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Bzp Wri Mo



The Unofficial BZPower Writing Month


Recently, Velox and I have been brainstorming ideas for a BZPWriMo, based off of the National Novel Writing Month (or, shortened, NaNoWriMo). For those unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, the purpose is to write a 50,000 word novel (roughly 175 pages), during November. It's for anyone who's ever wanted to write a novel, but too scared away by the time and effort involved.


However, BZPWriMo will be a bit different, and will be set to start on the first of July. The goal is to write 20,000 words by the end of the month. At the end of the month, anyone who finishes their entry, with over 20,000 words, will be judged. Before this however, they will be allowed to edit their work. When the judges have selected the finalists, I will set up a poll, where everyone can vote for the best entry.


One other thing, there will be prizes. Other than the prize of creating a whole new epic/anthology/other type of story.


In the meantime though, we'd like your input, and we'd like anyone interested to give their feedback on a few things:

  • Are you interested in participating?
  • Are you interested in judging?
  • Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?
  • Is 20,000 words a good aim?
That's all for now. The official entry will be posted at a later date.



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Ah, a note, judges can still enter. They just won't judge themselves, that's all.


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YES. :3


* Are you interested in participating?

* Are you interested in judging?

* Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

* Is 20,000 words a good aim?


1) Duh.

2) Maybe.

3) Well, since it IS BZP, I'd say Bionicle only. We can do original in NOWRIMO.

4) I'd say push it to 30, but maybe it depends on age groups and stuff.

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4) I'd say push it to 30, but maybe it depends on age groups and stuff.

We could have different categories. Like 10-20k, 20-30k, 30-40k, 40-50k, 50k^.


That'd only work if we get a lot of entries, though.



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Well, the goal is to write 20,000 words or more, so I don't think we really need different categories. Someone could make it their personal goal to write 40,000 words, for example, just like some people end up writing double the amount of words for NaNoWriMo. They'd all have completed the task. :shrugs:


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1: Maybe

2: Again, maybe. My summer is either going to be very busy or very lax, depending on if I get this one job.

3: Bionicle only

4: 20,000 is good. I always thought 50,000 was a bit excessive.


Also note, Lewa Krom has his epic contest idea starting in July, and then there's the whole summer story olympics, so if there are too many writting contests, people may tend to one participate in one. Just FWI



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Are you interested in participating?

Are you interested in judging?

Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

Is 20,000 words a good aim?


1) Not really

2) Sure, if you guys need judges

3) I think it should be BIONICLE-only fics for now. Maybe if you do this next year you can include COT stories, depending on BZPWriMo's popularity

4) Certainly, although IMO it isn't as much of a challenge as 50,000, but whatever. It is reasonable, at least



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* Are you interested in participating?

* Are you interested in judging?

* Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

* Is 20,000 words a good aim?


1. Maybe, I've got Lewa Krom's epics competition around that time as well. If I have time I might.

2. Nope.

3. Just BIONICLE stories for now.

4. Yep, not as dawnting as 50,000 words. How many pages is 20,000 roughly?

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Interesting idea, but no, I will not be participating.*

I don't feel like judging either.

It does not matter to me if it is Bionicle only, or general stories for COT, but making them Bionicle is not a bad idea.

20,000 words is a good start for beginners, sure, but maybe 30,000 to make it a challenge.



*I am already participating in a JulyNoWriMo

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Another topic for consideration . . . What about group epics? Would they be allowed? [if so I think that the word-count would have to be at least 40, 000 (double)].


Just feel free to give your opinion.



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I probably won't have time to participate, but I'd like to judge if you need me. Bionicle only. 20,000 words sounds good.

Group epics are alright with me, but I agree they should be at least twice as long.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I'm in camp starting mid-July. If we ever did another version of this, I'd be interested in participating for sure, and I'd also be a worthy judge, I think. I'm responsible enough, able to commit myself to it time- and energy-wise (when I'm not in camp, of course), and know how to review from experience. Can't see why COT stories shouldn't be included; but they should;d be placed in a separate subcategory of BZPWriMo, for the sake of participants who're looking for reading a specific one of the two. Judges, however, should be required to review both COT and Bionicle epics alike, with no boundary rules.


As for word measurement, I'm clueless. :P

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I'll judge for as long as I'm here, and I'm available any other time during the year for it. :P


For sake of comparison, how long's 20K words?

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Well, judging would take place in August/September.


20,000 words is roughly 70 pages, assuming that 50,000 is 175. I think that statistic is off though, I normally have about 500 words a page, putting it only at 40. :shrugs:


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it. The normal-sized Bionicle books are each 20,000 words-ish.


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Wow, that's a lot of pages. :P I can probably judge, yeah--but I have a suggestion. What if we give this thing an epic sort of feel by writing in intervals of, say, 5,000 words? That way chapters can be judged before following chaps are published, and advice for the future can be given as well. Otherwise it doesn't really give the author a chance to really improve.

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Wow, that's a lot of pages. :P I can probably judge, yeah--but I have a suggestion. What if we give this thing an epic sort of feel by writing in intervals of, say, 5,000 words? That way chapters can be judged before following chaps are published, and advice for the future can be given as well. Otherwise it doesn't really give the author a chance to really improve.


I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, or how it helps people more to do it that way [so if I misunderstood you, apologies] . . . The goal here is to write a novel in one month, with at least a certain amount of words [right now, it's 20k].


It's the same as the NaNoWriMo except in that case it's 50k instead of 20.


I mean if some people to write an in-depth review for each entry after they're edited [since they'll have another month to edit it], that's fine with me, but I'm not sure who'd wanna do that as that'd take forever.



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Are you interested in participating?

Are you interested in judging?

Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

Is 20,000 words a good aim?


1. Yes

2. No

3. Bionicle Only

4. Yes.

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