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Blender Academy

Lewa Krom


BNG will be starting a Blender Academy to teach others how to 3D model/animate. Sign up now! :)


There will be approximately one hour's worth of work on learning Blender per day for about 5 weeks (not counting weekends ;)). You can spread the days across the entire summer or do all of the work in a week or less. It depends when you want to do it. We should have enough "professors" that one will be able to help you, except for the middle of the night. I don't think we'll able to be that flexible. :P


At the moment, there are twenty spaces available. Whether or not we fill all of those slots is unknown. Please note that there is no "admission fee" for these classes. You could, however, "pay us back" by joining the BNG to help with the films or with our MMORPG we're attempting :P. (But you don't have to do any of that. You're allowed to ditch us completely if you wish)


1. omegalucas

2. Jacob the Protector

3. Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno

4. Cherixon

5. Stinky Waffles

6. Toa Phoenix

7. The Rabid MoCist

8. Nusua

9. Tahu Krom

10. Kaitahii

11. ElevenGuy

12. LewatheChickenNugget

13. Zarayna

14. MicroSnipe

15. Tahu... In a Little Dress

16. Monasti


18. Darkrylles




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So when does this start? Has it already started?

It will start in a few days once all the professors (including myself :D) are ready.


-Phantax (Not Renddslow. Look at the sig.)

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