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Why I'm Strange



I am the strangest person I have ever met. Why?


I love the smell of chlorine. Yes. Chlorine. I also love it whenever I walk into pool stores, which is about twice a week during poll season, due to this.


I am claustrophilic, or "tight spaces loving". I like getting into small places, ones that would make a claustrophobic person cringe and scream, i.e. trunks of cars.


So, BZPower, please. I am begging you.


Please make me feel like having eccentricities is normal.


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Well, I don't agree with you on the first thing, but the second thing I am also.


I like the smell of gasoline a lot, though. I also like how russian chocolate tastes.


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I love the smell of gas, paint, and chlorine too.


However, I hate tiny spaces. X_X


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Chlorine smells nice but all those chemicals in the pool store just smell way too strong for me.


Also small places are fun when you're not trapped and they're not creepy and stuff.


So, you planning on opening a really small pool store when you grow up, Sumi? =P

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I also enjoy the smell of Chlorine, that's not eccentric at all.


As for small spaces? Meh, that's just your own quirk. I'm happiest out on a pier in the middle of a storm with massive waves smacking me in the face. That's my quirk.



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I like to drum my hands and/or pencils on everything around. Everybody's weird.


If you ever meet someone without any weird traits, be suspicious! XD

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I like to drum my hands and/or pencils on everything around. Everybody's weird.


If you ever meet someone without any weird traits, be suspicious! XD


I do that, but with a four-beat rhythm.


Picked up on that habit from the Master.

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I like to drum my hands and/or pencils on everything around. Everybody's weird.


If you ever meet someone without any weird traits, be suspicious! XD


I do that, but with a four-beat rhythm.


Picked up on that habit from the Master.

I do it with all kinds of rhythms. I change rhythms and then change back. I am the Master. :P

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