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It Only Took Four Years...

Lady Kopaka


I now have a PS3! I thought I'd never get one! It's one of those awkward old ones that doesn't do backwards capability (agggh), but I bought it from a friend for a epic price. I'm just so thankful I was able to get one. Haven't had any problems with it yet.


If any of you have one, my account on psn is Lady-Kaguya. I only own Mirror's Edge and Uncharted now, though. It honestly should have been the last thing for me to buy when I'm so busy with work and future plans, but meh, I needed to spoil myself. It's been a rough few years.


Sorry about the commission stuff again...I swear, every time I promise to get that started I get sick. You guys are going to have to bear with me, my state is too unpredictable to make any promises. And it's driving me crazy because I worry about work and college...


Anyhow, don't worry, isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm training myself to just worry about today, and not tomorrow. The tactic is surprisingly very helpful and stress-relieving.


Haven't been on BZP much besides lurking...what's going on in the forums? How are all you guys doing? Anything my Dory-like self forgot to mention or anything?


EDIT: put my content blocks all on one side again because of the larger banners effecting the comments.


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There's a new comedy wiki starting up in the comedies forum. we're trying to find all the authors and comedies to get them into one big database.


other than that, I really don't know what's going on in BZP.

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You should set your comments on you're blog to Approve before showing. Spammers and junk.

Weird, I swore I did...let me go fix that, haha.

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I desperately want a GameCube so I can play Twilight Princess. The only console I own is an original Nintendo 64, the only game I own is the original Ocarina of Time, all bought brand new twelve years ago, and I still haven't finished it.


How's that for video gaming sadness? T___T

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If any of you have one, my account on psn is Lady-Kaguya. I only own Mirror's Edge and Uncharted now, though. It honestly should have been the last thing for me to buy when I'm so busy with work and future plans, but meh, I needed to spoil myself. It's been a rough few years.


You mentioned Uncharted, which one do you have the first or second one? I have the second one (first game I got for my PS3, and great game), the former got modest reviews the latter was nominated game of the year (though it lost to batman arkham asylum another great game btw) and was met with critical praise, so good one review said one of its cons being "it has an end."


Sorry for the long description, I get carried away explaining things, but

I'm just curious.

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I have the first Uncharted, and I'm really enjoying it. Going to get the second sometime later. I usually don't go by what the critics/reviewers say other than just to get a general idea--for example, a lot of them didn't like Mirror's Edge but it's currently one of my favourites at the moment.

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The first Uncharted was awesome, but I loved the second one more...I think though that you need to play the first one to completely appreciate the second one and it's characters at the fullest. I didn't get it because it had high ratings though...I got it 'cause I loved the first one.

Also...I believe that it was only the original PS3s that did backwards compatibility with PS2 games. My older brother got them when they just came out and it had backwards compatibility, but we got ours later and it doesn't. Sony took away the backwards compatibility because people were buying PS3s and only using it for the Blu-Ray and just playing their old PS2 games on it. (which made them lose money)


Anyway, awesome that you got a PS3! :D

I personally like the 360 better, but I do enjoy Little Big Planet and Uncharted quite a bit for the PS3....I think the PS3 needs more multiplayer PS3 exlcusive games though.....


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Personally I thought they'd make more money--but I think I understand that, but only back then because the PS3 was so expensive. If they did it now, I think they'd make money (I'd sure buy a few more PS2 games while buying ps3).


I agree on the multilayer, but it doesn't bother me much since I prefer to play on my own, and most of the games I wanted were on that station. 360's are cool though.

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