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Know What I'd Like To See?



So we've all heard of people running across North America several times. It's been done -- old news.


What I'd like to see is someone run from Alert, Nunavut to Cape Horn, Chile. Now THAT would be an impressive feat.


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If there's anyone who could probably pull it off, it'd probably be Dean Karnazes, or some other ultra-runner he's friends with.


I'd try, but I need to get through the college/college track gig first.



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They'd also have to swim the panama cannal. Plus, they'd be going through some rough jungly territory I expect, not to mention high mountains. And poler bears up north. :P



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Alert is on an island. That WOULD be a feat!


When will somebody run from the North to the South pole... NAKED!?


Now THAT would be a feat!


EDIT: @Phyoohrii: In what way would a man running make a good movie adaption? :P

We could call it "Alert to Horn", and the main character would be Russel Horn, who is being alerted by the UN when he reaches a milestone! And when they call him up, they start by saying "Alert to Horn"!

See, coz it's the place names and what they say?

It's a play on words! :P

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