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Super Smash Bionicle, Administrative Section



Hey everyone! I guess this won't really mater to most of my readers, since they aren't involved with the Super Smash Bionicle thing. But, since our topic just got closed (:() I figured we could resume here. So, I'll be posting stuff here and you guys comment, just like we left off. Maybe a bit of summary perhaps though with it.


2Ties Current First Post:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
*quietly raises hand*

I've started a similar project, only it just had mewtwo...

i could continue with this...



Appears everyone wants me to post updates here.


I am making said game.

It is being made in Unity3D.


Current team:

2Tie (Me)


E-123 Omega

Inferno 630

Toa Derik



And for the lists and updates:


Characters - Final Smashes:

Tahu - Nova Blast (Like the Zero Laser)

Kopaka - Blizzard (Like Negative Zone)

Onua - Mud Bomb (As seen in the comics)

Lewa - Air Axe (Like the Great Aether)

Gali - Aqua Beam (Aura Storm)

Pohatu - Koli Kick (Like Falcon Drive-By!!!)

Takanuva - Light Pulse (Light Arrow)

Teridax - Shadow Hand (Like Triforce Smash)

Rahi Trainer (Kualus) - Rahi-Nui (Similar to the Landmastah!!!)

Vezon - Kardas Dragon (Like Giga Bowser)

Roodaka - Visorak Horde (Like Dedede's FS)

Ehlek - Lighting Storm (PK Starstorm)



Golden Armor (like the Dragoon)

Disk Launcher (Blaster)

Lightstone Rifle (Super Scope)

Kakama (Bunny Hood)

Hau (Starman)

Pehkui (Lightning)

UDD Sphere (Smash Ball)

Nui Stone (Like the nova bomb)

Kodan Ball (like the soccer ball)

Artahka's warhammer (hammer :^P)

Electro-chute Blade (Beam Sword)

Over-Ripe Thornax (Bob-Omb)

Matoran Spheres (Crates and Barrels)

Cordak Blaster (Cracker Launcher)


Stages: (for now, these are all)





Chamber of Life

Mahri Nui

Core War


Assist Trophies: (Appear from Toa Canisters)

#-Bohrok (like the Excitebikers)

#-Turaga Vakama (Like Torchick?)

-Pewku (Like Starfy?)

#-Vahki (I think a single one should suffice - like Little Mac) I LOVES DAH MINI-MAC!!!

-Nivawk (Like Ho-Oh?)

-Nidhiki and/or Krekka (just plain nasty, like Waluigi)

#-Tuyet (chooses an opponent at random and basically obliterates them)

-Norik (Saves you from one SD)

-Keetongu (Like Gray Fox?)

-Sidorak (?)

#-Karzahni (Like NintenDog)

#-Takadox (puts opponents to sleep) DEKU NUT!!!

#-Lesovikk (Like Ray MK III?) I loves lesovikk

#-Tobduk (randomly chooses an opponent and incinerates them)

-Mazeka (?)

-Ackar (?)

-Fero (?)

#-Berix (Munchlax)

#-Nektann (Waluigi)

#-Vultraz (Lati@s)

#-Krahka (Illusion!)

#-Mazeka (Andross)


Unlock list:


Original set:

Takanuva - play at Kini-Nui 10 times

Makuta - beat all Bosses or, alternatively, play at Mangaia 40 times

Vezon - commit suicide 20 times; also unlocks Chamber of Life stage

Roodaka - play 30 Brawls; also unlocks The Mountain stage

Ehlek - play 20 Brawls; also unlocks Mahri Nui stage


Extra (add-on?) set:

Mata Nui - beat Story Mode

Gresh - play at Atero 10 times

Tuma - destroy Atero in a Brawl

Matoro - collect all the Makoki Stones in all Makoki Levels

Vakama - play at The Coliseum 20 times



List of Staff *in process of updating*

-Shadix, blog Admin and leader of Concept art

-2Tie, initiator of project, leader of Programming and stuff in general

-Angle Bob, formerly Gornt, Vise-Pres to 2Tie

-Omega, just helps all around

-Leskows, also a Programmer

-Inferno630, because he nagged :P


Assistants *in process of updating*


Sonic the Hedgehog




Toa Derik

Kopaka Thorn, I think

Let me know if you are helping and aren't on the list.



Well, I can't stay and chat, so here you go. If you need something added to the main post, either PM me or put something in the post directly to me.


See a problem? PM me. DO NOT POST ABOUT IT. PM me with all your problems and questions! PM ME!


This is the Administrative section. That means that if you have a question in general to ask, or just some input, post it here. Other posts shall be moved to correct threads.


Also, pause and read SPIRIT's topic closure. He must be a gamer :P


Okay, guys, this has gotten way out of hand. I let it live in hopes that it would be a discussion about what you would like to see in a video game and it's just turned into a massive planning/spam topic. If you guys want to make this game, then follow the procedures of planning a game in Fan Created Games and repost this topic here. Otherwise...


*SPIRIT uses A, B, Left, Right, X, Y, Down and blasts the topic off a cliff.*


Topic closed.








Please update links to this post page. Not my blog, this post.


Beta-Testers Section

Programmers Section

Concept Artists Section




Recommended Comments

That current staff thing is inaccurate. maybe we should have it be like the BNG topic. A model samples section, a programming section, etc... And ofcourse a staff list. What do ya say?

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@Omega: I did, and so did a couple other people.


@Leskows: Sounds good. I can start multiple blog threads for each of these. Let's make this one home-base, or administrative, shall we?



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Shadix, I really think a topic would be more in order... or we could use benlinus's forums-that-he-never-seemed-to-finish. XD


But seriously, yeah. Make a topic, please.

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Shadix, I really think a topic would be more in order... or we could use benlinus's forums-that-he-never-seemed-to-finish. XD


But seriously, yeah. Make a topic, please.

Yeah, we would, but it would have to be in fan-created games and we don't have any screenshots/demos.


@Shadix: I am an administrator/staff member, I am third-in-command after all... :lol:

Not just any random assistant. :lol:

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@Angle Bob: We could, be we really haven't done much at all aside from concept art. Once we got something going perhaps, then a topic.


@Inferno: Ok, I'll change it when I get back.


Off for the rest of the day, cya.



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*cough* It's Angel. Angel Bob. :P


There's always benlinus's forums. Or alternatively, we could all work in overdrive until we have sufficient evidence to make a topic in Fan-Created Games. XD

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Well we need 2tie for that, and she seems to of convinently disappeared again.


Wait, has someone already sent her a message that the topic was closed? Because she might be kinda confused upon returning.

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Anyway, I believe the story starts with something with the Vahi and the Olmak, right? Instead of that, how about when Vakama has the real Vahi, an Evil Brutaka from another dimension comes and steals the Vahi, and tries to warp back his "master", but is ambushed by Alternate Vezon, who tries to fuse Brutaka to the ground and take the Vahi, but when Brutaka hits Vezon, the blast from the Spear of Fusion is accidentaly directed at Brutaka's mask. He tries to dodge, but he accidentally throws the Vahi in the air. (Lots of accidents in here, huh?) The blast from the Spear of Fusion connects right when the Vahi is in front of Brutaka's Olmak. Brutaka, with his new Vahi-Olmak, tries to hide in another dimension, but a vortex comes and sucks up warriors for past and present, and other dimensions, too. How's that for a plot?

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Anyway, I believe the story starts with something with the Vahi and the Olmak, right? Instead of that, how about when Vakama has the real Vahi, an Evil Brutaka from another dimension comes and steals the Vahi, and tries to warp back his "master", but is ambushed by Alternate Vezon, who tries to fuse Brutaka to the ground and take the Vahi, but when Brutaka hits Vezon, the blast from the Spear of Fusion is accidentaly directed at Brutaka's mask. He tries to dodge, but he accidentally throws the Vahi in the air. (Lots of accidents in here, huh?) The blast from the Spear of Fusion connects right when the Vahi is in front of Brutaka's Olmak. Brutaka, with his new Vahi-Olmak, tries to hide in another dimension, but a vortex comes and sucks up warriors for past and present, and other dimensions, too. How's that for a plot?


We've already got the story written, sorry.

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Since Shadix has no Story Section, I'll post this here. Since Talos hasn't been around for a while, I took the liberty of continuing the Pohatu-Onua subplot, entering the Desert of Sorrows (no, not the Voya Nui one).


Chapter 9: Desert of Sorrows


Cutscene: Atero


Onua squinted his eyes against the sun.


“I don't know how your Po-Matoran stand it,” he grunted. “It's so hot out here in the light!”


“Maybe that's because we're in a desert,” Pohatu chuckled. “Still, it's not Po-Wahi... that's for sure.”


“Hmm. Certainly not Po-Wahi,” Onua nodded, “for Po-Wahi was never strewn with ruins.”


“What?” Pohatu asked, following Onua's gaze. Indeed, at the Toa of Earth's feet rested a cracked stone structure, with writing engraved in it.


“That's no language that I know of, but I seem to be able to read it,” Onua continued. “It says, 'A'...'T'... 'E', 'R', 'O'. What's 'ATERO'?”


“Dunno,” Pohatu shrugged. “Let's look around... see if there are any clues.”


They searched for a few minutes, burning in the red-hot sun. Suddenly, Onua gave a cry of shock.


“What is it, brother?” Pohatu asked, running to Onua's side. The Toa of Earth was staring down at something thin and bleached-white. With a surge of nausea, Pohatu recognized it as a skeleton.


“What kind of a skeleton is this?” he asked. “The proportions are all wrong... it's not a Matoran, it's definitely shaped more like a Toa. Well, Lewa or Tahu, that is. But it's the wrong size... and it's got nostrils, like some sort of Rahi...”


“It's an alien,” Onua grunted. “That's the only solution. We're on another world, and we're in the middle of a dead desert.”


Pohatu looked around. Indeed, the air was stale, the sand too scratchy, and the sun too ferocious. The rocks were sinister... ruins were scattered everywhere, the ruins of a city... and so were the alien skeletons.


“What happened here?” Pohatu asked.


“How should I know?” Onua frowned. “But if I catch up with the alien monster that did this...”


“Good for you,” a gruff voice said from behind them, “you just did.”


Cutscene: Lord of the Skrall


Both Toa whirled, to see a tall, black-armored being, wielding a broadsword and shield. Some crude launcher was strapped to his belt, and there were flashes of green in his scratched, rusted armor.


“Makuta?!” Pohatu bellowed. “What are you doing here?”


The being laughed – a horrible, rasping sound. “I am not the Lord of Shadows, Toa fools. I am only his servant... but one to be feared. For I am the mighty Tuma, , last of the Skrall Lords, and leader of the Rock Tribe!”


“Well, I am Pohatu, Kolhii Champion of Po-Koro, Toa guardian of Mata Nui, and wielder of Stone!” the brown Toa bellowed.


“And I am Onua, Wisest of the Toa, wielder of Earth,” the black Toa said. “You would be wise not to challenge us. We have bested your master, and we shall again!”


“The Makuta has not met you,” Tuma frowned. “He knows of you, for sure – your are two of the Toa Mata, a fabled Toa Team sworn to protect his weakling brother, Mata Nui. But he has never fought you. You have not woken, for you are not needed.”


Onua was confused – a happening unheard of until now. “How do you know of the Makuta, anyway?” he asked. “And why are we unneeded? Even now, Mata Nui lies in slumber, struck down by the Makuta himself. It is our sworn destiny to awaken him, the Great Spirit, and you stand in our way. Prepare to be cast aside.”


“Good luck with that,” Tuma sneered, tensing for battle.


*insert standard brawl: Pohatu and Onua versus Tuma in a two-stock battle.*


Cutscene: Tuma's Escape


The Skrall Lord staggered back, wounded from Onua's savage attack. Pohatu charged forth to strike at him, but the ebon-armored titan simply sneered and raised a curious device in his hand. With the press of a button, he had disappeared from the scene, leaving Pohatu to smash headlong into a boulder.


“Oof,” the Toa of Stone grunted, collapsing into the sand. “Now where's he gotten to? Is this some trick of Makuta's?”


“I think not,” Onua frowned, “more like alien technology. But let us continue onwards; it is vital to right the wrongs here and return to the island of Mata Nui.”


*insert level: The Desert. New enemies: Vorox, Zesk, Sand Bat (miniboss). Oh, and how's this for music?*


*no ending cutscene*


*STAGE CLEAR reward: none*

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...Glad I got that out of my system. But seriously, do it or die. >:(

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Now YOU'RE calling me 'Angle' Bob...




And you don't need to click the download button, there's a little track right there. You know, with a "Play" and "Stop" button and all? Right beneath where it says, "Save to download list" in small text? You have to wait a little while for the track to load, but it works eventually. ;)


EDIT: Shadix, please add Inferno630 to the list of staff. I wouldn't mind that you went to the trouble of setting all this up, except that you didn't go through the topic at all and just put down what you remembered from the posts around yours. It doesn't help that you barely ever posted. :annoyed2:

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Here's an assist trophy:


Toa (25% of the time): Air Slash; an Issac from Golden Sun (assist trophy) style move.

Dark Hunter (75% of the time): Pound; a Waluigi (assist trophy) type of move.


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I dunno if this responds to Angel Bob's (you're welcome... :P ) post, but I can't find a link to post this in (cuz' BZP won't allow ******* on the site <_< [yes, I put the censor thingies]). Anyway, for boss music, how about Vim and Vigor from the Kingdom Hearts Series? It sounds really fitting for a boss battle.

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Could you search for a free mp3 download of it somewhere on the web, and link to that? I'm too lazy to do it myself. :P

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