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Misfortune Cookies



My sister and her friend made fortune cookies and asked me to make the fortunes~~~~~


Naturally they were misfortune cookies.


Some of the better ones (basically all just mutilated fortunes I found elsewhere):


Prosperity will knock on your door soon. You won't be home.


Hate is conquered by even more vigorous hate.


In order to take, one must first beat into submission.


Love is for the lucky and the brave. Sorry.


Much more grows in the garden than that which is planted there. Like weeds and stuff.


Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded. Don't expect much.


Bad luck


You find beauty in ordinary things. See a psychologist.


Something you lost will soon turn up, but it will be infected with an incurable disease.


A thrilling time is in your immediate future, ending in death.


As the purse is emptied the heart is filled with sorrows and financial worries.


Someone is speaking well of you. Several people are speaking ill of you.


You will take a chance in something in the near future which will result in disaster.


If you continually give you will continually have nothing.

There are a lot more...



Also, bacon in sushi... GLORIOUS. I had to cook the fish though because seriously it might taste good but my mind can't handle it.


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