staryu (Ithes,) Dusclops (Dothe,) Drapion (Irest,) Frillish (Sivik,) Abra (Talsim.)






Species: Starmie.

Nickname: Ithes.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Ithes looks exactly like a regular Starmie, though the gold area around his gem is silver and his gem tends to stay on a certain color dipicting his mood.

Personality: Ithes is extremely loyal to Gavin, much like he was as a Staryu, thouh he is much smarter now than he was before. His raised intelligence has allowed him to begin acting of his own accord, giving Gavin the freedom to direct his other Pokemon in battle instead of orderng Ithes around. However, he is still impossible to read, aside from guessing his mood via his core.

Ability: Natural Cure.

Specialty: Physical strikes. Because of his evolution, he has also become sufficiently intelligent so as to act of his own accord in battle, if Gavin so wishes, allowing Gavin to focus on other opponents. He tends to combine this with his past experiences in battle, allowing him to form his own strategies without the need to be ordered around.

Known Moves: Hydro Pump, Rapid Spin, Recover, Camouflage, Bubblebeam, Power Gem.



Species: Dusclops.

Nickname: Dothe.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Dothe looks exactly like a standard Dusclops, save a crack on his face following a battle with a ghost Tyranitar.

Personality: Following his evolution, Dothe retains his impish traits. He is a lot more cruel in his pranks and in battle, as he is very proud of his new found power. Dothe tends to get infuriated with other ghost Pokémon if they attack his partners, utilizing his full strength against them. Overall, he is still very much how he was as a Duskull -- loyal and impish -- though more confident as a result of his new body.

Ability: Pressure.

Specialty: Surprise attacks, though Dothe has also gained more physical strength following his transformation.

Known Moves: Night Shade, Leer, Shadow Sneak, Astonish, Pursuit, Shadow Punch.



Species: Drapion.

Nickname: Irest.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Irest has slightly larger pincers on his hands.

Personality: Ever since Gavin received Irest, he has been trying to prove himself to Dothe, Ithes and his trainer. Since his evolution, Irest has become much more confident in his abilities, and is proud of the circumstances surrounding his evolution. Still, he remains somewhat lonely, as he is still the only Pokémon on Gavin's team that was not actually caught by Gavin. Irest has kept some of his lazy worker tendencies, such as sleeping much of the time, though since his evolution he has become more active and more willing to battle.

Ability: Sniper.

Specialty: Irest's main specialty is still in physical attacks; however, his evolution into a larger Pokémon has slightly decreased his speed. Still, his size gives him an edge over smaller, weaker-minded opponents, intimidating many of them with ease.

Known Moves: Bite, Poison Fang, Pin Missile, Claw Sharpen, Acupressure, Cross Poison.



Species: Frillish.

Nickname: Sivik.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Looks like a normal male Frillish, though his eyes are yellow as opposed to red.

Personality: A rather naive and curious individual, Sivik spends a lot of time observing others up close, which is how he met Gavin. Though slightly cold towards Gavin since being removed from the ocean, Sivik is still willing to obey him because of this new opportunity to see the rest of the world. Sivik is willing to fight when angered, and dislikes intruders of the sea -- boats and people, in other words.

Ability: Cursed Body.

Specialty: Sivik is most powerful when he uses special attacks. He is also much faster in water than on land, though is still able to operate on either.

Known Moves: Absorb, Night Shade, Recover, Water Pulse, Ominous Wind.



Species: Abra.

Nickname: Talsim.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: A normal looking Abra.

Personality: Talsim spends almost all of his time sleeping in a relaxed state; like other Abra, though, he is still conscious of what goes on around him via psychic powers. He does not display much emotion because of this lethargic state, though since capturing Talsim there have been one or two times when Gavin has sworn he has heard strange, echoing words in his head...

Ability: Magic Guard.

Specialty: Talsim specializes in Special Attacks, and has also shown a proficiency in speed, used in combination with his Teleport ability when facing an opponent. However, he is not that great at defense.

Known Moves: Teleport, Psychic, Thunder Punch (Egg Move.)

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Username: FawfulWithFury

Name: Shigeru Nakinaro

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Saffron City

Age: 40

Appearance: Brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale white skin, wears labcoat, thick glasses, and white dress pants

Personality: Shigeru is a very curious and experimental person. If he sees a flawed invention, he tries to make his own version of it to fix the flaw. If he can brag about discovering a new metal, he will do so. Overall, he is creative and smart, but he can take things too far.

Background: Shigeru grew up in Saffron City with his uncle and aunt. He often looked at the Magnet Train and the Silph Co. Building in amazement during his free time. After graduating from college, he got a job at Silph Co.- it was a dream come true! Or, it would have been, if he wasn't a worker who simply packaged products for shipping. Soon afterwards, he quit, and decided to do experiments alone. He spent many years living alone, attempting to copy Silph Co. products or modify them. At the age of 37, he witnessed Team Rocket take over Saffron City, and he joined them afterwards.

Pokémon: Porygon and Voltorb



Species: Porygon

Nickname: n/a

Trainer: Shigeru Nakinaro

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Shigeru's Porygon is very smart- it has all Pokedex data downloaded straight to it, and it has an IQ of 1,000. Other than that, it has very little personality

Ability: Download

Specialty: Strategic moves

Known Moves: Tri Attack, Psybeam, Recycle



Species: Voltorb

Nickname: Wattson

Trainer: Shigeru

Appearance: N/A

Personality: Wattson is very serious, and it is almost always training. However, Wattson has a soft spot for other Pokemon who belong to Team Rocket members.

Ability: Static

Specialty: Moves that take long amounts of time to complete

Known Moves: Spark, Gyro Ball, Selfdestruct


Also, I would like to join TR Retrieval Group D- Misty seems like a useful ally, and that group only has one member.

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I'm currently in the 'Unassigned' section of TL I guess. Here's my current profile:


Username: Umbra of Doom

Name: Jayron Aaron

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto

Age: 15

Appearance: Fairly tall, brown eyes, dark red-brown hair. Clothes and hat are green with style similar to Sir Aaron/Riley. Wears black, fingerless gloves and carries a small backpack for items.

Personality: A bit unceartain, but quick to help if needed. Trains himself and his pokemon to be stealthy. Generally knowledgeable about pokemon, but sometimes is too quick to assume something (like victory). Will battle when necessary, but with caution if his pokemon are already tired. Greatly dislikes the rockets and will face them when needed. Has minimal control over the Aura (don't worry, he can't fling Aura spheres or anything) but it is a learning process. Currently, all he has in the way of aura is a small mental connection with his Riolu.

Background: Born in Fuchsia city, Jayron trained at a ninja school for a while before the rockets found it and destroyed it. He fled the burning school and drifted out on a raft through the seafoam islands. Almost a month later, he found himself on a deserted island near the sevii islands. For a while, all he had was the company of the neighboring pokemon. One in particular, a Riolu, helped him find a way off the island. Traveling with the Riolu as his companion, he arrived at the sevii islands and joined Team liberty. It was there he learned that he had a distant relationship to the legendary Sir Aaron (hence his last name). Jayron's mission is to try and recover some of the ninja students that had been at his school and bring them back as recruits to Team Liberty. He also intends for both he and his Riolu to master the aura. I addition, he really wants to locate the legendary mew and catch it, though he knows this will be a difficult task. His second, and more recent pokemon he saved from being abandoned by the rest of its pack was a Sneasel, though the hard life it had has made it hard to adjust.

Pokémon: Lucario (male), Scythe (Weavile)(female), and Trapinch (male)


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Species: Lucario

Nickname: N/A

Trainer: Jayron

Appearance: Very little difference, has a blue mark on the center of it's palm that glows when it uses an aura-based attack

Personality: Having been with Jayron for a while, it has adapted to Jayron's personality, but tends to be shy around others unless in battle.(Not as much now that it's evolved)

Ability: Inner focus

Specialty: trained to be stealthy, and is very skilled with special attacks or attacks that require the Aura rather than just physical attacks. Now that he's evolved, he has a strong, telepathic link with Jayron.

Known Moves: Quick attack, Endure, Counter, Aura Sphere (Upgrade of Force Palm), and Bone Rush (Aura based)


Species: Weavile

Nickname: Scythe

Trainer: Jayron

Appearance: Head feather is the length of a male's so it is often mistaken for a male sneasel, and it has a scar on it's side (supposedly acquired from a fight it lost)

Personality: Almost a direct contrast to Lucario. Determined and unwilling to give up, but also a little harsh to both its opponents and its teamates. Struggles from Weavile's hard past have made its trust hard to gain. Since evolving, it has gained a bit more confidence in itself, and its trust has become easier to gain.

Ability: Inner focus

Specialty: Relentless, fast, and reckless (both a strength and a weakness). Jayron sometimes has to recall it just to get it to quit. Was also trained to be stealthy, but uses the training a lot less. Since evolving it has gained both speed and power. It has also become more crafty.

Known Moves: Leer, Quick attack, Fury swipes, Ice Shard, and Night Slash (Upgrade of Faint Attack).


Species: Trapinch

Nickname: N/A

Trainer: Jayron

Appearance: Slightly darker in color than a normal Trapinch. Also slightly larger

Personality: Very finicky; also short tempered

Ability: Arena Trap

Specialty: Slow above the ground, fast under the ground. Very good at two things: digging and biting.

Known Moves: Bite, Dig, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm



-UoD :voyanui:

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OOC: Username: rawr.
Name: Max "Buzz" Bussle
Faction: Team Rocket Executive (as requested by Parugi)
Hometown: Azalea Town
Age: 20
Appearance: Buzz is bald and sometimes wears goggles which are similar in appearance to a Yanma's eyes. He wears dark green trousers and a dark green open jacket with a light red T-shirt.
Personality: He does not act kindly to other people, and tends not to talk to anyone much when he isn't giving orders. On the outside he seems mean and cold, but he has a secret, loving side that only his Pokemon can see. For most, these traits make him very hard to like, but they helped him get to high places in Team Rocket.
Background: Buzz was raised by his parents in Azalea Town, he never got on well with the other children and instead managed to make friends with a whole swarm of Yanma. At the age of 10, Buzz watched as both his parents were killed by a kid who was trying to earn the respect of Team Liberty. It turns out that Buzz's parents had both been undercover members of Team Rocket. Buzz gathered his three favourite Yanma and set off to gain revenge, eventually defeating the kid. A long the way one of his Yanma evolved. Although he had got his revenge, Buzz was not satisfied, so he joined Team Rocket, and has elevated in the ranks quickly.

Species: Yanmega (Male)
Nickname: N/A
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as usual
Personality: A ruthless follower of Buzz. Yanmega follows his trainers orders without question, and rarely shows emotion.
Ability: Speed Boost
Specialty: He is swift and a very powerful flier.
Known Moves: AnceintPower, U-Turn, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Quick Attack

Species: Yanma (Male)
Nickname: Yan
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as usual
Personality: Yan is not as heartless as Buzz or Yanmega, and often hesitates when doing bad things for his trainer. He is kind at heart but will ultimately do what Buzz tells him.
Ability: Speed Boost
Specialty: He is somewhat weak, but very fast.
Known Moves: Quick Attack, Tackle, Wing Attack, Pursuit

Species: Yanma (Female)
Nickname: Ma
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as usual.
Personality: Like Yan, Ma is not a mean Pokemon. She often feels sad for what her trainer has become, remembering what a nice young boy he was.
Ability: CompoundEyes
Specialty: Not that great a flier, but is good a special attacks.
Known Moves: SonicBoom, Hypnosis, Toxic, Giga Drain

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Here's my profile.

Username: FenrakkRider

Name: Nate Delano

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Fortree City, Hoenn

Age: 15

Appearance: Nate is about 5'5" tall. He has blonde hair that goes down to about the bottom of his ears, and he is a fast runner. He has pale skin, and he is thin. He wears a green hoodie with a black shirt under that. He also has jeans and green shoes.

Personality: Nate is brave and friendly, but he often acts on instinct. That often gets him in trouble. Also, he is very fond of his hometown and will do anything to get it out of the clutches of Team Rocket.

Background: He grew up in Fortree City. He has 2 parents and 1 sister. He first met Cotton when he was wandering through the forest at the age of 7, and he has had a strong friendship with her ever since.

Pokémon: Cotton(Swablu), Shock(Mareep)


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Species: Swablu

Nickname: Cotton

Trainer: Nate Delano

Appearance: She has the basic appearance of any Swablu except for the fact that she is about an inch shorter, making her 1'03".

Personality: Cotton is very brave and loyal to her trainer. She will protect him even if it means danger to her.

Ability: Natural Cure

Specialty: Having the opponent unable to hit her

Known Moves: Peck, Growl, Astonish, Sing


Species: Mareep

Nickname: Shock

Trainer: Nate Delano

Appearance: Shock is like any other Mareep except for his wool being much frizzier.

Personality: He is very timid and will not attack unless threatened, attacked, or commanded.

Ability: Static

Specialty: Paralyzing opponents

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl, Thundershock, Thunder Wave

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Username: McKothman (to be changed to Koth)

Name: Aulus Rufius

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Celadon

Age: 17

Appearance: Aulus is a Caucasian male standing about 5’10”, with reddish-brown hair that comes down his forehead to just above his blue eyes. He wears standard Rocket grunt garb (though devoid of the signature red “R“), with dark blue boots. Over this he usually wears a long grey coat. He wears a black headband with the Rockets’ “R”, though this is often concealed by his hair.

Personality: Usually calm and formal, and polite towards or in the presence of his superiors. When with his peers or inferiors, he isn’t rude, but decidedly hostile. He generally doesn’t care about other people, or other Pokémon, but he genuinely cares for his own Pokémon. He tends to spend his time watching others, figuring them out, only speaking when spoken to, or when necessary.

Background: Aulus was born and raised in Celadon city. His mother was a clerk at the department store and his father was a manager at the game corner. For his seventh birthday, Aulus got an Eevee (who he named Aoneko) who became his closest companion. He did have many friends, as his parents kept him isolated from most other children. When he was twelve, his parents were killed, and he ran off, taking the Saffron train to Goldenrod. At Goldenrod, he became a member of the local runaway community, and worked his way to becoming its leader. While not popular as a person, he was an effective leader and organiser, and strategist, for which the community prospered. Team Rocket had been watching him for about a year since his acquisition of leadership, and picked him up because of his characteristics. He did not object to this conscription, as he had been thinking of leaving and joining the Rockets anyway.

Pokémon: Aoneko (Eevee)


Species: Eevee

Nickname: Aoneko (basically “blue cat”)

Trainer: Aulus Rufius

Appearance: An Eevee, though with slightly blue eyes. Aulus has a piece of blue string tied around Aoneko’s left ear.

Personality: Aoneko is not actively hostile towards anyone, but is very watchful, though getting too close to him or Aulus could prompt an attack. As such, he is rather protective of Aulus, and in most cases will attempt to prevent other Pokémon from coming near him.

Ability: Adaptability

Specialty: Assessing the opponent’s abilities, and tactics, and attacking or defending accordingly.

Known Moves: Bite, Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Tail Whip, Growl

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It's a bit late, but I'll add my profile here for simplicity...


Username: Shadok

Name: Michael Ray

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Solaceon Town

Age: 16

Appearance: Michael is of average build, slightly small for his age, with brown hair. He wears a simple black T-shirt and jeans combination. For the colder areas of Sinnoh, he also has a brown hooded jacket. Slung over his back is a simple Sinnoh-type backpack to store items and pokeballs. On his wrist is a well-used poketch which he recieved a year ago.

Personality: Michael is confident in his skills. He is aware that his partners aren't as strong as other trainers, but is determind to prove that he can become equal to other trainers. He has an extensive knowledge of pokemon thanks to his spending time with his grandparents, known as the daycare couple, and helping them with their duties.

Background: Michael spent most of his life in his hometown, Solaceon. Despite this, he always had a facination with Pokemon, even as a young child. As he grew up, his facination grew into a love for the creatures, never considering them to be pets or animals, but people. When he found out what team Rocket had been doing to Pokemon, he sought out Team Liberty to oppose the cruelty of the Rockets. Once the Rockets have been removed from power, he hopes to take over from his Grandparents as the daycare person and help Pokemon who suffered at the hands of the Rockets.

Pokémon: Tion (Male Ralts), Hax (Porygon)



Species: Ralts

Nickname: Tion

Trainer: Michael

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tion's Horn is a bluish colour, rather than the normal red colour of a Ralts.

Personality: Tion is an extremely caring and cautious Pokemon. He will often defeat a Pokemon for Michael, then turn back and make sure that it wasn't too badly injured. Since he was Michael's first Pokemon, hatched from an unwanted egg a trainer left, he is strongly attached to his trainer.

Ability: Trace

Specialty: Tion, like all Psychic types, can take a large amount of special attacks and fire them back, but he cannot take more than a few physical attacks.

Known moves: Confusion, Teleport, Double team, Growl, Lucky Chant and Magical Leaf.



Species: Porygon

Nickname: Hax

Trainer: Michael

Gender: Neutral (Acts Male)

Appearance: Hax has a "scar" running down his left eye, which is in truth a slight bug in his programming.

Personality: Hax is a Stubborn and Headstrong Pokemon. This is in contrast to his calmer "Brother" Tion, who grew up alongside him. Hax was obtained when a trainer who hatched him handed him back for being "Damaged". Ever since, he has been determind to never give Michael a reason to no-longer want him.

Ability: Download

Specialty: Hax has a larger pool of energy when it comes to blasting his foes with Special attacks, similar to Tion. However, unlike normal special attackers, Hax can block physical attacks against him, although he gained this at the cost of being rather weak to receiving Special attacks.

Known Moves: Tackle, Sharpen, Conversion, Conversion 2, Psybeam and Recover.



Species: Treecko

Nickname: Gecka

Trainer: Michael Ray

Gender: Female

Appearance: Geka has a small leaf-like appendage on her head which resembles a small ponytail, in addition to the normal Treecko appearance.

Personality: Geka is extremely hyperactive. She will often be found jumping on whatever she can reach fastest when left to her own devices. Her hyperactivity also causes her to accidently break things, although she is a good pokemon at heart.

Ability: Overgrow

Specialty: Geka loves to run and jump around a lot. As a result, she moves very quickly in battles, although this is at the price of being weaker when it comes to taking blows.

Known Moves: Pound, Leer, Absorb, Quick attack, Pursuit and Screech



Nickname: Gab

Species: Gibble

Trainer: Michael Ray

Gender: Female

Appearance: Gab's stripes are the same red as her belly instead of blue.

Personality: Gab is extremely clingy, due to it's status as a hatched pokemon. When around Michael, she is very innocent and soft. However, she is extremely bossy and aggressive the moment he turns his back.

Ability: Sand Veil

Specialty: Gab is extremely offensive, being very willing to dish out damage to her foes. However, she is not so good when Karma shows up.

Known Moves: Tackle, Sand attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, DragonBreath (egg move), and Thrash (egg move)

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Here you go:


Username: Nuju Nui

Name: Jake Soren

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Goldenrod City

Age: 16

Appearance: Jake is around 5' 8''. He has dark brown hair, almost black. He has blue eyes and olive skin. He often wears a blue jacket w/a hood. He wears a black shirt under that and has his pokeballs on a special belt. He is thin, but not to terribly. He can also run quite fast.

Personality: Jake wants to overthrow Team Rocket and protect the regions of the pokemon world. He is afraid of heights and is always ready to fight TR. His favorite type of pokemon is fire. His second is dragon.

Background: Jake grew up in Goldenrod City and was raised to love all pokemon and treat them all right. He is loyal and is usually lost in thought. His pokemon were given to him by his father, who was taken by Team Rocket.


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Species: Cyndaquil(Male)

Nickname: Inferno

Trainer: Jake Soren

Appearance: The fire on Inferno's back burns brighter than a usual Cyndaquil's, which is why Jake named him Inferno.

Personality: Inferno is extremely loyal to Jake and has a strong bond with him and Silver.

Ability: Blaze

Specialty: Has a high Defense stat.

Known Moves: Tackle, Ember, Quick Attack, Leer


Species: Dratini(Male)

Nickname: Silver

Trainer: Jake Soren

Appearance: Silver is half-foot shorter than usual Dratini, making him 6' 5''. The white parts on his body have an extremely light silver tint to them.

Personality: Silver is very eager to fight and has a strong bond w/Jake and Inferno.

Ability: Shed Skin

Specialty: Has a slightly higher critical hit chance.

Known Moves: Twister, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Leer


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Yeah, It's probably a little late and a little ruining-the-moment to make a profile, but that better than never. Forgive me if my spoiler tags don't work.


Username: ....Yawn?

Name: Thomas Solson (Prefers to be called Tom)

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Goldenrod City

Age: 15


Appearance: Black hair, Light Brown Skin Tone, Light Brown eyes, a very visible scar on his right eye (given with an encounter with the Rockets 3-5 years ago), Blue shirt with a large green circle with a purple spiral inside of it, and a purple Pokeball design on the back. He wears a size 16-18 size jacket (blue and silver) w/ hood. It is usually left half unzipped, but usually keeps the hood on anyways. Has blue and black hiking shoes.


Personality: Usually very quiet and shy and easily irritable. Underneath that exterior, he is very kind and forgiving. He only unveils his true personality to those who he really trusts. Would prefer to sit under a tree, unraveling his thoughts or reading a good book than battling, although puts what he has to use when necessary. He cares for Pokémon (ally, neutral, and some enemies). Has a wierd obsession with cool colors. (Blue, green, etc .)


Background: Born somewhere after the invasion, his parents were assassinated for protesting the Rocket's notion. After his house was burned to the ground, he was thrown out into the wild with some clothes and other items related to that subject and two Pokeballs. He wandered into a cave and met a Beldum. They played together for some weeks.

After that, Beldum was willingly "captured" with one of Tom's Pokeballs. Then, one day, while looking into the cooking fire, he had an idea for a raft. While gathering the materials, Tom and Beldum met a man "casually dressed". (Note: Tom is 14 right now, FYI). He told Tom to join "Team Liberty". When Tom asked what it was, the man replied that they defy Team Rocket. Remembering his parents, Tom followed the man to a boat. After 8-10 hours, he arrived at Four Island. There, Tom and Beldum met a Gible. Beldum and the Gible talked extensively in Pokemon Language, and then Beldum and Gible looked up at Tom hopefully. Tom pulled out his other Pokeball, confused. Beldum and Gible nodded rapidly. Gible was also willingly "captured". Um, yeah, that's all you need to know about Tom.

Pokémon: Beldum (Ax) and Gible (Biter)


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Species: Beldum

Nickname: Ax

Trainer: Thomas Solson

Appearance: A purple eye. Shade of blue is darker than most Beldums.

Personality: Very kind. Easy to get along with. (Outside of battle, that is.)

Ability: Clear body.

Specialty: Sp. Attack is higher than usual

Known Moves: Take down


Species: Gible

Nickname: Biter (Name given for a habit of biting things and being an exceptional copycat)

Trainer: Thomas Solson

Appearance: Biter's Jaw/Underbelly is slightly more Crimson than most Gibles.

Personality: Like most Gibles, Biter is very feisty and reckless. (edit:) Gets along well with Tom and Ax, though. It is the Toa Lewa of the team.

Ability: Sand Veil

Specialty: Attack is higher than usual

Known Moves: DragonBreath (egg move), Iron Head (egg move), Scary Face (egg move), Slash, Dragon Rush

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ok, my entire profile....


Username: Twilight Death Wisp

Name: Darren Ketchum (Although he is unaware of his last name)

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: None. Well, Pallet town, sort of.

Age: 17.

Appearance: Long black hair, Blue eyes. Smallish nose. His eard lay flat on his head. He usually wears a camouflage outfit, t-shirt and cargo pants. Pretty tall, at 6'2" Looks remarkably like his father, Ash.

Personality: Darren is an easygoing, outspoken guy. He speaks what's on his mind, but only to people he trusts. He is bold, and pretends to be brave, which is nearly like truly being so. He would die for his friends.

Background: Darren is a son of Ash and Misty Ketchum. Unfortunately, he was separated from his parents when he was 4, when a Team Rocket raid threw a family reunion into chaos. He grew up with one of the many Nurse Joys, until his 'aunt' was killed by Team Rocket when he was 10. Since then, he grew up in Kanto, living by himself. He met his Torchic when he was 12. He met up with Team Liberty when he was 14, and has lived with them ever since.

Pokémon: Torchic and Pikachu.


Species: Torchic

Nickname: none.

Trainer: Darren Ketchum.

Appearance: He has a blue vertical streak going from it's forehead through his right eye to an inch below his eye.

Personality: He is smart and fun-loving. He is very analytical, and dispenses information on anything that needs to be known. He loves to play, but knows when to fight.

Ability: Blaze.

Specialty: Good at fighting, with fire powers and martial arts. Does not have very good defence.

Known Moves: Flame Wheel, Fire Punch, Peck, Smokescreen.



Nickname: none

Trainer: Darren Ketchum

Appearance: Normal Pikachu look.

Personality: Adventurous, fun loving. Proud of his powers, whatever they are at the time. Very competitive.

Ability: Static.

Specialty: Good at special attacks and speed.

Known Moves: Spark, Tail whip, Swift, Shock Wave.


Species: Riolu

Nickname: Auran

Trainer: Darren Ketchum

Appearance: The two bumps on his arms are pale yellow, and a yellow spot on his forehead. They glow when using a powerful attack.

Personality: Auran is a shy pokemon, but knows his powers. Reluctant is a good word to describe him. Woe to the pokemon who attacks him.

Ability: Inner Focus.

Specialty: Attacking and Speed. Not good on defense.

Known Moves: Force Palm(specialty), quick attack, counter, focus punch, Sky Uppercut (breeding move)





Username: Twilight Death Wisp

Name: Andrian Night

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: He hails from Ecruteak City in the Johto region.

Age: 20.

Appearance: Andrian wears black. Always. He wears an outercoat of black velvet, and his inner buttondown shirt is usually dark blue, purple, or red. He wears black jeans. He has black eyes, and heavy eyelids. He wears a black cape.

Personality: Andiran is quiet. Strangers would call him evil, but he's not, he just feels an affinity for the darker side of life. He is a cold, calculating person. He is not quick to anger, but a sneer is usually on his face. When he is angry, he is a terror to behold.

Background: He grew up in an orphanage. He got out at the age of 16, and joined Liberty the year after. It might be a surprize that he joined Liberty, but he disagrees with Rocket's morals.

Pokémon: Snorunt, Shinx.


Species: Snorunt

Nickname: None

Trainer: Andrian

Appearance: Instead of orange, his coat is a darker red.

Personality: Shy. She is powerful, but doesn't like to show off. Doesn't make friends easily.

Ability: Ice body.

Specialty: Special attacks and Physical defence.

Known Moves: Ice Fang, weather ball(breeding), bite, protect, Ice Beam. Is particularly good with Ice Beam, although it is hard for her to pull off.


Species: Shinx

Nickname: none

Trainer: Andrian

Appearance: Is a darker shade of blue and yellow.

Personality: Acts tough and fierce, but is slightly cuddly. However, Andrian is not much of a cuddler. Rather haughty.

Ability: Intimidate.

Specialty: Special attack and speed.

Known Moves: Spark, bite, crunch, thunder fang.


Species: Gible

Nickname: just Gible.

Trainer: Andrian Night

Appearance: The stripes on his back and 'rockets' are black instead of blue.

Personality: Cheerful, energetic, and generally excited.

Ability: Sand Veil.

Specialty: Physical Attack and Defence.

Known Moves: Dragon Claw, Sandstorm, Take Down, Slash, Outrage(breeding).

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Username: McKothman (to be changed to Kothra)

Name: Sarissa Krenz

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Olivine, Johto

Age: 29

Appearance: Sarissa is a five foot-tall Caucasian female. She has blond hair dyed a bright blue and has blue eyes. She often wears a pair of rings (n her ring fingers), and earrings, all depicting the same symbol--an open blue eye. For clothing, she wears the standard Rocket jumpsuit, minus the gloves and cap.

Personality: Sarissa is generally a friendly and upbeat person, acting kindly towards anyone except those she personally decides to dislike, or those who are her enemy by default (i.e. Team Liberty). She is stubborn when it comes to what she wants, and will not take “no” for an answer. She tries to act politely towards most people, and has a thing for using Japanese honourifics. Some are annoyed by this, while others find it amusing. Either way, she doesn’t care.

Background: Sarissa was introduced to Pokémon at a young age by Olivine City’s former Gym Leader, Jasmine. Sarissa always looked up to Jasmine as an older sister, thought the two were not related. When Sarissa was eight years old, Team Rocket took over, and Jasmine disappeared. Her parents, who were pro-Rocket for the ultimate peace they brought to the world, told Sarissa that Jasmine had left on a trip around the world. On her tenth birthday, Sarissa received a Pokéball from an unspecified person. Inside was a Ralts with a short letter. The letter was from Jasmine.

At her parents’ urging, when Sarissa was seventeen, she joined Team Rocket, to “help maintain peace in the world.” The Rocket life was rather easy, so she enjoyed it. On a mission, Sarissa managed to catch a Pokémon that the administration permitted her to keep as her own. This Pokémon was a Jigglypuff. Over the past ten years, she has become quite accomplished in several areas, including that of a pilot.

Pokémon: Omoi (Ralts), Eika (Jigglypuff)


Species: Ralts

Nickname: Omoi (oh-moh-ee)

Trainer: Sarissa Krenz

Appearance: Common Ralts, but with a pair of blue lines descending from each eye (applied with a face paint).

Personality: Omoi is rather timid, and when out of her Pokéball, tends to stay away from strangers, and near Sarissa or Eika. This does not affect her ability in battle, however.

Ability: Synchronize

Specialty: Evading the opponent at all costs, then striking when an opening is revealed.

Known Moves: Psychic, Calm Mind, Magical Leaf, Double Team Teleport, Hypnosis




Species: Jigglypuff

Nickname: Eika (eh-ee-kah)

Trainer: Sarissa Krenz

Appearance: Common Jigglypuff, with a trio of blue lines running between the ears (applied with a face paint).

Personality: Upbeat and happy, like Sarissa. Tends to fool around (and sometimes in battle as well).

Ability: Cute Charm

Specialty: Immobilizing the opponent, then striking with full power.

Known Moves: Sing, Hyper Voice, Mimic, Rest, Defence Curl, Body Slam

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Username: The Sword That Smites Evil

Name: Quinn Cariu

Faction: Team R

Hometown: Viridian City

Age: 23

Appearance: An unassuming person, Quinn is rather unspectacular. He has short black hair, brown eyes, of pale skin, and is rather slim of build. The only special thing abotu his are his eyes, which burn with a quiet intelligence.

Personality: Quiet. Quinn doesn't socialize.

Background: Born shortly before the Rise of the Rockets, Quinn's past is unknown to most - it is assumed that he lived the average life, did average things, and so on and so forth. The reason for this lack of knowledge is rather simple - Quinn doesn't want to talk about it.

Pokémon: Sneasel (Scar) and Ditto (Eldritch)


Species: Sneasel

Nickname: Scar

Trainer: Quinn

Appearance: Yeah, normy.

Personality: Silent, like its boss, but at the same time, stubborn about things - in fact, it's adamant.

Ability: Inner Focus

Specialty: Swift and stealthy - LIKE A NINJA!

Known Moves: Fury Swipes, Screech, Faint Attack, Pursuit (egg), Quick Attack, Ice Punch (egg)


Species: Ditto

Nickname: Eldritch

Trainer: Quinn

Appearance: Normal.

Personality: Jolly

Ability: Limber

Specialty: Has practice in taking a variety of shapes - doesn't need a tablet to change.

Known moves: Transform


Species: Porygon

Nickname: Dats

Trainer: Quinn Cariu.

Appearance: Normal colors, save for the fact that it has a Devon Corporation insignia on its forehead.

Personality: Modest.

Ability: Download.

Specialty: Special attacks and haxxing.

Known Moves: Signal Beam, Sharpen, Conversion2, Tackle, Recover, Magnet Rise.



Username: TSTSE

Name: "Mellow" Merrow

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Ecruteak

Age: 33.

Appearance: Let's go with flamboyant. Of medium height, Merrow wears a tuxedo and a top hat. He has a small, pointed goatee, as well as a thin french 'stache.

Personality: Spontaneous, chatty, and friendly.

Background: Hailing from Ecruteak City, Merrow is rather rich, although that's what heirs are. Having grown up in Ecruteak City, he's rather... religious, in the sense that he believes all myths to be true. Due to this, he is well-versed in all myths, everywhere. As such, he is a valuable consultant.

Pokémon: Poochyena, Gastly


Species: Poochyena


Trainer: Merrow

Appearance: Same

Personality: Inquisitive, active.

Ability: Run away

Specialty: Tracking and Chasing

Known Moves: Howl, Covet - egg, Tackle, Odor Sleuth, Bite, Fire Fang


Species: Gastly


Trainer: Merrow

Appearance: Same

Personality: Intimidating, Solitary

Ability: Levitate

Specialty: Cursing/afflicting and Arcane attacks

Known Moves: Curse, Will-o-wisp, Hypnosis, Spite, Confuse ray, Shadow Ball


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Here are my profiles:

Username: Toa Ecketzal

Name: Roderick Krane

Faction: neutral (as of now)

Hometown: None: wanderer. (originally Orre)

Age: 17

Appearance: Roderick is the living image of his father: he is tall, a little skinny and weak looking, he is usually wearing a long sleeve red shirt with a golden dragon in the chest, a pair of blue jeans and boots. He wears a belt where he stores his tools and PDA in order for hacking or robotics. He uses glasses in order to look more like a science guy... truth is: they are fake, he doesn't need them in order to see.

Personality: He could be best described as a reserved smart guy, he finds it hard to make friends, but he is a very good and reliable one once he makes one. He is humble and quiet, preferring not to speak out loud, this has helped him stay incognito as he travels.

He is also not too great with girls, he is very shy and will not speak when infatuated.

Background: He lived and grew in Orre living with his father Professor Krane, being surrounded by machines gave him a good knowledge of robotics and hacking systems, but sadly his physical condition is not good at all, and as such he tires easily. He overcomes this weakness with inventions like platforms and stuff. One of his inventions is a small robot which Wattling likes to inhabit.

He was sent to Sinnoh in order to spy Team rocket's activities and report them to the Orre authorities in order for them to make a decision .

Pokémon: Wattling (Rotom) Digital (Porygon-Z) Swirl (Castform), Rampere (Luxray/Shadow Pokémon), Blimpy (Drifblim), Aralia (Jalorda), Riguree (Shadow pokémon) and Ignight (Monferno).

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Species: Rotom

Nickname: Wattling

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: He looks mostly like every other Rotom, but he can shape it's plasma as he pleases in order to express emotions, his eyes are golden in coloration.

Personality: Strangely enough Wattling is not as mischievous as other Rotoms, instead he is calm and loyal to Roderick, helping him in whatever he is up too.

Ability: Levitate

Specialty: He mostly specializes at inflicting status effects in other pokemon, mostly for fleeing. Because of his electrical properties he can enter electronic devices and electric lines for transportation.

Known Moves: Thunder Bolt, Thunder wave, Confuse ray, Hydro Pump, Double Team, Ominous wind.

Species: Porygon-Z

Nickname: Digital

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: Due to Roderick's succesfull patch on the original Porygon-Z's programming, Digital looks quite different from the standard Porygon-Z. It's head is more stylized and presents a smooth spike at the top. It's eyes present a light blue coloration with a normal black pupil. Her build is sleeker.

Personality: Without the glitches, Digital conserved most of the personality it had as a porygon2. Acting mostly like the brains of the group. Digital has also acquired a small feminine personality in the process (Though it is still genderless).

Ability: Adaptability

Specialty: The programming, at the cost of some special attack, made it impervious to hacks and viruses. It presents very good defenses in both sides of the spectrum and also has a solid special attack (Though not as high as other Porygon-Z. Mainly because Digital lacks the glitchy programming of the other members of it's species).

Known Moves: Psychic, Lock on, Zap Cannon, Tri attack, Signal Beam, Recover.


Species: Luxray (shadow pokémon)

Nickname: Rampere

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: His mane is longer than the normal Luxray's.

Personality: He could be described as the cool but strong guy in the group. Caring for the others. But also short fused. Especially with Digital's technobabble.

Ability: Intimidate

Specialty: He specializes more in physical attacks.

Known Moves: Shadow rush, shadow down, shadow panic, Wild Volt, Roar, Iron tail


Species: Drifblim

Nickname: Blimpy

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: Her arms are longer than the normal Drifblim's.

Personality: She is kind to the other members of the team. She has a motherly nature and tends to worry quite a bit.

Ability: Unburden

Specialty: She is more of a tank. She tends to use baton pass.

Moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Baton Pass, Shadow ball, Explosion, Ominous wind.


Species: Jalorda (Female)

Nickname: Aralia

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: The Fleur De Lis markings on her back and sides are of a golden color. Rather than the typical yellow.

Personality: She could be described as boastful, cocky, self conceited and a bit of a show of. Believing herself to be the leader of the team and also very powerful. This attitude usually gets on the nerves of Roderick and the other pokémon on his team. She still cares for them though. Upon evolution, the vain traits of her personality have mellowed out a bit.

Ability: Overgrow

Specialty: She is a mixed attacker, meaning that she can attack both physical and special. However, she specializes the most on defense and support. Aiding her teammates paralyzing the opponent or healing with leech seed. By far the fastest pokémon on Roderick's team.

Known Moves: Slam, Leaf Blade, Leaf storm, Leech seed, Coil, Glare (egg move).


Species: Elgyem (shadow pokémon)

Nickname: None as of yet

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: The three dots on Riguree's hands are Red, Blue and Green. Instead of Red, green and Yellow.

Personality: Unknown (Shadow pokémon)

Ability: Telepathy

Specialty: He specializes in special attacks

Known Moves: Shadow Storm, Shadow sky, Shadow Mist, Teleport.



Species: Castform

Nickname: Swirl

Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: the hair on his head is a little more curved than the usual castform.

Personality: Swirl is a really kind pokémon, he cares for others first, then for himself. However, this part of itself has grown little because he was hurt by other pokémon, as a result he hides whenever he senses something evil.

Ability: Forecast

Specialty: Weather attacks and special attacks

Known Moves: Sunny day, Rain dance, Hail, Weather Ball, Fire Blast, Blizzard.


Species: Infernape


Trainer: Roderick Krane

Appearance: Ignights fire crest has gotten a golden coloration. Most of his other features remain the same as other infernape.

Personality: Just as he was as a chimchar. Ignight is intelligent and resourceful. He might not be able to communicate telepathically, but one glance it's all it takes to comunicate with others. He deeply cares about his comrades and will fight for them till the end.

Ability: Iron fist

Specialty: Like most other infernape, Ignight specializes on fighting up close. As such,, his speed and attack are his two main points. His defenses are frail. But he makes up for it through evading blows.

Known Moves: Close combat, Taunt, Fire punch (Egg move), Thunder punch (Egg move), Blaze kick (Egg move), Fake out (Egg move).





Username: Toa Ecketzal

Name: Silver eyes (Mina)

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: unknown

Age: 17

Appearance: A girl in her late teens, she sports the usual Rocket uniform, and uses a beret of matching colour, she often disguises herself though. As her name implies she has silver colored eyes. She also sports long hair tied in a ponytail.

Personality: She could be described as a cunning and tricky person. She can be really kind one moment and the next thing you know is that she has stolen something for you. She does this to everyone, be it normal people or Rockets. She has a soft spot for Roderick though.

Background: She is very famous in the rocket society due to her thieving skills, still: she doesen't like to do the sort of bad things the team rocket leaders do. She also often disappears to unknown places.

Pokémon: Roselia (Bouquet), Togetic (Huitzi), Mantyke (Guniver), Static (Bachuru), Archeos (Aaken), Dozer (Mogurew) and Eevee.

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Species: Roselia

Nickname: Bouquet

Trainer: Silver eyes

Appearance: The upper part is shorter

Personality: Really calm, and doesen't mind a lot of things.

Ability: Natural cure

Specialty: Special attacks

Known Moves: Giga Drain, Toxic Spikes, Grass Whistle, Growth, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain.


Species: Togetic

Nickname: Huitzi

Trainer: Silver eyes

Appearance: The head spikes are shorter than the average togepi's.

Personality: She is the sleepy kind, usually is sleeping, She is also a very kind pokemon, kinda jolly.

Ability: serene grace

Specialty: Diverting and status moves

Known Moves: Extrasensory (egg move), Wish, Encore, Metronome, Sweet kiss, Yawn.

Species: Mantine

Nickname: Guniver

Trainer: Silverhand

Appearance: The mark on its back depicts a winking face

Personality: Pretty easygoing and carefree. He can also get lost in thought.

Ability: Swift swim

Specialty: It specializes in special attacks

Known Moves: Supersonic, Take Down, Bubblebeam, Wing attack, Agility, Water Pulse


Species: Galvantula

Nickname: Static

Trainer: Mina (Silvereyes)

Appearance: The gray parts on the bodies of normal galvántula are electric blue in coloration for Static.

Personality: Static still hasn't lost his upbeat personality, he still rushes through things an forgets to think beforehand. Hyper most of the time, you don't want to give him caffeine.

Ability: Compoundeyes

Specialty: He specializes the most in trapping his opponents. He is fast and has a decent special attack.

Known Moves: Spider Web, Electro Net, Signal beam, Bug bite, Thunder Wave, Electro ball.


Species: Archeops

Nickname: Heaven Fang (Fang for short)

Trainer: Mina (Silvereyes)

Appearance: His fangs are longer. Earning his his nickname.

Personality: After his evolution, Fang became more confident of his abilities, and also became much more braver. However, he is now more wary of his opponents, and tends to think things before jumping to action.

Ability: Faint hearted

Specialty: Fang is incredibly adept at using physical attacks.And he is fast on delivering them too. His defenses aren't good, but he compensates this with his speed to evade blows. Now that his wings have grown, he can now fly. Being able to carry at least two adults with him.

Known Moves: Quick Attack, Acrobat, Rock Twrow, Dragon Breath, Double Team and Crunch.


Species: Drilbur (female)

Nickname: Dozer

Trainer: Mina

Appareance: A normal Mogurew

Personality: Dozer is really adamant. Once she makes a decision she will not hesitate about it. This will often result in her getting in a lot of battles.

Ability: Sand throw.

Specialty: She specialuzes the most on physical attacks.

Known moves: Claw Sharpen, Dig, Slash, Mud Slap, Metal Claw, Rapid Spin.


Species: Eevee

Nickname: Luna

Trainer: Mina (Silvereyes)

Appearance: She has a small tuft of hair growing out on her head.

Personality: Mostly like her trainer. She is sneaky and playful... and has an odd tendency to flirt a little bit with Roderick's Luxray... kinda reflecting the relationship between both trainers.

Ability: Adaptability

Specialty: All around, but for now, she is mostly for support.

Known Moves: Wish (Egg move), Attract (Inherited... and part of her appeal), Yawn (Egg move), Tackle, Helping hand and Sand attack.



Username: Professor Ecketzal

Name: Jake Snark

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Kanoko town.

Age: 20

Appearance: He could be described as strong looking. He is tall, with a wide build, but not fat. He has black hair that is usually wild. He has deep black eyes and a scar in his left arm. He usually wears

Personality: Jake is often bored. And spends most of his time loafing and sleeping, and as a result he never does something unless ordered by a superior or if he really cares about it. HWhen he focuses, however, he can get things quite right. He almost never regrets something, save for hurting innocent pokémon, of which he has a certain fondness of.

Background: Jake grew up in the Isshu region. Even when young, he displayed a high curiosity for the war that was happening in a country far away. After years of investigating (and loafing while doing so) he finally came up with information about the war and it's happenings. Having nothing better to do, he decided to go there and join the first team he found. Which turned out to be Team Rocket.

Pokémon: Futachimaru, , Desumasu, Marowak and Gobitto.

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Species: Samurott

Nickname: Katana

Trainer: Jake Soren

Appearance: The mustache typical of the species is much shorter on Katana. His swords present a rhombus shape instead of a triangular shape.

Personality: He still imitates Jake's personality. And as such, he often lolligags and sleeps. But when need arises, he can get serious like his trainer.

Ability: Torrent

Specialty: Physical attacks. Sadly, his speed is not that good.

Known Moves:Shell Blade, Mega horn, Aqua tail, Revenge, Aqua Jet, Swords dance.


Species: Marowak

Nickname: None

Trainer: Jake Snark (Given to him by rocket higher ups)

Appearance: Marowak's belly is black in colour, as opposed to the original tan. The rest is the same however.

Personality: Marowak, contrary to Jake's personality, is not lazy at all. He always wants to pick up a fight. And could be described as a bit of a bully.

Ability: Lightningrod

Specialty: He specializes most on defense. But he also has a decent attack to strike back.

Known Moves: Focus energy, Bonemerang, Rage, Bone Club, False Swipe, Head butt.


Species: Desumasu

Nickname: None

Trainer: Jake Snark

Appearance: Desumasu's mask has depicted the face of a small kid.

Personality: Desumasu is a bit of a loner, prefering to stay at the shadows and scare other pokémon that come in the way.

Ability: Mummy

Specialty: Defensive tank. He also excels at giving status conditions.

Known Moves: Will-o-wisp, Evil Eye, Disable, Haze, Night Shade, Protect.





Species: Gobitto

Nickname: Gorum

Trainer: Jake Snark

Appearance: It is covered with moss as a result of guarding Jakes possessions for three years, the moss seems to be permanent. Other than that he seems like all Gobitto.

Personality: Gobitto is extremely caring and gentle. Despite his big size, it still gets along with most pokémon and likes to play with smaller ones, unlike Marowak, it doesn't likes to fight, and will avoid conflict when possible. It has been a lifelong friend of Jake, and by consequence, is very loyal to him..

Ability: No guard

Specialty: It is really good with physical attacks. And it's defense isn't half bad either. It is really slow however.

Known Moves: Mud slap, Rollout, Shadow Punch, Iron defense, Mega Punch, Magnitude.


OOC: Profile:

Species: Larvesta (Shadow pokémon)

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Trainer: Jake

Appearance: Mostly like other Larvesta, however, her horns are orange in coloration, and shadow energy is often seen around her.

Personality: She has a cocky personality. Believing that she has great strenght. Unfortunately, for now she is somewhat weak. So she compensates by bluffing.

Ability: Flame Body

Specialty: Due to her shadowification proces her body heat has become unstable. As such, she melts most things without noticing.

Moves: Take down, Flame charge, shadow rush.


Species: Scraggy

Nickname: Lucky

Trainer: Jake Soren

Appearance:Lucky is a bit taller than most scraggys. His pants are also more baggy.

Personality: Lucky is... actually very calm unlike the rest of his species. He tends to get along with almost every other pokémon. Including Larvesta. He isn't very keen on fighting and prefers to stay out of trouble, but he still packs a punch when needed.

Ability: Shed Skin

Specialty: As a pacifist, Lucky is really good defending. He can take multiple hits before falling. His ability also helps him with that. He also has a good strenght, giving him an overall good attack. An OK speed. But terrible special stats. Making him unsuitable with special attacks.

Known Moves: Drain punch (Egg move), Dragon dance (Egg move), Leer, Low kick, Sand attack, Faint attack.



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I'll post my two new Characters Profiles here now:


Username: Element Lord of Milk.

Name: Ethan Williams.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Cianwood City, moved to New Bark Town later on.

Age: 40.

Appearance: Has a worn Fedora, a long Trenchcoat, a stocky build, a scarf that he sometimes wraps around his face, glasses, a black vest with a white shirt underneath, Dark Green Cargo Pants, and steel-toed boots, and a large duffel bag wich he keeps all essentials in. Also, his Eye was injured, so he wears an Eyepatch.

Personality: He is an excellent Saboteur, and also knows a few tricks about staying unseen that he learned from Koga when they met after Ethan escaped the Rocket base.

Background:He grew up in Cianwood City with his parents, one day when he was sitting on the beach, a Krabby walked over to him and sat beside him, they became friends. The Krabby is currently at his Parents house in Cianwood City. Later on, when his parents took him to the Safari zone, a Rhyhorn got loose and he helped to recapture it, as a reward, he was given the Pokemon. a year later, he saw a group of Totodile that were swimminb near the beach, he Caught one. One year ago, his Brother leaked false information to the Rockets that he was a Leader of Team Liberty, the Rockets came and his house was burnt down, his Wife and Rhyperior died, his son managed to get away, but he and Thomas were captured. He spent half a year in a Rocket base, but then managed to escape with the help of Koga, who then taught him how to remain concealed, and also informed him Team Liberty's recent victories and hardships, he then left, and Ethan began to look for Team Liberty.

Missions: 4


Pokémon: Thomas (Feraligatr).


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Species: Feraligatr.

Nickname: Thomas (Sr.)

Trainer: Ethan Williams.

Appearance: Dark red Spikes, and his Armor ridges are regular Blue instead of Light blue.

Personality: Lonely, he sticks close to Ethan at all times, and has lost a large bit of his Memory due to the experiments of the Rockets. Evolved both times under Ethan's care during his journeys around Johto. Was caught by Ethan when Ethan was six.

Ability: Torrent.

Specialty: Formerly Physical, but is now Special.

Known Moves: Crunch, Ice Fang, Hydro Pump, and Rage.

Status:On hand


Species: Kingler.

Nickname: Hahli.

Trainer: Ethan Williams.

Appearance: Regular. She has deep green eyes, thoough.

Personality: Sometimes a little unsure of herself and a tad jumpy, but she is very faithful to Ethan, since he saved her life from a hungry Houndoom. She doesn't like to take risks. Caught during Ethan's journeys, left at his parents after he returned home, then picked up from there. She is feircely protective of Ethan and Thomas. She evolved after fighting a swarm of Rattata in Orre.

Ability: Shell Armor.

Specialty: Equal.

Known Moves: Crabhammer, Harden, BubbleBeam, Mud Shot, Metal Claw, and Protect

Status:On hand.


Species: Aggron.

Nickname: Aaron.

Trainer: Ethan Williams.

Appearance: He is much larger than a normal Aggron.

Personality: Very stubborn, somewhat snotty to most Pokemon, and doesn't take no for an answer. Caught by Ethan after he accidentally kicked it and Hahli went overboard in her attack. He evolved into Lairon during a battle with a Snagem admin. He evolved into Aggron during a battle with wild Pokemon on Iron Island. As an Aggron, he is very different from when he was an Aron and Lairon, now he is actually quite Jolly.

Ability: Rock Head.

Specialty: Physical attacks, especially those that involve his head.

Known Moves: Headbutt, Metal Claw, Iron Tail, Take Down, and Iron Head.

Status:On hand.


Species: Charmeleon.

Nickname: Eris.

Trainer: Ethan Williams.

Appearance: Her Tail-Fire is considerably larger than normal, and she's about a foot larger than other Charmeleon.

Personality: A little scared of the rest of Ethan's team, but she is still willing to fight for both ethan and Amelia, since they helped her and austin when Eris was hurt. Now that she has evolved, she fels more comfortable in Ethan's care. She evolved into Charmeleon during a battle with a swarm of Magnezone.

Ability: Blaze.

Specialty: Fairly even.

Known Moves: Ember, Dragon Rage, Metal Claw, Fire Fang, and Dragon Rush (egg Move. After she uses it, she is unable to battle for a little while)


Status:On Hand.



Username: Element Lord of Milk.

Name: Zachary Williams.

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Snowpoint City.

Age: 30

Appearance: Just the Regular Rocket Uniform, Short Brown Hair in a Crewcut. Deep Green eyes.

Personality: A very cruel Man, he has no love for the Human Race, believing them to be very destructive, he does show extreme love for Pokemon, except for all Poison Pokemon, especially the Grimer Family, due to their relation to pollution.

Background: Originally from Cianwood City, he lived with his Brother and Parents until he was 14, when he ran away from home, he nursed a bitter hatred of his Big Brother, he took with him only his Parents' wallets, a backpack with extra clothing, a Piplup his parents had gotten shipped to them from Sinnoh. He lived like this for another 14 years, eventually he settled down in Snowpoint City, where he found out that his Brother had settled down and had a Family, he then told the Rockets falsely that his Brother was a leader of Team Liberty. he then joined the Rockets, and he caught himself a Snover in Snowpoint before he left.

Pokémon: Piplup(Formerly) and Snover(Formerly). Sneasel.




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Species: Sneasel.

Nickname: Darkness.

Trainer: Zachary Williams.

Appearance: His Claws are slightly longer than the norm. And his Red parts are a much Darker Red.

Personality: Slightly Cruel like his Trainer, unlike most Sneasels, he dislikes the taste of eggs, and prefers red Meat. He is very aggressive, but he is very calm most times.

Ability: Inner Focus.

Specialty: He is especially good, and attacks involving his Claws are more powerful due to them being longer, because of this, he excels in Physical attacks.

Known Moves: Bite(Egg Move), Quick Attack, Faint Attack, Slash, and Fury Swipes.


Thanks for the deceased marker, Parugi :D .




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Mist Nemesisgriffin


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Username: Lurking the Bolt

Name: Mist Nemesisgriffin

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Pallet Town

Age: 16

Appearance: A young gentleman who has made a few bad choices in life. Mist has rather small eyes that are colored brown and remind one of a mud splotch. His hair is incredibly wavy for the most part and is also silky, but he wears it short. Mist’s hair is that of sky blue, but it is natural, not a dye. His hair is done in a neat fashion, perfectly combed and in order.


Even for a teenager, Mist is short. He stands only at four feet and nine inches. His body has an angular build, making him quick and rather agile, but also strong. He is also black, with chocolate-brown skin tone. His fingers are rather small like a child’s along, with his feet which are also small, but narrow. Being a member of Team Rocket, Mist wears the uniform, the R on his chest sticking out proudly.




Personality: Mist is a trainer by heart. He possesses daring like no other and joined Team Rocket to go on adventures. He is bold and a rather loud person as well; always making his opinions known to others. He is always quick on his feet in both battle and reaction; which sometimes gets him in a lot of trouble. Mist has little control over his mouth, so he sometimes spill things when he is angry or making a statement.


Mist has the eyes of a trainer as well. He has many skills, despite his arrogance. He trains his Pokémon to the best of their ability, by observing the movements of others. This is why Mist is considered dangerous as a trainer. His eyes can follow a Pokémon’s movements to the point that it is a study for Mist, allowing him to counter moves easily and even predict things like when a trainer is about to move. His attention is always focused on the Pokémon in front of him, however.


Mist is rather awkward, though. Still being a teenager, sometimes, he is a little bit hesitant to follow orders and even doubts his role in the organization. He is known for being rash sometimes, lashing out his superiors and even ignoring direct orders. It gets him in a lot of trouble; but Mist is his own man.


Background: Mist comes from Pallet Town, the same place that legendary Pokémon Trainer, Red is from. Mist himself was only a little boy when Team Rocket took over the world. He realized at that moment that if Team Rocket was at the top of the world, he wanted to be as well. He knew that only the best would be in the organization and that they were the strongest. Mist wanted to challenge them. He wanted to beat the head of Team Rocket eventually. He would need Pokémon first, so he stole a Rattata and several Pokeballs from the professor, Oak. A bounty was put on his head, and Mist became known as a dangerous Pokémon trainer.


He eventually attracted the attention of Team Rocket itself who was at the time recruiting young members. After successfully passing a fake test in the form of a gym, Mist was allowed admittance. Mist made it clear though, that he wouldn’t be the Rocket’s whipping dog. He was his own man and even announced that he would eventually surpass even the leaders of Rocket itself! Some people called him crazy, but Mist only grinned at them.


One day, whether he was with Rocket or not, the world would acknowledge Mist as their superior…

Pokémon: Rattata (Truthful Tom), Carnivine (Bubba)

Species: Rattata

Nickname: Truthful Tom

Trainer: Mist Nemesisgriffin

Appearance: Truthful Tom has the appearance of your average, healthy Rattata.

Personality: Mist’s Rattata is a talkative one and enjoys annoying people, by talking them to death. He is rather friendly though, especially with other trainer’s Pokémon.


Ability: Run Away

Specialty: Truthful Tom is incredibly agile and Mist has trained him to strike quick and run. This allows him to deal in good blows, while avoiding damage. His Bite is his strongest attack as well.



Known Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Pursuit

Species: Carnivine

Nickname: Bubba

Trainer: Mist Nemesisgriffin

Appearance: Bubba has the appearance of your average, healthy Carnivine.

Personality: Mist’s Carnivine is a smart Pokemon; however, he is completely dictated by logic, causing him to question some of Mist’s directions. This is ironically similar to Mist’s relation with Team Rocket.


Ability: Levitate

Specialty: Bubba mainly focuses on dodging his opponents attacks and then catching them off-guard with his Vine Whip, which he can use to drag an enemy over to him.



Known Moves: Bind, Growth, Bite, Vine Whip, Sweet Scent, Ingrain

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Oh my, I've forgotten about doing this..


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Username: Ikkad

Name: Kyle Rogers

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Solaceon

Age: 13

Appearance: Of average weight, a bit tall for his age. Wears a gray-and-red hoodie and a red flatcap(like Lucas's) with it's visor poited upwards, showing a bit of his messy black hair. He's a little near-sighted, so he wears simple thin-rimmed glasses. Hanging over his shoulder and on his side is a bright red messenger bag, holding in it his notebook computer and other important items.

Personality: Cheerful, positive, determined to find a light side to everything. He can be a bit worrying, but will always try and hide it with a smile. He's distracted at times, so his Charmander tugs on his jeans to wake hi from his daydreams.

Background: A childhood friend of Michael Ray(Shadok) having met some time after he started living with his grandparents at the Daycare center. left behind after leaving to join Team Liberty. After Team Rocket's rise to power, his parents have been sent to different parts of Sinnoh, helping out trainers by giving them itms and such.

Pokémon: Charmander



Species: Charmander

Gender: Male


Trainer: Kyle Rogers

Appearance: Like the norm, but has a green handkerchief tied around his neck, a la Mystery Dungeon

Personality: A bit shy and untrusting of other trainers, but very friendly towards most other Pokemon.

Ability: Blaze

Specialty: He relies mostly on offensive attacks, hitting before the enemy can, but this can sometimes leave him weak.

Known Moves: Ember, Fire Fang, Scratch, Growl, Smokescreen


There we go. =)



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Lol, everyone forgot about me! :o Literally, if you DO see the name "Thomas Solson" on the List for Team Liberty, then I have turned into an Orange. :(

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Okay, I'll re-add my profile.


Username: ....Yawn?

Name: Thomas Solson (Prefers to be called Tom)

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Goldenrod City

Age: 15


Appearance: Black hair, Light Brown Skin Tone, Light Brown eyes, a very visible scar on his right eye (given with an encounter with the Rockets 3-5 years ago), Blue shirt with a large green circle with a purple spiral inside of it, and a purple Pokeball design on the back. He wears a size 16-18 size jacket (blue and silver) w/ hood. It is usually left half unzipped, but usually keeps the hood on anyways. Has blue and black hiking shoes.


Personality: Usually very quiet and shy and easily irritable. Underneath that exterior, he is very kind and forgiving. He only unveils his true personality to those who he really trusts. Would prefer to sit under a tree, unraveling his thoughts or reading a good book than battling, although puts what he has to use when necessary. He cares for Pokémon (ally, neutral, and some enemies). Has a wierd obsession with cool colors. (Blue, green, etc .)


Background: Born somewhere after the invasion, his parents were assassinated for protesting the Rocket's notion. After his house was burned to the ground, he was thrown out into the wild with some clothes and other items related to that subject and two Pokeballs. He wandered into a cave and met a Beldum. They played together for some weeks.

After that, Beldum was willingly "captured" with one of Tom's Pokeballs. Then, one day, while looking into the cooking fire, he had an idea for a raft. While gathering the materials, Tom and Beldum met a man "casually dressed". (Note: Tom is 14 right now, FYI). He told Tom to join "Team Liberty". When Tom asked what it was, the man replied that they defy Team Rocket. Remembering his parents, Tom followed the man to a boat. After 8-10 hours, he arrived at Four Island. There, Tom and Beldum met a Gible. Beldum and the Gible talked extensively in Pokemon Language, and then Beldum and Gible looked up at Tom hopefully. Tom pulled out his other Pokeball, confused. Beldum and Gible nodded rapidly. Gible was also willingly "captured". Um, yeah, that's all you need to know about Tom.

Pokémon: Beldum (Ax) and Gible (Biter)


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Species: Beldum

Nickname: Ax

Trainer: Thomas Solson

Appearance: A purple eye. Shade of blue is darker than most Beldums.

Personality: Very kind. Easy to get along with. (Outside of battle, that is.)

Ability: Clear body.

Specialty: Sp. Attack is higher than usual

Known Moves: Take down


Species: Gible

Nickname: Biter (Name given for a habit of biting things and being an exceptional copycat)

Trainer: Thomas Solson

Appearance: Biter's Jaw/Underbelly is slightly more Crimson than most Gibles.

Personality: Like most Gibles, Biter is very feisty and reckless. (edit:) Gets along well with Tom and Ax, though. It is the Toa Lewa of the team.

Ability: Sand Veil

Specialty: Attack is higher than usual

Known Moves: DragonBreath (egg move), Iron Head (egg move), Scary Face (egg move), Slash, Dragon Rush

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Username: Stoney the raptor

Name: Geoff grahams

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Oreburgh city

Age: 14

Appearance: Dark brown hair,blue eyes, dark brown shoes,trousers and a Orange t shirt.

Personality: Trusting nature will trust those who earn his respect without question however he is distrusting of everyone at first prefers being with pokemon rather than people.

Background: Son of a miner his father died in mine cave which lead to his distrust of people.

Pokemon: Metagross and Gabite.

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Username: Kothra

Name: Karin Taketta

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Goldenrod, Johto

Age: 17

Appearance: Karin is a teenage Caucasian female, with chestnut hair that falls to her shoulders, and grey eyes. She wears a custom black, grey and maroon uniform with the red R on the shoulders.

Personality: Karin is a shy and reclusive person. She doesn't like to speak to others, because she often trips over her words. She often wants to be and speak with other people, but she can not bring herself to do it, afraid of embarrassing herself. Because she stays away from others, she is often regarded as awkward or unfriendly.

Background: Karin can't remember anything about her parents or family. For as long as she can remember, she has been living on the streets of Goldenrod City among the other homeless children. She led a rather rough life for sixteen years, then Aulus came to power. Under Aulus, the community prospered, and Karin was finally able to do things she had been longing to do. Soon after Aulus' ascension, however, she was conscripted by Team Rocket. She decided that Team Rocket was likely a better life than her previous one, as she had definite shelter and food, even if it was mandatory for her to take on missions given to her. As she had no Pokémon, the first given to her was to go and catch one, as she would not take any offered to her by Team Rocket. She went out to the beach just south of goldenrod, and found a Buizel. She caught it, and now spends most of her time with it, as she prefers to be away from other people.

Pokémon: Kawauso (Buizel), Sunayoukai (Trapinch)


Species: Buizel

Nickname: Kawauso (kah-wah-ooh-soh)

Trainer: Karin Taketta

Appearance: looks similar to a normal Buizel, though it's fins are slightly greyish

Personality: Kawauso loves fun and water, especially when the two are combined. Often thinks of things as being a game, which can sometimes cause trouble.

Ability: Swift Swim

Specialty: When water is around, strike the opponent swiftly. When in a dry area, take cover, and attack when the opportunity presents itself.

Known Moves: aqua jet, swift, agility, razor wind, whirlpool, pursuit


Species: Trapinch

Nickname: Sunayoukai (soo-nah-yoh-kai)

Trainer: Karin Taketta

Appearance: common Trapinch

Personality: reclusive, not liking working with others. May seem slow to react at times, as it prefers to move only when necessary.

Ability: Arena Trap

Specialty: digging under the earth (or whatever surface) and waiting for the opponent to come near before striking

Known Moves: feint attack, sandstorm, sand tomb, dig, earth power, crunch

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I'll add my newest character. (even though I could just do it on the wiki)


Username: Umbra of Doom

Name: Cyan Vero

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto

Age: 15 (3 months younger than Jayron)

Appearance: About Jayron's height, green eyes, white hair that can occasionally give him an eerie appearance. He wears mostly black, has a black jacket, and has a bag for items.

Personality: His appearance may make him look evil, but his friends know him as kind and helpful. He is especially kind to pokemon. Like Jayron, he excels at ninja fighting techniques, though he is actually better at them than Jayron.

Background: Going to the same school as Jayron, Cyan was one of the best students in the school. He was even entrusted with the knowledge of the location of a Mew, which he later befriended. When rockets burned the school down, Cyan watched in horror as the rockets dragged his family's bodies from the burning place. He ran away and joined up with a resistance, determined to stop the rockets. This resistance was swiftly crushed though, and all the members in it were killed except him. The rockets hoped to learn where the Mew he protected was from him. But they didn't have time to interrogate him, as a strike had been announced on the Alamo. They left him in a cell, where Jayron broke him out and got him to the Alamo. While in the last resistance, he had several strong pokemon, but was forced to release them so they wouldn't be caught by the rockets. During his time on Four Island, he had received a Cyndaquil, as well as one of Selene's Bagon eggs, which hatched recently.

Pokémon: Cyndaquil (male), Bagon (female)


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Species: Cyndaquil

Nickname: Quill

Trainer: Cyan

Appearance: No difference

Personality: it has a Timid nature, and stays out of its pokeball often

Ability: Blaze

Specialty: It can run quite fast, and makes good use of its ability.

Known Moves: Smokescreen, Ember, Swift, and Extrasensory (egg)


Species: Bagon

Nickname: N/A

Trainer: Cyan

Appearance: No difference

Personality: Very curious, but not short tempered, unlike most dragon types.

Ability: Rock Head

Specialty: Good with anything that involves its head

Known Moves: Zen Headbutt, Double Edge, Dragon Rush (egg), and Bite


Okay that's all for now. ^_^


Edit: And here's the link to Dara's profile.


-UoD :voyanui:

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Grah, why is the space here so cut off?I can't even access the edit button to edit Zachary's profile to deceased!


Ah, well, anyway, zachary is dead.






Username: Element Lord of Milk.

Name: Amelia Williams.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Olivine City.

Age: 40.

Appearance: Blonde hair in a ponytail, green eyes, jeans, sneakers, a long-sleeved white shirt, and a brown leather jacket, as well as a backpack.

Personality: Laid-back and mischievous, stubborn, will never give up on anything if there is even a one percent chance of succeeding.

Background: She had a fairly regular life in Olivine city, although her parents were somewhat distant from her, she mostly learned things on her own, she loved sailing on the sea nearby Olivine, and she enjoyed watching her parents fight in the Battle Tower. She first met Ethan when she and her parents were visiting the Safari zone and a Rhyhorn broke loose, at that time, she had just caught a Larvitar in the Safari Zone. On her 20th birthday, she decided to travel the four regions, seeing lots of Pokemon, and dreaming of one day becoming a proffessor. she was gone for two years, an entire year of wich she spent in Sinnoh, where she found and caught a Chimchar. She is distantly related to Misty, and is Scott Williams's mother and Ethan Williams's wife.

Missions: 2(Both completed)




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Species: Tyranitar.

Nickname: Lyra.

Trainer: Amelia Williams.

Appearance: She doesn't have any hole-things.

Personality: The spearhead of Amelia's team, Lyra is calm, colected and careful. Caught by Amelia in the Johto Safari Zone. She evolved into Pupitar during a battle with Snagem grunts. And then into Tyranitar during a battle with Magnezone.

Ability: Sand Stream.

Specialty: She is completely balanced in both Attack and Special attack.

Known Moves: Rock Slide, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, Stone Edge, and Thrash.

Status:On hand.


Species: Infernape.

Nickname: Jake.

Trainer: Amelia Williams

Appearance: no difference.

Personality: He is somewhat shy, and is kind of distrusting to people he doesn't know, he scares easily, but when he is with those he knows and loves, he is relaxed. Caught by Amelia while she was in Sinnoh. He is much braver than he was as a Chimchar. He evolved into Monferno during a battle with a Snagem admin. he evolved into Infernape on Iron Island during a supply mission. As an Infernape, he is now more brave and less shy, but he is still distrusting of strangers.

Ability: Blaze.

Specialty: Equal like Lyra.

Known Moves: Blaze Kick(Egg move), Close Combat, Flame Wheel, and Mach Punch.

Status:On hand.


Species: Flygon.

Nickname: Hunter.

Trainer: Amelia Williams.

Appearance: Around a foot larger than normal.

Personality: A very friendly Flygon, he likes being around people, having lived in a city most of his life, he dislikes the desert, although he will(Begrudgingly)go there if he needs to. He enjoyed sitting in Amelia's bag with his head sticking out as a Trapinch. He was "Caught" By Amelia during the mission to Orre. He evolved into Vibrava during the Orre mission. He evolved into Flygon during a battle with several Magnezone. As a Flygon, he is extremely brave and will defend Amelia to the last. He also seems quite fond of using Hyper Beam, even including the recharge time.

Ability: Levitate.

Specialty: Relatively equal.

Known Moves: Faint Attack, Dragon Claw, Crunch, DragonBreath, Hyper Beam, and Mud Shot(Egg Move).

Status:On hand.


Species: Kirlia.

Nickname: Austin.

Trainer: Amelia Williams.

Appearance: His "Horns" are a deep, dark, Red.

Personality: Distrusting of all others except Eris, since they are life-long friends. Fairly moody, and is feircely protective of Eris, even though he knows she could handle herself well enough without him. He is also very skilled at Telepathy with Humans. He evolved into kirlia at the same time as Jake evolved into Infernape. He's a little more trusting as a Kirlia, and his Teleportation powers are keeen enough now to teleport othes with him, and he has a longer range than before. His Telepathy abilities have also improved.

Ability: Telepathy.

Specialty: Special Attacks.

Known Moves: Teleport, Psychic, Shadow Sneak(Egg Move), and Will-o-wisp(Egg Move)


Status:On hand.


Username: Element Lord of Milk.

Name: Ema Black.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Twinleaf Town.

Age: 14.

Appearance: Grayish Blue eyes, short Brown hair, and is pretty tall. She wears a white T-shirt, plain brown shoes, Black pants, a Brown Bomber kacket, and she has a yellow backpack.

Personality: Fairly cynical, she's very practical, and she prefers to get things done quickly, most times she comes off as being Harsh and grumpy, but her Pokemon know that she isn't truly like that.

Background: She had a good life for the first ten years of her life, during wich she recieved a Turtwig from her parents, but a few days after her tenth birthday, her Mother died mysteriously, and her father became a total wreck. She ran away for a couple of years, but when she came back, she found that her Father had dissapeared. Saddened, she rented a dingy and sailed for the Sevii islands, hoping that some time away would clear her head, she stumbled upon Four Island, and then joined Team Liberty.





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Species: Growlithe.

Nickname: Dax.

Trainer: Ema Black.

Appearance: The Tan-ish fur he has is White instead of the regular Tan colour.

Personality: A very prideful Growlithe, but he is also playful and mischeivous. He enjoys play-fighting, and he is very affectionate towards Ema. He first met Ema after she ran away from home.

Ability: Intimidate.

Specialty: Fairly equal.

Known Moves: Bite, Ember, Heat Wave(Egg Move, can only use once per battle), and Flame Wheel.


Status:On hand.


Species: Turtwig.

Nickname: Leafy.

Trainer: Ema Black.

Appearance: She has another leaf on the twig on her head, it's pointing up.

Personality: A little shy, but friendly, she was Ema's first Pokemon, and she keeps by her constantly.

Ability: Shell Armor.

Specialty: Her physical attacks are slightly better than her special.

Known Moves: Tackle, Absorb, Razor Leaf, and Bite.


Status:On hand.


Species: Abra.

Nickname: Abe.

Trainer: Ema Black.

Appearance: Abe's tail doesn't have a brown ring on it.

Personality: A surprisingly agressive Abra, Abe is fairly friendly to others, but if he's aggravated he shuts everyone out and does his own thing. He was ccaught by Ema on the way to Vermiion City from Lavender Town.

Ability: Inner Focus.

Specialty: Pretty even, his Attack is slightly higher than his Special attack, though.

Known Moves: Teleport, Ice Punch(Egg Move), Fire Punch(Egg Move), and ThunderPunch(Egg move)


Status:On hand.




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Posting this here because I didn't when I first started playing as her:


Username: Parugi.

Name: Sonja Baron.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Karakusa Town, Isshu.

Age: 17.

Appearance: Sonja stands at 5'8". She has slightly tanned skin, standard for those from Isshu, long brown hair, blue eyes and a beautiful face. She usually wears regular, blue jeans, a white hoodie and a black shirt underneath that, as well as white sneakers. She uses a white bag to carry her supplies in.

Personality: At first glance, it might seem odd that someone like Sonja is a member of Team Liberty, or taking part in the war at all, for that matter. Kind, intelligent and friendly, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would want to battle against anyone. However, she has a strong sense of justice and freedom, making her perfect for the team. Due to her relative unwillingness to fight, she does not get assigned to a large number of mission; however, she is more than willing to travel with other Team Liberty agents to Isshu so as to show them around, as well as provide pointers to keep them out of trouble with the Isshu government -- something that, unfortunately, she has had to do far more recently than she used to. Overall, Sonja's a very happy and kind individual, and is more intelligent than she appears.

Background: Sonja was born in Isshu, and lived there until the age of fifteen. While there, news about the war in the other regions was scarce, as was any general information about the world in which the war was taking place. She spent most of her time exploring with her partner Pokémon Loki and Gaia; in doing so, she managed to learn whatever she could about the war from those individuals who had not been hushed. Eventually, she stowed away on a boat headed for Kanto, and joined Team Liberty as an Isshu guide, following several missions that did not go quite as well as Goldhawk and the others had hoped, mostly due to Sonja's age and gentle nature. She was assigned to the current Soil Colossus mission following Silvermind's second kidnapping, acting as a guide to the Isshu region, a job she was mroe than happy to accept; she was also given an extra Pokémon for protection, in the form of Ares.

Pokémon: Druddigon (Ares,) Timburr (Loki,) Petilil (Gaia,) Chinchou (Poseidon.)



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Species: Druddigon.

Nickname: Ares.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Virtually the same as a standard Druddigon.

Personality: Ares is very rash, recklessly charging into battle and always eager to fight; Sonja is slightly unnerved by this, though she respects Goldhawk's decision to lend the Pokémon to her, and believes that he may have done such to help tame the Dragon Pokémon. Ares has a tendency to pay little attention to Sonja, due to having spent such little time on her team, though would still probably do whatever he could to save her if she were in trouble.

Ability: Mold Breaker.

Specialty: Ares is a strong physical attacker; he is also quite fast, giving him an extra edge in battle.

Known Moves: Claw Sharpen, Leer, Bite, Dragon Claw, Fire Fang (Egg Move.)




Species: Timburr.

Nickname: Loki.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Same as a regular Timburr.

Personality: True to his nickname, Loki is quite impish, always ready to pull a prank at a moment's notice. He is also a bit of a show-off, striking dynamic poses for no particular reason and always attempting to add an extra flair to his attacks in battle. Usually, he has reason to do this, as he actually is quite skilled in battle, though some tend to get rather annoyed with this -- personally, Sonja finds it funny, though she doesn't usually show it. Loki is not very keen on the idea of evolving, considering himself too good looking for his evolutions, though he acknowledges the pros that would come out of evolution.

Ability: Guts.

Specialty: Loki is most skilled when it comes to physical attacks; however, his relative lack of speed takes a toll on his abilities in battle. Nevertheless, he is a tough opponent, and has a tendency to take his opponent out with him.

Known Moves: Rock Throw, Bulk Up, Low Kick, Wake-Up Slap, Focus Energy.




Species: Petilil.

Nickname: Gaia.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Gaia looks like a regular Petilil.

Personality: Gaia is one of the most gentle Pokémon you will ever meet: She does not like to battle, and she does not get angered easily. She can usually be found outside of her Pokéball, carried by Sonja. Gaia is incredibly friendly towards everyone she comes across, even her trainer's enemies, though this has caused some trouble in the past due to suspicious folks...

Ability: Chlorophyll.

Specialty: Gaia is mainly a support Pokémon in battle, inflicting status problems on her opponents so that others can take them out. If the need arises, she will fight, though she prefers not to.

Known Moves: Synthesis, Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Growth, Magical Leaf, Sleep Powder.




Species: Chinchou.

Nickname: Poseidon.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Poseidon looks like a regular Chinchou in appearance.

Personality: Poseidon is very quiet, never really speaking unless spoken to and never causing a scene for no reason. He isn't as fond of Sonja as she would like, but she understands why that is so, considering the seemingly random timing of Poseidon's capture. Luckily, he seems to be warming up to his new trainer rather quickly. Poseidon also seems to have a liking for shiny things.

Ability: Volt Absorb.

Specialty: Poseidon is best when it comes to nonphysical attacks, as well as Special Defense. He is not of very much use on land due to his nature as a fish, but in water he is incredibly strong, as well as surprisingly fast.

Known Moves: Signal Beam, Bubblebeam, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Supersonic.

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