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Super Smash Bionicle, Administrative Section



Hey everyone! I guess this won't really mater to most of my readers, since they aren't involved with the Super Smash Bionicle thing. But, since our topic just got closed (:() I figured we could resume here. So, I'll be posting stuff here and you guys comment, just like we left off. Maybe a bit of summary perhaps though with it.


2Ties Current First Post:

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*quietly raises hand*

I've started a similar project, only it just had mewtwo...

i could continue with this...



Appears everyone wants me to post updates here.


I am making said game.

It is being made in Unity3D.


Current team:

2Tie (Me)


E-123 Omega

Inferno 630

Toa Derik



And for the lists and updates:


Characters - Final Smashes:

Tahu - Nova Blast (Like the Zero Laser)

Kopaka - Blizzard (Like Negative Zone)

Onua - Mud Bomb (As seen in the comics)

Lewa - Air Axe (Like the Great Aether)

Gali - Aqua Beam (Aura Storm)

Pohatu - Koli Kick (Like Falcon Drive-By!!!)

Takanuva - Light Pulse (Light Arrow)

Teridax - Shadow Hand (Like Triforce Smash)

Rahi Trainer (Kualus) - Rahi-Nui (Similar to the Landmastah!!!)

Vezon - Kardas Dragon (Like Giga Bowser)

Roodaka - Visorak Horde (Like Dedede's FS)

Ehlek - Lighting Storm (PK Starstorm)



Golden Armor (like the Dragoon)

Disk Launcher (Blaster)

Lightstone Rifle (Super Scope)

Kakama (Bunny Hood)

Hau (Starman)

Pehkui (Lightning)

UDD Sphere (Smash Ball)

Nui Stone (Like the nova bomb)

Kodan Ball (like the soccer ball)

Artahka's warhammer (hammer :^P)

Electro-chute Blade (Beam Sword)

Over-Ripe Thornax (Bob-Omb)

Matoran Spheres (Crates and Barrels)

Cordak Blaster (Cracker Launcher)


Stages: (for now, these are all)





Chamber of Life

Mahri Nui

Core War


Assist Trophies: (Appear from Toa Canisters)

#-Bohrok (like the Excitebikers)

#-Turaga Vakama (Like Torchick?)

-Pewku (Like Starfy?)

#-Vahki (I think a single one should suffice - like Little Mac) I LOVES DAH MINI-MAC!!!

-Nivawk (Like Ho-Oh?)

-Nidhiki and/or Krekka (just plain nasty, like Waluigi)

#-Tuyet (chooses an opponent at random and basically obliterates them)

-Norik (Saves you from one SD)

-Keetongu (Like Gray Fox?)

-Sidorak (?)

#-Karzahni (Like NintenDog)

#-Takadox (puts opponents to sleep) DEKU NUT!!!

#-Lesovikk (Like Ray MK III?) I loves lesovikk

#-Tobduk (randomly chooses an opponent and incinerates them)

-Mazeka (?)

-Ackar (?)

-Fero (?)

#-Berix (Munchlax)

#-Nektann (Waluigi)

#-Vultraz (Lati@s)

#-Krahka (Illusion!)

#-Mazeka (Andross)


Unlock list:


Original set:

Takanuva - play at Kini-Nui 10 times

Makuta - beat all Bosses or, alternatively, play at Mangaia 40 times

Vezon - commit suicide 20 times; also unlocks Chamber of Life stage

Roodaka - play 30 Brawls; also unlocks The Mountain stage

Ehlek - play 20 Brawls; also unlocks Mahri Nui stage


Extra (add-on?) set:

Mata Nui - beat Story Mode

Gresh - play at Atero 10 times

Tuma - destroy Atero in a Brawl

Matoro - collect all the Makoki Stones in all Makoki Levels

Vakama - play at The Coliseum 20 times



List of Staff *in process of updating*

-Shadix, blog Admin and leader of Concept art

-2Tie, initiator of project, leader of Programming and stuff in general

-Angle Bob, formerly Gornt, Vise-Pres to 2Tie

-Omega, just helps all around

-Leskows, also a Programmer

-Inferno630, because he nagged :P


Assistants *in process of updating*


Sonic the Hedgehog




Toa Derik

Kopaka Thorn, I think

Let me know if you are helping and aren't on the list.



Well, I can't stay and chat, so here you go. If you need something added to the main post, either PM me or put something in the post directly to me.


See a problem? PM me. DO NOT POST ABOUT IT. PM me with all your problems and questions! PM ME!


This is the Administrative section. That means that if you have a question in general to ask, or just some input, post it here. Other posts shall be moved to correct threads.


Also, pause and read SPIRIT's topic closure. He must be a gamer :P


Okay, guys, this has gotten way out of hand. I let it live in hopes that it would be a discussion about what you would like to see in a video game and it's just turned into a massive planning/spam topic. If you guys want to make this game, then follow the procedures of planning a game in Fan Created Games and repost this topic here. Otherwise...


*SPIRIT uses A, B, Left, Right, X, Y, Down and blasts the topic off a cliff.*


Topic closed.








Please update links to this post page. Not my blog, this post.


Beta-Testers Section

Programmers Section

Concept Artists Section




Recommended Comments

I would argue that I deserve it, being second-in-command and all, but I don't feel like lording my position over everyone. I just got finished with cross-country and then homework; I don't need a thorough verbal flogging like Omega sometimes gives me.


(That was a joke.)


But yeah, I would say that's fair. Anyone who wants two characters can have 'em. Really, it's not our concern; it's just more work for Leskows and 2Tie. XD

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Lol, but I don't really need two characters, as I have Krika, who I have written, designed, added to the game, assigned moveset for, and hopefully voice acted for.

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Why would you want the quote "That was a joke"? Needing to tell everyone something is a joke just proves that it isn't funny.


I would say I agree with you Omega, except for the fact that I haven't decided whether I want a second developer character. You know cause of Smiley. Then again, I believe we agreed that Smiley would be available in the original game (not DLC). Cause if he isn't I will know who to blame. :burnmad:


Lol, but I don't really need two characters, as I have Krika, who I have written, designed, added to the game, assigned moveset for, and hopefully voice acted for.

Emphasis on hopefully. :lol:


Although, are we going to start trying to gather voices soon? With 2Tie gone we really don't have much orginization. We have a lot of things we need to work on. Like, where is my Lego City concept art! :burnmad:


Also, someone should find out what happened to Leskows and Celu Krom (formerly benlinus).

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...as in I quote "That was a joke..." from Metus in TLR, as voiced by David Leisure in all of his mighty glory. And sometimes explaining a joke or that it was a joke is what makes a joke funny. Unless explaining the joke to comedic effect is used too oftenly, as it then becomes an overused saying (like with Ntom64 of TVtropes. HA. Take THAT for obscure references.)
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Gah. you guys are hurting my brain.


Omega didn't you have some idea that had to do with two Vezons or something? I am currently working on bridging that gap between the cracked vahi and what ever the next part is and your idea is almost crucial to the story. As far as the characters go you were saying something about a guy named Redge and that he would be in the sequel story acquiring information on any new character that are planned to appear in part two would be excellent, I would suggest PMing me instead of posting here just to prevent massive length here.

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Well the Vezon that you meet in the beginning is NOT the SSB Vezon, he is the Vezon from the main canon, who happened to hop into this dimension. (1 detail to note is that he is missing the Ignika from his skull. But then later in the story (Algerbra Bill says that he will be handling it) Vakama, Ehlek, and Taka meet the SSB Vezon (who comes from 2006 and HAS the Ignika) who is looking for Fenrakk, as the blast separated it from him. Vakama get's all friendly with him, but then Vezon attacks them, claiming that they stole Fenrakk, and Boss fight. Afterwards Vezon deduces that you DO NOT have Fenrakk, and joins your team. I will PM you about Redge.
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Couple things:


1. I know "It was a joke" was originally from Metus.


2. I wish I could help you Talos, but I really don't want to know the end of the story until we get there. I probably could come up with a pretty good idea though. Although, if you don't have an idea (I couldn't tell if you did or didn't) then you could involve Shadow Smiley in the creation of a new problem (seeing as Algorithm Bobby can't kill my character off and even if he did there may well be more than one of these Shadowy dopplegangers). Just an idea.

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I would say I agree with you Omega, except for the fact that I haven't decided whether I want a second developer character. You know cause of Smiley. Then again, I believe we agreed that Smiley would be available in the original game (not DLC). Cause if he isn't I will know who to blame. :burnmad:




Although, are we going to start trying to gather voices soon? With 2Tie gone we really don't have much orginization. We have a lot of things we need to work on. Like, where is my Lego City concept art! :burnmad:


Also, someone should find out what happened to Leskows and Celu Krom (formerly benlinus).


1. What are you glaring at ME for? I'm totally innocent. ^_^


2. You want organization? I'll give you organization. :evilgrin: Omega, you redo your LEGO City concept art and see if you can recruit more concept artists. Inferno, you try and contact Leskows and Celu. Use your powers of charisma and big puppy eyes to convince them to return to work, and I'll give you a lollipop.


Now get working.

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I sent a message to Leskows but I decided to leave Celu Krom alone because we don't need that forum anymore, and he is pretty busy with B:NG. Although, we may need him to comunicate with B:NG, seeing as we are still affiliated.


Any idea who to look for to work on the project?

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Programmers, modelers, and concept artists. BY THE HORDES.


Oh, by the way - there's a guy on BS01 called PhantokaX who said he might be interested in being an author. Any way we could squeeze him in?


EDIT: Shoot, I forgot - here's your lollipop. *hands lollipop to Inferno*

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Kay, can do concept art for LEGO city. I might be able to get some people for concept art, programmers, etc. via that one site. With the videos and the people.
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As looooooooooooooooooooooong time ago (back in the original topic) we agreed that Pridak would be a character in the sequel story, as we are trying to stick to one character per line (except for the Mata, of course.), and we have Ehlek.
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Another good thing to do concept art on would be the main menu. I think it should be a darker spin on Brawl's menu.


We need lists of things, for example:


1. Things that need concept art


2. Things that need to be modeled


3. Updated character list


4. Challenge ideas


5. Updated stage list


6. Updated items list


Now please start working on those list before doing anything other than story chapters or a few other things.

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1. Everything


2. Everything


3. Omega, work on that


4. Inferno, you work on that


5. Omega, you work on that


6. Inferno, you work on that


But don't stop working on story chapters :o


I think you guys can do all that and still write chapters.

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I am sorry to report that Leskows can no longer be part of SSB. He says that he can get us the models that he worked on though.


I'll work on an items list soon, but I need some more ideas, my plan is to replace every item in Brawl.



@Angel Bob: Saying "everything" doesn't cut it, we need an actual list of everything that you can think of so we can slowly check things off.

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Another good thing to do concept art on would be the main menu. I think it should be a darker spin on Brawl's menu.


We need lists of things, for example:


1. Things that need concept art


2. Things that need to be modeled


3. Updated character list


4. Challenge ideas


5. Updated stage list


6. Updated items list


Now please start working on those list before doing anything other than story chapters or a few other things.


Aren't we collaborating with the next generation guys? We might be able to borrow some of the models, some of them look really good and that would save us a lot of time. Heck we could borrow molders as well if the wanted to help.

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That is exactly why we need lists. So we can check off which ones are completely done for us and which we will have to do ourselves.


Anyway, I'm working on the items list right now.

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If I could do it myself, why would I ask someone else to do it for me? It isn't in my job description to say what does/doesn't need concept art or models. By the way, who is going to be the new head of modeling anyway? Are we hiring someone for that position? If so, who?


That wasn't even a list, Bob, it only had one thing on it.

This is a list.

() means that other ideas would be apreciated.

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Archives Mole? Seriously?


Well, we'd better fix that. But other than that, the Heart of the Visorak, and the Freeze Kanoka disk, most of your suggestions are great.


*examines list again*


I note that, for "Gooey Bomb", you have "Heart of the Visorak" listed. Not only does that not make sense, given the Heart's nature, but I thought the Gooey Bomb was going to be the Eccentric Rock. Ah! Here's the Eccentric Rock - under "Freezie". That kinda makes sense, but I preferred the Gooey Bomb plan. Oh, it doesn't help that the Freeze disk, which SHOULD be the Freezie, is listed as the Banana Peel.




Okay, easy solution:


Banana Peel - Unknown

Gooey Bomb - Eccentric Rock

Freezie - Freeze Kanoka Disk


And as an added bonus, I'll fix the Unira, Party Ball, and Pitfall:


Unira - Spine Slug

Pitfall - Kanohi Garai

Party Ball - I think this should be Matoran Sphere, and the Barrel can be a regular Barrel.


See? Happygood.

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